

*Cat's point of view*

I stare at the computer screen. " Did you make this?" I stare at a picture of a raven, holding what I can only guess a penta-gram.

"Yea. Took me two weeks but yea." Mia says, starring at her masterpiece. "Here, switch me computers."


"You don't know how to log in, I just did that for you, so switch me chairs." Mia slides her chair back, getting up. I just follow her lead, sliding over to sit in the other chair as Mia walks around me.

"Thank you." I say

"No problem. Just type your name and the date as the saved file and save it to the computer when you're done. I'm just gonna continue with that picture and listen to music, so if you need me just tap my shoulder." Mia says, signing into the computer and pulling up the same picture. I watch her reach below the desk, pulling out a pair of ear-buds. "So that's where I left you!" Mia whispers in silent excitement to have found her lost buds.

I chuckle. "You're a child."

"Yes, but..." Mia leans in, brushing her lips against mine, pulling away after a second. "But I'm your child." She backs away, a small smile on her lips as she plugs her headphones into her phone.

I sit there, stunned, feeling the heat crawl across my face. I focus on the computer screen, on the picture of the raven. "This looks amazing." I think as I stare at the picture. "Okay, I can start something for art I guess, but what should I make?" I question. I follow Mia's example and plug my head phones into my phone. "I'm gonna guess no music on the computers." I assume from Mia's actions. I look at the time as I press shuffle on my playlist.

"3:09. Okay so roughly an hour before we can leave, what can I start in that time?" I stare at the screen, but I can't think of anything I want to draw. My eyes drop back to the clock. "3:10." My mind starts to wonder away from the thoughts of art. It wasn't until my eyes dropped back down to the clock did the memory of what I promised Mia in the announcers box flood my mind.

"Oh Fuck I only have an hour to plan something for her!!" My eyes glance over to Mia's screen. I almost lose it when I see her playing Balloon Tower Defense 4.

"Wow she really is a child." I chuckle. I watch her place her little monkey soldiers in strategic places along the track.

"So this is what you're like when you're off your meds, you act like a child. That adorable." I chuckle again.

I watch her repeat this cycle of placing moneys and watching the colorful balloon come flying down the track only to be popped by a wall of black darts, but as i watch the screen I start to have the devilish idea. I snake my right hand into my pocket.

*Mia's point of view*

"Alright you colorful little fuckers, prepare to die by the hand of my monkey army!!!!" I internally yell at the screen pressing start. "MOOOWAAAAAAHHAHAHAHA!!!!! You're deaths mean nothing, now GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!!" I click and place more if my monkey minions in the same order I've done thousands of times, but this time was different. Just as I move my mouse over the start button, I feel the little egg send a jolt of electricity up my spine, my hand freezes. I feel it again. I look over to Cat, she was starring at me, a sly smile on her face. She motions to the computer screen.

"Is she serious?" I feel the little egg vibrate once again. I just continue my game, but the second I hit click the start button I feel the little egg start to vibrate continuously, but it wasn't at max. It vibrated just enough to start the fire, but just enough to be annoying. I grit my teeth as I watch the little balloons pop at the same point I've stalled them at. I watch as the last balloon pops and the round changes. I feel the little eggs stop its motion. I breath a sigh of relief as I set up more of my army, but just as I hit start, the egg begins its vibrations once again.

I lightly place my head on the table, grinding my teeth. "Fuuuuuuck!!!! Don't tell me she's using my game as a timer. You sadistic bitch!" I think as the vibrations stop. I try to slow my breathing, looking up to the screen. I hesitate at first, thinking what my next move was going to be.

"Fuck.... okay how much time do I have left!" My eyes rush to the clock as my hand moves placing more needle towers next to the rest of my hord.

"3:56. Fuck, I don't think I can take this shit for ten minutes." I hesitate pressing start. "Okay, if I've read her correctly, she's going to do this regardless, might as well play along..... Right?" I question myself just before I press the button.

*Cat's point of view*

"Oh man she's already squirming, this is going to be a fun ten minutes! Oh maybe I should turn it up every few minutes just to keep it interesting!" I plot out my tortuous game.

I look around the room and just as I suspected the two other people in the room were completely oblivious to our little event. I press the off button as the round ends. I watch my darling squirm, watching her cross her legs, rubbing them just get a little more from her lovely toy as she starts the round instantly. Its only when I see her free hand slip into her pants did I truly know just what she was feeling from the egg.

"I don't know who's having more fun!?!" I lustfully ask myself as I feel my hand start to creep its way up my thigh.

My eyes glance the screen. "You want me to continue so bad you just placed the mouse on start, but sorry darling it's not going to play like that." She starts the round, looking up to see if it started but I refuse to give her what she's wanting for.

"Fuck you man" I hear her whisper to me, sounding out of breath. I lean down to her ear.

"Play. The. Game...." I press the on button on the remote and I see her squirm. "An you will be rewarded, buut if you don't...." I press another button making Mia growl in pent up frustration.

"Do I need to to say it again Fuck please just stop the torture!" Mia silently yells.

"And what is that darling?"

Her voice catches in her throat. "ah... Pl- please mistress may I cum."She whispers

"I'm sorry, what?" I tease.

"Please mistress may I cum!" She says louder.

"Look at me." I say taking one last look around the room. Her body tenses up, she hesitantly moves her head up to meet my gaze. "Pl... please mistress may I cum?" I can't help but stare into chocolate colored orbs as I smile.

"Start the game darling, only a few moments left."

Mia backs away looking back at the game, placing more little monkeys onto the bored. I watch her move the mouse over the start button, placing her head back onto the table as she presses start.

I wait for the first few balloons to hit the impenetrable wall of darts before I turn the little toy back on, turning the vibrations almost to max.

"F-fuuuuuck." Mia whispers through a moan.

I look to the tiny clock in the lower corner of the computer screen. "You're down to a minute darling, do you want me to turn it up more for you?" I ask, teasingly biting the top of her ear, but her answer surprises me. "St-stop... I-I'm a-ab-out to.... to... "Mia says through more moans that escape her lips.

"Oh but isn't that what you wanted?"

"Pl-please... Y-you told me to.... w-wait til a-ahhhfter sc-school."

"So you want to wait darling?"

"Y-yes m-mis-tres."

"Look at me when you speak."

Mia's head lifts from the table, her face a dark shade of crimson. Her eyes glossed over with lust. "I want you to make me cum mistress, not your toy...." She moves her head to my shoulder, placing light kisses on my neck. "I want you to make me cum mistress..... please." Mia whispers in my ear, lust completely taking over her voice.

"Fuuuuck she really knows how to play the part!! If she plays the submissive this beautifully, I cant wait to see her dominant side." I think as I press the button on the remote, Mia letting her warm breath brush against my damp neck.

*Ding..... Ding... Ding....."

The sound of the bell breaks us from our lustful act. Mia prys herself from my neck.

"Come on, we gotta go, log out of your computer." Mia says as she leans back, her face completely red.

I follow her lead and turn the computer off. We both get up from our chairs grabbing our bags and we begin our walk to Mia's house to get her car, but as we walk, I notice Mia's knees are a little wobbly.

"What's wrong, you look a little weak at the knees." I tease.

"Shut up and keep walking. I wanna get home, get my car and drive to your house before my mother gets home." Mia says as she practically runs home with how fast her legs were moving.

We walk up the driveway, a silver Jeep sits by the road.

"Fuck, don't tell me she's leaving again! This shit wasn't planned."Mia's voice goes an octive higher as she runs up the drive to her front door. "Stay!" is all I hear before she disappears behind the door.

*Mia's point of view*

"Oh Hey Mia, welcome back." My mother says dryly. "I'm leaving out of town for the week so you'll be on your own. Money is in the bank, foods in the fridge. The Orphanage needs chaperones to help on a field trip to Denver."

"Mom are you serious!? You know my pills need to get picked up this week and the place won't let me get them anymore! Why is this last minute?"

"Oh please! Mia darling I know you don't take your pills, so don't try and use them as an excuse so I have to stay. Secondly no friends in the house, I don't care if you "see people" or whatever, grow up and stay off my case, you're not MY mother." My mom berates me, I can't say anything back because I couldn't, she was right.

"I was actually going to just drive a friend home and come home and study, so is that cool." I say with my head down.

"No! What kind of question is that, do you have gas money for the car to be running around everywhere!?" My mother says, walking closer to me.

"Yea I have it!" I yell back at her, looking up to glare at my mother who keeps walking closer to me.

"Oh, and where did you get that money? You stealing from me again or are you selling? Oh maybe you're renting out your little slut box again. Come on Mia, grow up! You..... are never going to be anything, so stop trying."

I glare at her in silence.

"Fine I'll see if my friend has money for gas seeing how its an issue." I turn to walk away.

"Yea you do that, I've got shit to pack." My mom walks into her room, slamming the door behind her.

I walk over to the front door, but when I open it I'm shocked to find Cat standing in front of me.

"Fuck." I say aloud staring down into blue seas.

"That went well."

"Just hurry up and get in here." I say as I grab her hand, pulling her to my room. I close the door quickly pulling her inside. We walk down the hall to my room, opening the door I can already hear Cat's laughter from behind me.

"Oh my god you're and anime nerd! Pfff hahaha!!!" She laughs as I close the door.

"Yea I am, deal with it. Now seriously stay this time." I say as I open my door again, hearing my moms door open and the woman stumbling out.

I close the door, walking down the hall. I see my mother placing a suit case by the door.

"Does your friend have any money for me?" My mom lifts her hand, waiting for me to place what I got into her hand. "Did Coy kick your ass again? That cut on your forehead looks harsh." She points out as I pull a few dollars from my back pocket, placing it in her palm.

"No, I fell down the bleachers." My eyes refusing to catch my mother's gaze as she puts the money into her pocket.

"You're a fucking idiot. Take my bag to the Jeep seeing how that's the only use you have for." My mom says, slapping me over my head. I grab the giant bag, opening the door I roll it behind me as I walk to the back of the Jeep. I lift it into the back, the second it's secure I hear the engine start.

"Don't die in the week I'm gone, no ones coming to find you this time. Understood?" My mom says as I walk back up the driveway.

"Yes ma'am!" I yell before I open the front door, slamming it shut.

I slide down the door, pulling my knees to my chest. I release a quivering breath, "Fuck I hate that woman.... No time to cry, you have someone waiting on you." I lift my head looking down the hallway for a moment before I slide back up the door, righting myself before I walk back to my room.

I reach the door to my room. "I really hope she's just in her phone and isn't snooping." I whisper to myself as I open the door. My face heats up when I see Cat sitting on the edge of my bed, a certain pair of white laced panties stretched in front of her face.

"And to think that you simply left these out in the open, no shame." I watch Cat stretch the white fabric, letting it shoot off in a random direction. "Oh, and I found your..... toy box. Very interesting darling..... Very very interesting." Her voice was low and seductive.

All I do is stand in my door way, my face growing hotter with the mention of my box full of sex toys.

"W-why were you snooping through my room?" I question, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Well when a person has a shoe box labeled Sex toys on the top shelf of their closet..... curiosity is bound to kill the Cat darling. You understand right?" A smile is present on her lips as she slowly rises from my bed. "I asked you a question darling."

The little egg in my pants turns on, the low vibrations enough to bring me to my knees.

"Fuuuu..... Why haven't I taken this stupid thing off yet!?" I say through grit teeth.

Cat chuckles as she walks over to me. "Because you know not to.... Because I told you to keep it there." Her voice is just above a whisper. "But before we start, I'm going to be... borrowing a few things from your little box, okay hon."

I look up to her as I press the little toy harder onto my clit. "I don't care... just s-stop being a.... a fucking tease already!" I stutter, trying to keep my composure as I push on the little egg harder.

"Oh don't worry my darling..." Cat kneels down next to me. I feel her grab my pony tail, pulling it and forcing me to look at her. "I promised you I would give you everything I did in the announcers box ten times over and I plan on keeping it."