
Broken: Dishonored Naruto

Naruto is broken by the Leaf village and runs away. Now years later the Leaf needs him to save them. But how can a cripple man be able to save them?

madhat886 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs



Coldridge prison located next to Dunwall Tower is the most protective building in the empire. With it right next to the home of the royal family the security of the prison has been updated and improved. All the weak points it use to have from people using pipes to move overhead or using magic have all been taken care of. Watcheyes are located just about everywhere, even on high places to avoid people sneaking by climbing up high and will set off a alarm if one goes off line. The guards are now joined by guardians who as long as their power supply last will continue to run, never blinking or sleeping. Music boxes that are played over the loud speakers are always played keeping magic and chakra users from using their powers. There are also Arc Pylons, Wall's of Light that only let guardians and the people they know to pass that keep the prison firmly under control.

No one has been able to sneak in or out with the new security system protecting it. In the last 20 years only one person has been able to escape from Coldridge. He escape but was killed by gunfire as he tried to swim into the sewers. Since then with better systems no one has been able to escape. The Whalers have written it off as the risk are too great to try to break anyone out. They now attack during transports as it's the only time they can do those kinds of missions. For they already tried and lost too many Whalers with far too few missions completed. (1)

"Welcome to your new home," the prison guard said as the ninjas walk into their cells.

The cells are bare but for a stone bed that's been built from the floor in one solid piece, a bucket of water, a wooden bowl and a chamber pot. There is no place for the prisoners to hide things and almost nothing to use as a weapon. The bars are heavily reinforced and tested to withstand the strength of a guardian, making it impossible for any human to break through, without ripping their very muscles from their bones. (2)

The ninjas having woken up with their chakra still sealed off are in no shape to escape. Their chakra acted as pain killers to prevent them from feeling the pains that they put their bodies through on a daily basis. It also helps speed up their healing and being able to take more damage then a normal human. Without it, they're now feeling pain as a normal person does. Having been zap by the guardians their bodies are sore and numb at the same time, with them hardly being able to move. Kurenai being the oldest is feeling the pain she has put her body through for most of her life. Lee's broken hand is bandaged while the others dealt with the damage they took from the guardians.

They laid on their cold beds till they heard the cell block gate opening. And walking past her cell, Kurenai was shock to see both Madara and Konan two s rank ninjas dress as prisoners like her. She never thought that they would be caught. But the bigger question was why they're here. With the answer being they're after the same as they are, Naruto.

Once the guardians return to their post Kurenai being the closet to the cells of Madara and Konan, decided to talk.

"So what brings you two here?" Kurenai ask Madara who is next to her cell.

"Same as you Leaf ninjas," Madara said.

"You want Naruto for something," Kurenai said. "But looks like you took the Isles too lightly. Did the guardians take you two down?"

"So that's how your group were caught. But no the guardians didn't take us down. It was the Royal Spymaster," Madara said causing Kurenai to chuckle.

"I heard that it was the Royal Spymaster who took Butcher's leg, I didn't believe it. But since you two were taken down by her, she would be powerful enough to beat Butcher," Kurenai said.

"She used the same music that is being played, keeping us from using chakra. She wears an armor suit underneath her clothes, just not that mask she wears but all over. She might even have replaced her arm with that of a guardian," Madara said thinking about how easily she beat both him and Konan. Seeing that the other two aren't here it either means they got away or they're dead.

"Any idea how to break out of here?" Kurenai ask.

"The Whalers black listed this place for a reason. For they believe that once inside there's no escape, not unless it's a full scale attack. Those guardians watching us are designed to counter anything that the Whalers can throw at them, that means they can easily take us down if we escape from these cells," Konan spoke up from her cell.

"So we're trap here the same as your group," Madara said admitting that he sees no way out for the time being. The prison is designed to keep the Whalers in and out, meaning that this would easily hold even a ninja of his level.

The ninjas remain silent as they rested and recovered their strength. The only way for them to escape is during transport as they wouldn't be able to escape from the inside. Without their powers they're stuck and unable to even try picking the lock, not without gaining the attention of the unblinking guardians. All their gear had been taken from them even the hiding places that the women used to hide tools was search. As the prison guards learned that from the Whalers who managed to sneak weapons or tools in with them after being caught.


Flooded District -

Finally after running from underground horrors the seem to all come out just for them, the ninjas of the Leaf village finally escape from the sewers. With their chakra levels still recovering the ninjas found themselves having to fight off the horrors without their ninjas skills, many of which needed chakra to use. It gave them a good idea why the Whalers are able to kill any ninja who thinks they can operate in the Isles. For they have to train knowing that at anytime their magic could be sealed away leaving them to fight normal.

Jiraiya was catching his breath when he saw that the sun has already set. "This is bad."

"That what we lost some of our group members or that the Whalers and everyone else is now after us?" Anko ask.

"We're in the Flooded District after dark," Jiraiya pointed out.

The Flooded District seem to have transformed from the horror show it was during the daytime to something worse at night. A scream was cut off, followed by cruel laughter. Several gunshots echoed in the night. A low rumble from something under the water. Something big drove into the water cutting off a scream.

"We better find a place to hold up then," Sakura said not liking being out of her element. She feels so powerless without her chakra to strengthen her body.

"Here I have some soldier pills," Shino said handing out a pill to each member of the group. "Be careful, I only have three left."

"We're also going to need to supply ourselves with some weapons that will actually damage those guardians," Shikamaru said. Ino had the right idea of using a bomb but their bomb tags won't work as they need chakra to be used. Which is useless against foes who can seal off chakra from being used anywhere around them.

"At least we're in a large group that should keep us safe," Sasuke said.

"Just keep close together and don't wander off," Jiraiya said leading the group to the Shadow Broker HQ.

They walk down the plank platform making sure they do slip off. The waters are too dangerous for that, they saw what are found during the day but what comes out during the night isn't something they want to find out. They stayed close together as they spotted figures hiding in the ruins of the buildings or hiding behind the refuse of trash that has built up. Their large group kept most of the dangers away but that only protected them from so much.

A man darted out of the shadows with knife in hand aiming for Sakura. Gai grab the knife hand and threw the man into the water. The man once he hit the water disappeared underneath the dark waves, only bubbles of a struggle gave the ninjas any idea what's happening down there.

The ninjas quickly got ready to fight covering each other. The figures watching in the shadows move away seeing that this group isn't easy pickings. But that still left the creatures that aren't after wealth but merely something to eat. Jiraiya decided that walking down the boardwalk is too dangerous and all it will take is for one well aim gun shot to kill them. They began roof hopping being careful not to draw too much attention, with luck they wouldn't get the Whalers after them. But that would mean that the Whalers knew better then to be lurking out after dark.

Indeed the Whalers almost never venture out after dark as the things that come out are too deadly even for them. They only operate in the more well protected areas of the half flooded city, mostly in the areas that have lights that keep the creatures of the night at bay. But even then they only come out at night when they have to. The Whalers are very aware of the ninjas escaping from the sewers, but they're more then willing to let the horrors of the night to take care the ninjas for them. All they have to do is pick off the ones who survive the night.

That would have happen if, Choji didn't landed on a weak roof top thanks to his weight cause it to break underneath him and fell in. Yamato leap down into the hole to find the young ninja hanging over a hole that went straight to the water filled bottom. From the moonlight that shined through the hole, he could make out shapes underneath the water. Yamato pulled up Choji with the help of Asuma who lend a hand. The other ninjas gathered on the top floor of the building seeing it's the only shelter that doesn't already have people in it.

"Alright we'll stay here for the night it should be safe," Jiraiya said not liking this but with how things are outside it's better then taking their chances outside.

The ninjas secured the building placing wards to set off a alarm if anything enters. They covered the gaping hole in the middle of the floor with some pieces of wood not much but it would make noise if anything tries to climb up. They all kept their weapons close at hand in case they had to fight, they position themselves as far from the hole on the floor and the ceiling to give themselves some room to fight. All the ninjas can hope for is to last the night.

Standing on top of one of the ruin buildings across the one the ninjas are in. The figure that has been following them watches. The ninjas have managed to survive for this long, now to see if they can survive what's coming up next. For it watches as dark shapes began to swim towards the building the ninjas are in.


Author's Notes -

1 – Coldridge Prison is all but impossible to break out of now that it's been built to keep out and in the Whalers. Only a large scale attack from the outside will work. One can pay off the human guards but the guardians can't be brought off or be fooled. And the reprogramming tool doesn't work anymore as it's a whole new machine then what was there 30 years ago.

2 - A normal human being has the capability to lift over a ton in emergency situations, and only emergency situations. It shuts down the immune system and digestive system when it happens, however (not permanently, of course), and doesn't last more than a minute. It also tends to cause lots of muscular damage, meaning being able to do this all the time would be incredibly detrimental to the survival of an organism and would be selected against. It's only an emergency thing because temporarily damaging muscles in exchange for surviving a short-term threat is a benefit. But for someone to be able to damage the cell bars enough to escape would tear their arm muscles from their bones. And that kind of damage has always cause lost of strength in real life.
