

*Cat's point of view*

"Oh don't worry my darling..." I say as I kneel down next to her. I grab Mia's ponytail, pulling it and forcing her to look me in the eye . "I promised you I would give you everything I did in the announcers box ten times over and I plan on keeping it." I let go of her hair, her head making a hard "thump" as it hit the floor.

"Come on... just turn the vibrator up..... I can finally cum if you just do that for me!" Mia yells into the floor.

I feel my thumb brush by the volume button on the remote, debating on granting her request of turning the little toy up higher or.....

"How about no!" I say as I press the off button.

Mia screams in pent up frustration, "You're a teasing bitch!" She begins to get up from the floor. "Fine if you're not going to let meaahhhhh!!!!"

I turn the vibrator almost to max power, forcing Mia back to her knees. "Oh, I'm a teasing Bitch, am I darling?" I say, watching Mia squirm on the floor, both of her hands hold on tight to her crotch. I reach down, grabbing her ponytail once again. "Listen here, you don't get to give orders..... that time Will come... but for now....." I pull her hair, walking her into the room like a person would a dog. "You're going to do everything I say. UNDERSTOOD!!!" I pull her onto her knees, one of her hands grips my wrist.

"LET. GO." I say harshly.

"T-this h-hurts..... please let go." Mia's voice is low as she speaks.

I press the off button, letting go of her hair slightly. I feel the grip around my wrist loosen.

"Better darling?" I ask, slight concern in my voice.

"Better.... please continue." Mia says

"Onto the bed..... cloths off.... lay on your stomach... understood?" I order, pulling on Mia's hair slightly.

"Nnnnn.... yes mistress.....understood."

I let go of Mia's ponytail, walking over to her closet. I look over my shoulder when I hear rustling in the bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask watching Mia try a pull her boot off of her foot.

"Foot's stuck." She points at her foot as she pries her foot from her boot. "Was.... was stuck."

"Now the rest of your cloths." I dryly say, shacking my head. I look back to my desired prize, the box labeled "Sex toys" I placed on the floor of her closet after I looked through it the first time. "When I turn around all I better see is your bare ass!" I say sternly as I pick the desired box up from the floor. I hear rustling in the bed, then a muffled voice.

"rrrrrdy mmmstrrs."

"What?" I struggle to keep a laugh from escaping my lips.

"I said ready mistress."

I turn around, walking over to Mia I open up the box. "Ok darling, you know what toys are in your box, so pick three you want me to use." I say, setting the box onto Mia's back.

She lifts her face from her pillow. " Handcuffs, the purple vibrator, aaand there should be a small bag of cloths pins in there.... if the bag isn't in there, there's a riding crop on the top shelf." Her voice full of excitement and want.

"Go get the riding crop for me darling." I say lifting the box off of her.

Mia quickly jumps from her bed, running over to her closet she reaches onto her top shelf, moving a few other boxes before she reveals a dark purple riding crop. "Here you are mistress." Mia says before she belly flops back into her bed, forcing a small chuckle from my lips.

"You're a child, you know that right?"

"Yea butt....." She raises her ass off of the bed, shacking it in a teasing manner. "I'm your child."

"Yes.... you are, but sometimes..." I raise the riding crop above my head, " ...sometimes children need to be PUNISHED!!" I yell as I bring the riding crop down onto Mia's ass.

"Aaah!!! Fuck that hurts way more when some else has it." Mia exclaims.

"Has no one used this on you before my darling?" I ask as I raise the crop again bring it down a little harder this time.

Mia yells into her bed, but she raises her ass higher before she speaks. "Barbara used it on me once, but it wasn't as hard as you mistress."

"Wait, hold on. You and Barbara were a thing?" I ask, gripping the handle harder.

"Yea but it was a few years ago."

"And what are you now?" I question, hearing my jealousy seep into my voice.

"She's my best friend." She says.

"Off the bed, on all fours, Now!" I order her.

"B-but I like this position." Mia pouts. She shakes her ass more, my eyes being drawn to her tan flesh just before I let the crop smack against it.

"Ahhhh!!" Mia screams.

"Enjoying yourself are we?" My voice low and seductive as I rub the tip of the crop along the inside of her left thigh, .

"Y-yes mistress."

"But....." I smack the inside of her thigh. "....your disobedience isn't going to get you any closer to your goal. Play the game darling. Remember?"

Mia looks at me, temptation in her eyes as she crawls off the bed, standing on all fours just inches from me.

I grab Mia's ponytail, tugging it lightly as I grab the box of toys. "Come on, we're going for a walk." I say, taking a step forward.

"I'm not a dog for one, and two, Why? She says.

"We'll fix the attitude later, but as for why...." I tap her ass a few times with the riding crop. "We're going to go find your bag." I grab her hair, pulling it lightly.

"Y-yes mistress." She starts to crawl along side of me as we walk out of the room and into the hall.

"Where would you bag be darling?" I ask

"The door next to you mistress." Mia says looking up at me.

I place the box onto Mia's back and open the door, revealing a stacked washer and dryer and a water heater. I look up, instantly finding my prize on the top shelf next to a bottle of detergent. I grab the bag, placing it into the box.

"What's behind each door from left to right?" I say pulling the "leash" I had in my hand.

"Storage, bathroom, moms room." Mia says.

"Hmph, let's go to the kitchen." I begin to walk down the hall, Mia following beside me. We turn the corner, the carpet turns to tile as we enter the kitchen through a small open door way, a waist size wall separating it from the living room.

"Where are your bowls darling?" I ask pulling Mia up to her feet.

"Behind you, bottom shelf mistress."

"Grab a metal bowl, fill it with ice and take it out to the living room. Am I understood!?!" I order

"Yes mistress." Mia responds, rushing over to her cabinet.

I walk out of the kitchen, listening to the sound of ice dropping into metal as I sit down on the couch placing my feet onto the small table in front of me. I hear the ice shake in the bowl as Mia runs over to me, presenting me with what I ordered.

"Here you are mistress."

I take the bowl, placing it on the floor.

"Move the table..... and be sure to give yourself space." I say, a smile crossing my lips. Mia says nothing as she quickly picks my feet up off of the table, never dropping them as she slides it to the other end of the room.

"Back on all fours darling."

Without a word, Mia crawls under my legs, placing my feet at the small of her back. I tap her ass a few times with the riding crop.

"You're really good at this, how many people have you done this type of stuff with?" I ask, rubbing the crop against her skin.

"You, Barbara, this chick Zoey and a 32 year old I met online." Mia says using her fingers on her left hand as a checklist.

"A 32 year old man... or woman?" I curiously ask.

"Woman.... mistress."

"And how exactly did you meet her?"

"W-well you see...." Mia fumbles for a response.

I Raise the crop from her skin, bringing it down on her thigh. "Out with it!" I say sternly.

"I-I was lonely and went searching online. She happened to be the first person to respond and we met up for a day."

I smack her again. " What did you do with her?"

"J-just some minor play mistress."

"Like.... What?!?" I ask sternly as I smack her ass again.

"All she did was use my cuffs and vibrator, she also had a...." Mia's voice trails off.

I smack her ass again, "Tell me or else!" I raise the crop from her flesh.

"A whip." Her voice low.

"A what?" I tease her.

"A AAHHHH..." I smack her before she can finish. I see her arms start to shake.

"A whip darling, where you tied down while she hit you." My curiosity present in my voice.

"Yes mistress."

I lift my legs from her back. I stand, grabbing the bowl of ice.

"Last night I showed you just how Hot I could be, so today....." I place the tips of my fingers into the little bit of water that's melted into the bowl. "I'm going to show you just how cold I can be." I raise my hand just above Mia's back, letting the water drip from my fingers. Mia shivers as the droplets hit her skin.

"Awe, but I liked the candles."

"Well then you'll love what I have in store."

*Mia's point I've view*

"Fuuuuuck why is is so fucking cold!!" I internally scream as I feel more drops fall onto my naked back.

"Turn over, hands above your head." I'm instructed as I feel my crop tap against my ribs. I say nothing as I let my left side give into gravity. I stretch out my limbs, sighing in relief as I pop my limbs, leaving my hands above my head as instructed.

"Comfy..... Good. Now we get to play." Cat says, dominant power in her voice. She kneels down next to me, placing cold metal onto my stomach. I shiver as it cools my heated flesh. "Are you going to play along darling, or do I have to...."I watch Cat's slender fingers pull an ice cube from the bowl, moving it to rub against my right nipple. "....tease you some more."

I shiver as the ice moves over my other nipple. "I want to play mistress... please stop being a tease." I say, looking into sky colored eyes. Feeling the ice trail its way down the center of my chest and back into the bowl, I watch Cat slide my box into view.

"What was it you wanted out of this again, Oh right....." Cat flips the lid open, "Handcuffs....." I watch as my silver bracelets are lifted from their hiding place. I feel the familiar steel wrap around my hands as the clicking of the cuffs locks my hands together. "Your purple vibrator..." She pulls out a slender toy, only a few inches long. "Close your legs." I'm ordered, I immediately close them as tight as possible before I watch Cat slide the toy between them. "Now what was the last thing darling? I can't seem to remember." She says with a teasing smile on her lips.

"Th-the bag of cloths pins..... mistress." I stutter out.

"That's it..... the cloths pins." Cat says, pulling the bag from the box. Opening the bag, Cat pulls out two pins, holding them between her fingers. "These first two come without consequence." She says.

Cat grabs another piece of ice, repeating the same motions of rubbing my nipples with it, making both of them as hard as rocks. I hear the cling of ice on metal when I feel one of the pins clip onto my stiffened right nub.

"AHHAAHAA!!" I moan as a pulse of electricity runs through my body.

"I love your reaction darling, what about the other one?!" She asks herself, clipping my other nipple with the second clip, hearing me moan in delight.

"What do we say when mistress gives you something?" Cat asks, taping my stomach with the crop.

"Th-thank you m-mistress." My heart rate sky rocketed as I said those words. "Fuck!!!! I'm completely helpless to her but god everything she does just feels to good." I think to myself as I watch a third cloths pin pinch itself onto my stomach.

"We're going to play a game..." Cat pins another clip right next to the first one on my stomach. "I'm going to ask you as question, and every time you answer truthfully, I'll clip a pin onto you, once you hit ten you get a reward...." Another pin is added to her row down the left side of my stomach. "..... but if you lie to me or you don't answer....." I watch Cat move the riding crop into my view. "You do understand, right?" Cat's teasing nature present in her voice.

"Yes mistress. I understand." I say trying to contain my excitement.

"Good.... First question." Cat says, rubbing my right breast with the riding crop. "How long have you been..... kinky?" Her voice trails off at the end of her question.

"Six and a half years mistress." I say, watching her take a cloths pin from the bag.

"One out of ten, nine more darling." Cat says seductively. Pinching my skin, she clips the pin right next to the other three going down my stomach.

"How long have you known your group of friends?"

"Since 8th grade." I answer, thinking back to my time in middle school as Cat attaches another cloths pin to my skin.

This continues for a bit, I answer her random questions about my school life and friends, and she continues to clip cloths pins to my skin until she asks her final question.

"Why does Jasmine Coy start shit with you?" Her question sincere but even so, I look away choosing not to answer. "Answer my question." Cat says, raising her voice quite a bit.

I look her in the eye as I give her what she asked for. "Coy and I have been at each others throats since pre-k. Over the years its just gotten worse, but everything changed when that dumb bitch brought my brother into it....." I grit my teeth just thinking about the evil girl, my hatred starting to cloud my mind, taking me away from my lust.

"Where is your brother?" I feel Cat's slender fingers brush my cheek.

"He's dead." I say flatly, letting my lust slip completely away, replacing it with anger and sadness. I feel her thumb brush under my left eye whipping away something damp. "Must be crying again. Fuck why do my emotions always run wild like this!?!" I internally scream at myself.

"Hey..... its okay. Do you want to continue our game?" I don't say anything, choosing to seal my voice away as I nod my answer. Cat's voice disappears as well, moving in silence as she places the tenth clip into the row lining my stomach.

"Alright, you've answered all of my questions, now your re...." Cat's words are cut short when the front door swings open, hitting the wall with a loud bang.

"OOOHHH MIA!!!! Guess who needs help with.... their.... Why hello you two." Barbara says walking through the door, closing it behind her.

No one moves as we stare at my blond friend who was in return staring at us

"W-what are you d-doing here?" I stutter.

"I needed help with my homework so I came over... what is it you two are doing?"

My whole body lights on fire as my skin starts to turn red.

"Oh, um...we were..... um....." I again stutter, trying to find the right words to get out of this situation.

"Well what I'M doing is exploring My darlings kinks seeing how her mother is gone for the week. You wouldn't happen to know anything about them... would you Barbara?" Cat asks the intruder.

"Oh... I know quite a few of her little kinks."

I watch both Cat and Barbara look at each other and then at me, devilish smiles are plastered on both of their faces.

"L-look Barbara... you remember what we said when we became friends....." I say as I try and defuse this situation.

"Now now Mia... I'm not going to touch you....." Barbara says, walking over to the table at the end of the room. "I'm just simply going to tell your neeew....." She looks over to Cat.

"Mistress." Cat says finishing Barbara's sentence. "...Your new mistress exactly how to get you to that point you so enjoy." Barbara's voice was laced with growing lust and excitement.

I try to move my hands from above me but Cat forces them back to the floor.

"Well then.... with this unexpected intrusion..... it would seem I have help with dealing with you. What do you have to say about it darling?" Cat says staring into my eyes, the riding crop sliding up and down my stomach. I stare back at Cat, then at Barbara sitting on the table, then back to Cat, a smile crossing my lips.

"This is going to be fun."