
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

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The Power of Time and Award 4

Harry hoped Ron would change and grow up and understand him. But Ron trashed all Harry's hopes by his betrayal and bad-mouthing him behind Harry's back.

And as for Hermione, she didn't betray him per se and helped him, but the condescending tone she used when talking to him and the way she dismisses his thoughts and ideas as if they were nothing was not something that portray her in a positive light.

But he will give her a chance as she helped him when he was blamed and called the Heir of Slytherin. He decided on the course of action he is going to take. A plan, which may be impossible for others, but he can do it without any problems.

Scene Break

Before Year-End Feast, Harry's Room

Harry was prepared to receive his award from the school for special services and prepared himself mentally by reinforcing his Occlumency shields and barrier to close his mind off in his Mindscape.

He readied himself and went to the Great Hall to receive his award. He reached the Great Hall to see all students seated at their respective House tables. His Slytherin Lord ring was invisible to keep it a secret.

All the Professors were looking at him with appreciation in their eyes, of course, except Snape. Snape looked as if he was told something particularly disgusting and to top off, he looked at Harry as if he kicked and killed Snape's puppy in front of him. Disgust, disdain add the angry sneer on his face, the expression on his face made Harry vomit.

Harry didn't think more about Snape though. He walked to his table and sat at the corner and did not talk with anyone. He ate his meal in silence. With a snap of Dumbledore's fingers, all the dishes vanished from the table and Dumbledore stood up from his throne-like chair and walked to the podium at the head table.

"May I have your attention, please. I have an important announcement to be made before we discuss the house cup" he said and got the full attention of all students.

"On this occasion, I would like to present Mr Harry Potter, with an award for special services for the school. It is approved by the Board of Governors and Hogwarts staff" Dumbledore said in a cheerful tone and got many gasps and shocked faces from all the 4 tables in response.

"As you all know, this year had not been an easy one with all the Heir of Slytherin and other accidents going on and around the school. Mr Potter has to go through so many things that may be seen as unreasonable to others. This award is given to encourage students like him who has a kind heart to help other students by putting their life on the line. I hope you can do wonderful things like this and achieve your dreams. Please come forward, Mr Potter" he said gesturing to Harry to come to the table. A trophy came with a shield before the podium. The trophy has Harry's name on it and the shield has his details on it. There are 2 parts to the award. The Trophy and the Shield.

Harry James Potter

2nd Year, Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Award for Special Services

Year: 1992

House: Gryffindor

Dumbledore took it and presented it to Harry, which he slowly took without hesitation, as it looked delicate.

"The trophy will be given to you and the shield will be taken to the Trophies room as a memory, Mr Potter," said Dumbledore. Harry nodded at that.

"Congratulations, Mr Potter. The school and her staff are grateful and proud of your bravery and courage" said Dumbledore and a loud bell ringing sound were heard by all that are present in the Great Hall. They didn't know the source of it, but Dumbledore explained that it.

"It seems Hogwarts herself is appreciating Mr Potter's service," said Dumbledore, and as some got curious he explained about the sentient nature of the Castle. Harry nodded at him in acknowledgement and took the trophy.

"Feel free to share your experience with your fellow students, Mr Potter, and please don't go into details," he said and moved back to give the podium to Harry. Harry stepped forward and took the podium.

"I thank you and Hogwarts Staff for considering me to give this award Headmaster. From memory I recall, the last time this award was given to Tom Marvolo Riddle was sometime in the 1940s. I hope I can match his level of intelligence and uphold the customs followed by the school. As for my achievement of this award, I would like to thank Professor Snape and the student body for this" his words shocked everyone in the Hall, including McGonagall and Dumbledore. He continued after a dramatic pause.