
Broken Dreams, A Pokemon Fanfiction

Steven, a boy born into a deadly disease, suffers in agony on his bed in a hospital. Death comes and takes pity on the young boy, granting him the opportunity Steven never had, to go on an adventure and see the vibrant world around him! Steven is Reincarnated into a copy his favorite game, Pokemon Fire Red. Watch as he comes up with new tricks, new pokemon, and new information from further generations that will shake the very foundation of the world he lives in! patreon link to help support the novel: patreon.com/user?u=103227460 This novel will also be posted under royalroad. Username: Animine

AniMine · Video Games
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28 Chs

Bill! Using Connections!

Steven, Now finished with that rocket grunt, made his way down route 25. He and a couple of the officer Jenny's exchanged pleasantries as Steven and his team set off, happy with a rather successful capture of a team rocket goon. The ultimate fate of this goon will be decided if he spills all he knows and his torturer feels like it is enough.

Steven cared not for this man's fate as if he had not stopped the man, many young impressionable children and novice trainers would be lured into team rockets' grasp and indoctrinated in their culture and ideals. He entered into the thick forest that had rough trails marked and etched into the ground to indicate a beaten and tested path through the forest.

Steven mused that even though the forest was just like any regular forest, in the games the "sky" or space above the characters head was shown to be empty, like someone chopped out a maze-like path. Yet, here it was represented as a regular forest, just with a very obvious path. Steven was very interested in this odd behavior the world presented to him from time to time.

As he marched through the thick forest with Smoker by his side, he noticed several burly men who were standing next to the side of the path. As he approached the 2 men he waved to them, and the one who was facing towards him caught the gesture and alerted his friend.

"Hey! You just passing through?" one of the burly men asked to which Steven nodded his head in confirmation. "Oh, well, any interest in a pokemon double battle for the way?" the second burly man asked, slightly shocking his friend. How brazen!

Steven for his part released Baron the Slowpoke to stand next to Smoker, and the two burly men smiled and almost in unison said,"This is gonna be fun! Go!" And each threw a pokeball.

A Machop and an Onix is what appeared before Steven and his two pokemon. Dwarfing even the very considerably sized slowpoke who was almost 4x its normal size. Steven simply thought to them,"No Defense, Full Throttle offense. Baron Belly dance." Steven had to give them a little challenge, right?

Smoker wasted no time and launched a flame wheel between the two pokemon, catching Machop off guard as he was very close to it. Slowpoke, for its part, unleashed a water pulse on the Onix, catching it completely off guard as slowpoke had massively boosted its attack! +6 Belly Drum!

The Onix was Instantly sitting near knockout range, and it roared out defiantly and its trainer yelled out,"Rock Tomb!!" And slowpoke was buried underneath 10 rocks that materialized under Onix's command.

Machop went for a Low sweep on Smoker, but Smoker jumped and the Machop missed! Smoker used Bite! The Machop has his arm bitten savagely! The Machop attempts a weak Karate Chop attack to get the dog off of him. Smoker yields and retreats, but shoots off another flame Wheel while doing so, getting a direct hit! Machop was down!

Baron then erupted from underneath the rocks with a mighty boosted water gun as it launched a powerful jet towards the Onix! Onix tried to Dig but his body was still caught and the air was punched out of it, knocking it out as well!

Steven and his team had won the fight! Utter annihilation! The two men returned their fainted pokemon to their balls and chuckled to each other. "Ha ha! What a fantastic battle kid! Does your slowpoke know belly drum!! Wow, I was not expecting that!"

Steven smiled and as he approached he asked for directions to Bill's residence through this forest. It never hurts to ask for directions, right?


Steven and Prince were now walking up to Bill's residence on route 25. Smoker had apparently been using Bite a lot more and he said he felt that he was missing something, so he went back to think. Steven was guessing that Smoker was trying to unlock Fire Fang, but it was too early level wise for that, so he just didn't say anything for now. Smoker didn't ask for his help anyways, so he couldn't be blamed for it.

Steven and his team had gotten through the forest relatively easily while also having battles and double battles with some of the trainers who liked to explore the forest and battle each other. Such a weird bunch of people were people that Steven could relate to, and for a small handful that he saw potential in, he gave a business card to them for something he was going to try and start in the near future.

This was also why he was heading to Bill's house. He needed to get Bill on his side as he was one of the few men in the pokemon world that could bring the technological revolution needed for Stevens plans.

In fact the reason Steven could "speak" at the conference was actually because of a young sign language and body language expert who was speaking on his behalf who was mentally connected to Steven through Prince, thus giving a small facade that Steven is not Mute God. Steven intended to start separating his two identities and making it seem "so obvious" that the two just happened to possibly know each other and consult on some statistics as Mute God would revolutionize other fields of pokemon. Steven smiled as he thought of the breadcrumb trail he was going to lead his enemies down.

He knocked on the door 3 times and waited about 30 seconds. Then he heard a waddle as something approached the door. "No way, right?" Steven thought to himself. The doorknob jiggled back and forth as whatever was attempting to open the door was apparently struggling. Steven sighed and turned the doorknob and entered the lit up home.

What Steven found was a messy home full of computers with graphs and statistics flashing on the screen, showing information he couldn't make sense of. In front of him were two chambers that Steven instantly recognized as Bill's iconic teleporters.

"Seems like this is happening.."Steven thought to himself. He didn't waste any time, and didn't even bat an eye as he turned around to a slightly bewildered looking clefairy.

"Hell-" the clefairy started to say, but Steven, so used to this boring act, simply picked Bill up by the scruff of his neck and started to walk towards the teleporter. "Ah!" he yelped as he was picked up, and then a few seconds later thrown into his device.

Steven then stepped back over the machines and did a general overview of all the consoles buttons and various symbols. He then noticed a bigger round red button that he pointed at and then looked at Bill. Bill, still stunned at the suddenness of the situation, simply nodded his head. Steven then pressed the button with no hesitation.

The teleporters lit up! The entire room was bright with a blinding light for nearly 10 seconds. Even Prince had to look away from the raging light!

After a few more seconds the room started to dim once more and in either "teleporters" was a human man, gawking in utter surprise, and a clefairy, looking just as confused. The teleporter opened and Bill stepped out and all he could get out was a quiet "Who?"

Steven then brought out a piece of paper and wrote on it,"Do you consent to a thought conversation?" which he was sure would peak Bill's curiosity. He was someone who studied the extremes of the extremes, afterall!

Bill took a second to read it, and his eyes shot open as he had heard rumors that some new hot CEO had this weird ability. It was thought impossible, yet here was a man who had most of his conversations like that! Bill fervently shook his head and shot him a thumbs up!

Steven smiled and asked Prince to establish the connection. After a second or so Bill heard a voice in his head say,"Hello, Sir Bill."

Bill literally jumped a foot in the air at the sudden voice that seemed to come from everywhere! He thought in his fright,"Ah! Ghost Child!"

Steven furrowed his brows and privately thought to himself,"Ghost Child? F*cking Ghost Child?".

Then regained his smile as he buried his annoyance, and thought to Bill,"Bill, calm down, you have been connected to my mind through thought. This is thought conversation, surely you knew this would occur did you not?"

Bill nodded his head and then took a few deep breaths and calmed himself. He steadied his ever beating heart back to a normal rate, and then calmed his feverish mind. He regained his balance and his clarity, his pride had also returned. He was a scientist, a damn good one! He would not, should not, will not cower!

Bill took about 10 seconds and then calmly responded back,"I apologize Sir, I was extremely caught off guard by how quickly you caught onto my situation. Then on top of that, I having a thought conversation, I thought was near impossible, well to say the least, its been a pretty shocking day, haha!"

Steven smiled and thought,"Well, the assistance can be considered free, no favor needed. I have dabbled with this thought experiment, just never built the machine. The problem lies in the compu-"

Before Steven could finish his thought, Bill blurted out,"HOLY SHIT YOU UNDERSTAND IT?!?"

Steven faked a grin as he lied through his teeth,"Oh yes, I understand this machine quite well. Unfortunately, with the current technology, I don't see it being possible at this moment. Though, I do have some Ideas that could set a foundation…" Steven laid a bait for bill.

Bill had his dream crushed and then resparked an instant and he was caught in his own thoughts for a moment. After a few seconds he thought back over the connection, already figuring out a private and public thought! "First, who are you?"

Steven replied,"You should know, should you not? I am Steven Morgenz, founder of Boundless, and head visionary as well as Chief Theory Officer."

"Why are you here in the first place? I know you did not come here just to save me." Bill thought back, now having regained his ego, and thus not retreating in the face of Stevens title.

Steven then gave his proposal,"Bill, I as the founder of the Boundless Inc, hereby offer you a position as an elder in the core of my company as well as taking part in the new ground breaking research I have planned for the technology sector! I have a vision, I have the money to move mountains, I have ever growing support, backing, and political influence, yet I have little in the way of true geniuses. That is why I am here today, I am only 1 genius, I cannot possibly do everything myself."

Bill furrowed his brows and said,"You want me to be a pillar for your company?" Bill looked back at the teleporter and thought something to himself for a moment. Then he turned back to Steven and asked,"What will I be doing?"

Steven laughed and said,"You accept the offer?"

Bill nodded and said,"I do. What am I doing?"

Steven then brought out three books and gave them to Bill. They were named, 'Boundless Ranger Device - Non Pokeball/ No Ownership', and 'Boundless Trade Evolution Machine', and lastly, 'Boundless PokePhone - Online Pokedex and PokeNow integration'.

Bill took the book and opened Boundless Trade Evolutions Machine first as it seemed the most interesting. He started to read Stevens various theories and how the machine would work, if certain held items increased the chances of certain pokemon based on a higher probability rate and so much more. It was all so logical that Bill was instantly absorbed and drawn to this new extreme! This was something he could get behind!

Bill then had another thought,"What about Richard? Didn't he say that he wasn't sure about the success of his project on the Sevii islands?"

Bill then thought to Steven,"Sir Founder, would it be alright if I pull in one of my trusted colleagues from the Sevii Islands. Scientist Richard Henry?"

Steven cracked a big smile and said,"Of course! I need more people and more talents and if you praise his work, I will gladly bring him on! What is he currently working on?"

Bill's smile dropped a bit and he said,"Ah.. Sir, he is working on non-pokemon related material. He is currently attempting to develop a global communication system via my own computer system. He is currently attempting a small-scale version on the Sevii Islands, his birthplace."

Stevens' smile grew bigger and he then immediately replied,"Wait, I have an even better offer for him. With him on board, I will open a second sister company called 'Boundless Technologies', and I will have you two as the people who will run the research and products that will be released. I expect every product that we personally produce to be of the highest quality, as for the subsidiary and tertiary factories, pay it no mind. I will still be in complete control, however if I run out of ideas, or the company grows and starts its own paths of research I won't stop it. In fact, I strongly encourage everyone to research what they are most passionate about! Starting pay for both of you will be 2 million Pokedollars a year, with 20% bonus permanent increase incentives upon a successful release and 300% return on investment! What do you say?"

Bill's eyes lit up and he hurriedly started to make a call. Steven then had a thought as he realized that he may have a chance to nab 2 other geniuses if he got to them now! He also quickly pulled out his phone and started a text to all the Boundless heads and a text to everyone in the company, and it was separated in 2 parts.

"Dear Boundless Research Heads, Today I have successfully hired and brought on Bill. Yes, I know you all had doubts that he would join, but I managed to convince him. I am also bringing on one of his trusted colleagues who works outside the pokemon fields but still in high-technology. With both Bill and his colleague, Scientist Richard Henry, I am announcing the formation of a Sister Company that will be named 'Boundless Technologies' . One of the heads, please buy a plot of land and construct a research building to start them off, and once their first product is 70% complete, we shall start the construction of factories."

"To Everyone in the company, I have heard some rumors about some genius', however I would be hard pressed to encounter them, so I call upon all of your support to locate two people who I wish to invite into the company! Please find a person named 'Colress', and 'Gideon'! Thank you in advance!"

Then Steven got many likes on both posts and many boundless heads, like Oak and Brock were surprised that Bill and his colleague would agree so readily! They gave Steven high praise for his vision and endless desire to push the envelope. Lance sent him a personal message that congratulated him and asked him to share his tech with the elite four. Steven would of course do this small favor for them, it was nothing.

Bill then hung up the phone right as Steven was done reading a few responses to his posts. Bill then thought to him,"Sir, Scientist Richard has agreed to come under you as well, and it seems he personally watched a recent broadcast of yours. He was ecstatic when I told him that you wanted to personally see his vision through but on a much grander scale and the position just shocked him to his core! He immediately agreed! Oh and he thinks he knows that 'Gideon' that you just posted about, he said he researches stuff about 'how to unlock the true strength' or something like that! I don't really know, but he said he's gonna run through his contacts and sources to try to get a hold of him. Give him 2 days, and after that he'll have probably run out of leads, or gotten Gideon."

Steven smiled and thought,"I will have to repay Sir Richards efforts back with a good favor. I'll start working on some theory I have towards that global communications network as well as some 'Other' things."

Bill laughed and said,"I can't wait to start on this groundbreaking research!" while looking at the book in his hand.

Steven then thought to him,"Ok, Gather your things and head to Pallet Town, or as it will be called in a few years, Pallet City.." Steven showed a little of his ambition to Bill who was now really excited! This boss of his was not simple!

Steven then wondered about all the ideas he had from a far more modern age! His own world was about 30 or 40 years ahead of this one, so there were plenty of ideas he could use, and with only a little study in the parts he didn't understand could clear a way to proper theory, from where people who knew the subject much better his elementary understanding of it will form a perfect product from the base theory. This was the foundation, and soon he would let his scientist go and do projects that personally interested themselves, as passion can never be underestimated! Of course the project had to be submitted for review, but generally most things were accepted. These were all logical people after all!

Steven bet that there would come a time where he would be able to simply pitch an idea and his team of geniuses would have a working product within a day or 2! He smiled as he thought of all the possibilities!

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