
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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161 Chs

Shifting Tides


I'm back with the Next Chapter of Broken Shackles.

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Broken Shackles

Chapter 31

Shifting Tides

15th April 1994


The cracking sound of apparitions echoed through the entrance hall of Hogwarts as a group of Aurors and members from the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures arrived. They are sent urgently following the mysterious incident with the Dementors by the Ministry. The group consisted of notable Aurors such as Kingsley Shacklebolt, John Dawlish, and the recently promoted (don't call me Nymphadora) Tonks along with several experts in magical creatures.

Dumbledore and McGonagall greeted them, their faces etched with concern.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice," Dumbledore said, his voice steady. "We have a situation that requires your immediate attention."

"What's going on, Professor?" Tonks, the ever-enthusiast asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"It's the Dementors," McGonagall explained, her voice trembling. "Something has happened to them. We've never seen anything like it." Her tone is shaken as if she is scared of even imagining it.

This surprised the new arrivals. Not making any assumption, they followed Dumbledore and McGonagall to the scene, their faces growing more and more tense as they approached the grounds, getting many curious looks from the students on the way.

Not wanting to be recognised, Tonks slightly changed her appearance into a brunette. The journey is filled with anticipation and anxiety as they were barely given any time to prepare for this. Though the Aurors were told it was an investigation instead of a raid, McGonagall's explanation didn't help even though they are somewhat relieved by knowing it's not a raid.

Shacklebolt's eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation as they reached the half-frozen grounds. "What in Merlin's name happened here?" He muttered, his deep voice filled with disbelief.

Behind them, they heard many gasps and saw many students peeking through the cracks of the opened gate to the ground and Dumbledore got a sombre look at that. With a simple gesture of his hand, the door shut, Dumbledore giving them 1 last stern look.

Anyone would be out of their wits if they came across the scene. In front of them, Dementors lay scattered, their once terrifying forms now limp and lifeless, colder than they ever were in their existence, half-frozen. The sight is shocking, even to seasoned Aurors like Dawlish, who couldn't help but stare in horror.

"This, this is impossible," Dawlish said, his voice cracking. "Dementors can't be killed. They can't even be truly controlled. What could have done this?" He gasped in shock.

The experts from the Department of Magical Creature Control began to examine the Dementors, their faces pale and their hands shaking.

"W-e-we need to investigate this thoroughly," one of them said with a stutter of surprise, his voice filled with determination and awe. "This could have serious implications for the magical community."

Tonks looked at Dumbledore, her eyes filled with questions. "Do you have any idea what could have caused this, Professor?"

Dumbledore shook his head, his eyes filled with a mixture of concern and curiosity. "I'm afraid I don't, Nymphadora. But whatever it is, it's unlike anything we've seen before. We must proceed with caution."

Tonks didn't object to being called by her first name because of the shock she is going through. As an Auror, she was trained in controlling her emotions and Occlumency and she even has a Corporeal patronus. A Chameleon.

But the scene in front of her worried her. She didn't think such a thing is possible and her thoughts immediately went to the emerald-eyed Potter boy she is fond of. She wanted to immediately run and talk to him to assure herself, but she stopped herself.

She doesn't want to make him feel uncomfortable or give the wrong ideas to the masses about their relationship. She did that enough the last time she came and decided to check on him from far when she is free.

She decided to search for any clues and help wherever she could to the Department people who were here to take the Dementors away. She did wonder what would happen to them though.

"If I may know, what's going to happen to these Dementors now?" She asked the nearest member who was collecting the ice on one of the Dementors.

"That's an interesting question, Miss." He said with a pondering look not bothering to ask her name.

"We are not used to dealing with this type of situation you see. We are mainly concerned about magical creatures that live closer to muggle settlements and make sure they won't get any close to the muggles and breach the Statute of Secrecy." He explained.

"This certainly calls for a high-level meeting in the Department and I can't say what will be decided. Though 1 will be sent to the Unspeakables. They have asked for 1 Dementor to assess what happened." He said with a sigh as if Unspeakables getting a hold of a Dementor is bad.

Tonks processed the information and carefully asked her next question, "What do you think happened, sir?"

"Me?" He looked at her curiously and she nodded.

"I think they got struck by some kind of snowstorm. Much like an avalanche. I don't know why a snowstorm suddenly happened here. But that's what I think happened." He said in a conspiratorial tone.

"Mr Prattlesnitch, can you come here?" Dumbledore asked and the man gave Tonks a nod and walked to Dumbledore. Tonks saw how he walked towards Dawlish and Dumbledore, who seemed to hold some parchment.

She didn't try to eavesdrop, instead, she thought of everything she was told and thought of such a scene happening. The Dementors came here and an avalanche suddenly fell on them, freezing them in place. Resulting in their semi-death state, if that's what their current state is called.

A question rose in her mind. Why did the Dementors gather here? According to the Ministry's orders, they were to stand guard at all entrances and patrol the boundaries of the Forbidden Forest. But there should be a reason for them gathering here, right?

As she pondered, the rest of the group spent the next several hours investigating the scene, collecting evidence, and interviewing witnesses which included the Professors and Hagrid for any information.

Members of the Department of Magical Creature Control worked diligently to move the incapacitated Dementors, their faces marked by a mixture of awe and fear as they handled the once fearsome creatures. The Hogwarts staff and students, who managed to get a hole in the blind unnoticed, started to watch from a distance, curiosity and trepidation in their eyes.

During lunch, Tonks disillusioned herself and went to observe Harry from afar. As if noticing her, Harry suddenly turned in her direction and as in her nature, with a yelp, she tripped and fell, hitting the cold ground.

As she disillusioned herself, no one saw her and she groaned in pain and frustration. She should have simply disguised herself as one of the students to watch Harry instead of using unnecessary smarts she is not good at.

Though the purpose was served and still on the ground, she watched till Harry left the Great Hall after lunch and joined her team on the grounds, by which they managed to gather most dementors in a box. The chill from the frozen landscape slowly vanished as each of the Dementors is broken out of the ice shell and shrunken to be carried. But a different coldness replaced it.

She never saw such a thing happen before and noticed how others looked on in awe at such a simple solution to transport the dreadful creatures such as Dementors.

Soon the herd of hundred Dementors that were frozen and appeared lifeless were shrunken into 1 large container with many unbreakable and protective charms to limit the amount of hopelessness that was coming off them.

Anyone there, even Dumbledore can barely stand without the protection of their Patronuses and this only reminded them how powerful someone should be to freeze them in place like that.

Severus Snape, well-known for his cold face and tormenting nature, couldn't control himself from remembering those unwanted memories he so wished he would forget as well. Even the students, who were far from them, could feel the bile and despair rise in them and left the scene, unable to watch.

Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge arrived at the scene as the work winded, his face flushed in fear and his eyes wide with anxiety. "Dumbledore," he called, approaching the headmaster. "I've been briefed on the situation. This is most troubling, most troubling indeed." He said, watching the scene in horror.

"It is, Cornelius," Dumbledore replied, his voice calm but firm. "I must insist that Hogwarts be kept fully informed about the investigation. These creatures were under our care, and whatever has happened here affects us all."

Fudge's face tightened, his eyes darting nervously. "Yes, yes, of course, Dumbledore. But you must understand, that we need to take these creatures into custody. The Ministry will handle this matter. And in the meantime, I've ordered a new batch of Dementors to be sent to Hogwarts to replace those… affected."

Dumbledore's eyes narrowed, his voice taking on a cold edge. "I must object, Cornelius. I have always been opposed to the use of Dementors at Hogwarts. And now, with this unexplained incident, I must insist that no more Dementors be sent here."

Fudge's face reddened, his voice rising. "Now see here, Dumbledore! The protection of Hogwarts is of the utmost importance, and the Ministry will take whatever measures are necessary. I've made my decision, and I expect it to be respected."

The two men stared at each other, the tension between them palpable. McGonagall looked on, her face etched with concern. Others present didn't know what to do and so they all remained silent.

Finally, Dumbledore spoke, his voice soft but unyielding. "Very well, Cornelius. But know this: we will be watching, and we will not hesitate to act if we believe the safety of our students and the castle is being compromised."

Fudge nodded curtly, his face still flushed. "I w-would expect nothing less," he said, turning away. "Good day, Dumbledore."

As Fudge left, the Department of Magical Creature Control continued their work, preparing to transport the last of the shrunken Dementors onto specially enchanted carriages.

McGonagall approached Dumbledore, her eyes filled with worry. "Albus, are you sure about this? Allowing more Dementors here, especially after what has happened..."

Dumbledore looked out at the horizon, his face thoughtful. "I fear we have little choice, Minerva. But we must be vigilant, and we must be prepared. Whatever has happened here is far from over, and I fear that darker days may yet be ahead.

"Stringent steps are in order. I must sadly cancel the Quidditch final and restrict Hogsmeade. We won't be taking any more chances until we are sure of students' safety." Dumbledore said with a tired sigh.

He could hear the protests building after his upcoming announcement and with steps to ensure the smoothness of the whole scene, he called for a staff meeting to discuss how much to be revealed and what measures should be taken to ensure student safety since they knew some of the 6th and 7th years saw what happened. With a heavy sigh, Dumbledore turned and walked back towards the castle, thoughts running a mile, concerned about students and his castle's safety.

That Evening

Great Hall

In the grand, candlelit hall of Hogwarts, the usual buzzing chatter of students ceased as Dumbledore rose from his seat at the head table. His eyes twinkled with their usual spark, yet there was a seriousness to his expression that commanded all to have an idea of what this was going to be about. The faculty members sat stiffly, their faces betraying their concern.

"Attention, students," Dumbledore began, his voice ringing clear throughout the hall. "I must bring a matter of great importance to your attention, and I ask that you lend me your ears."

The room fell into a profound silence as Dumbledore continued, "As some of you may be aware, an incident involving the Dementors stationed at Hogwarts has occurred. Thanks to the swift action of our staff and the cooperation of the Ministry, the situation has been managed. The affected Dementors have been removed, and new ones have been sent to continue their guard."

A murmur of shock and curiosity swept through the room. Dumbledore raised his hand for silence and continued, "This incident brings with it the consequences and changes to our daily life here at Hogwarts. For the safety and well-being of everyone within these walls, the staff and I have agreed upon several stringent measures that will be implemented over the following months."

He paused to let his words sink in before announcing, "Firstly, I must regretfully inform you that the Quidditch Final has been cancelled." Gasps and exclamations erupted from the students, particularly from the Quidditch enthusiasts. "I understand your disappointment, but please know that this decision is not made lightly. In light of the situation, the Quidditch Cup will be awarded to Ravenclaw House, who have demonstrated exceptional skill and sportsmanship throughout the season."

The Ravenclaw table erupted in cheers, while other houses showed mixed reactions. Except for a raven-haired boy, who paid his complete attention to Dumbledore. Hogwarts informed him of many new presences entering the premises when he was with Neville.

He wrote it off as some parents or some Ministry people coming on a routine check or for Buckbeak's execution. Though he gave a cheerful reaction to the news with his House, he didn't feel cheerful at all. He has a sinking feeling about what's to come.

Dumbledore's face turned even more serious as he continued, "I must also inform you about an unfortunate consequence of the recent events. During the incident with the Dementors, our Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Lupin, sustained injuries that will require some time for recovery."

A gasp of concern went through the hall, and whispers spread like wildfire. And Harry winced. He knew it! That's why he had a sinking feeling. He only hoped the man would recover soon.

"Professor Snape has graciously offered to take over the Defense Against the Dark Arts classes temporarily," Dumbledore continued, his gaze sweeping over the Slytherin table where a hint of smugness played on Snape's face while the other tables groaned, "but I have decided to take over the responsibilities myself for the time being."

The hall broke into whispers again, and Dumbledore waited a moment before continuing, "Professor Lupin is receiving the best care, and we all wish him a swift recovery. Meanwhile, I trust that we will continue our pursuit of knowledge and excellence in his absence." Silent cheers broke out around the Hall.

Dumbledore continued, "Additionally, we will be enhancing security measures within the castle and on the grounds. This will include increased patrols, limitations on nighttime activities, and potential adjustments to Hogsmeade visits. These measures are temporary but necessary to ensure the safety of every student and staff member."

He looked out over the sea of faces, his eyes filled with empathy. "I know that these changes may feel restrictive and disheartening, but please remember that they are born out of concern for your well-being. The strength of Hogwarts lies in her community, and it is in times of uncertainty that we must come together and support one another."

Dumbledore's voice softened, filled with warmth and conviction. "Let us not allow fear to overshadow our spirit or dampen our pursuit of knowledge and friendship. Keep your heads high, and your hearts strong. Let these challenges inspire you to grow, to learn, and to reach even greater heights."

With a final encouraging smile, he concluded, "Difficult times may test us, but they do not define us. We are, and always will be, a family here at Hogwarts. Together, we shall weather this storm and emerge stronger for it."

The hall erupted in applause, a mixture of admiration, confusion, and concern filling the air. The Professors began to guide the conversation into more typical territory, but Dumbledore's words lingered, a beacon of hope and resilience in uncertain times.

Harry sighed. Guess he has to step up his magical training. He didn't want the incident with Cho to repeat and reach the level at which he should be able to stop a werewolf by himself, not needing the aid of his Animagus.

He felt Eidolon agree with his thought and a familiar coldness spread across his veins, filling him with magic and conviction to reach that point and protect his loved ones from any and all threats he attracts.

Ravenclaw Common Room

Inside the Ravenclaw common room, the news of the Dementors' incident and the cancellation of the Quidditch Final spread like wildfire. Harry Potter, captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, is trying to control his housemates.

His fellow Ravenclaw students gathered around him, some celebrating their unanticipated victory, while others are anxious about the mysterious circumstances surrounding the Dementors. The room is filled with a mixture of excitement, confusion, and concern.

Harry, however, felt a pang of disappointment. Winning the Quidditch Cup without playing the final match felt hollow. One of his teammates, Jason, is the first to approach him. "Harry, this is brilliant, isn't it? We won the Cup! But it's all so strange, don't you think?"

Harry looked at him, his face betraying his conflicting emotions. "Yeah, it's great that we won, but not like this. It doesn't feel right."

"Who cares about that? Let's party!" Jeremy said and everyone agreed. Ravenclaw won the cup with 700 points and the record will stand in history for the foreseeable future.

Not wanting to sour the moment, Harry joined them in the party, Flitwick joining in as well. As night fell, the Ravenclaw common room continued to echo with both celebration and concern, a microcosm of the conflicting emotions that are rippling through the whole of Hogwarts. The sense of foreboding is palpable.

16th April 1994


Ted Tonks had been on an extraordinary journey, one filled with hope, frustration, and determination. It was a quest for a secret Animagus licence, a document that would mean freedom for Sirius Black, in case the Ministry thought of complicating his case.

He has been to many magical countries in the past few months in search of a country that won't ask questions and just do what he asked for. But Merlin's beard this is tough.

His first choice was of course their French neighbours on the mainland. He visited the Ministère de la Magie office in Paris in hopes of getting lucky that they would agree to his request.

With a polite smile, the French official greeted him, her accent thick and lilting.

Taking it as a positive sign, he asked her if he could get an Animagus licence first and she agreed he could if he showed them his Animagus form and how it's valid in all ICW member countries.

With a friendly smile, he continued with his next question of being unable to show it and how it's for his client. Her next words came with a polite smile, yet they didn't hold the same politeness.

"Monsieur Tonks, I regret to say that zis request is most unusual. We cannot comply with it. It is, 'ow you say, against our protocols." Ted's heart sunk at the response, but he thanked her graciously and moved on.

Travelling to Magical countries through Magic is easier compared to Muggle travel to the same countries. The travel is facilitated by International Port-keys which are highly regulated by the Ministry of Magics and the ICW, to make things transparent and discourage illegal migration or stop the Dark Lords from easily moving countries for cover.

Magical International travel within the magical countries involves complex regulations, bureaucracy, and various checks to make sure the parties travelling are not running away from any Ministry or are wanted individuals.

There are, of course, ways to bypass these and in the many ways possible is Muggle Travel. The Wizarding World has a high level of prejudice against Muggle travel and most tend to avoid it as Magical travel is convenient and faster. But Ted Tonks is not one of them. Being a muggle-born, Edward Tonks is a British Citizen and holds a British passport like any muggle citizen of the country.

Knowing that major airports have obliviators and muggle surveillance teams to keep an eye on all incoming individuals to ensure the Magical country's safety, he chose the less guarded routes and remote airports to travel to the countries to enquire about his request.

He used the same to come to France and as he is on the mainland, he can easily counter the patrols through the complex network of trains that run between all countries in Europe and so swallowing his first rejection, Ted made his way to his next destination, Germany. He reached the German Zaubereiministerium.

He tried to find someone high up in the Ministry to hear his case, but unfortunately, Germans are too crooked to give any chance and so he met with a firm and unyielding rejection, the official's German accent sharp and definitive.

"Herr Tonks, I must be very clear. This is not something we can assist with. It is simply not possible. Bitte, understand our position." He said in the same infuriatingly polite voice and Ted nodded, frustration building but his determination unwavering.

He moved to Italian Ministero della Magia from there, hoping the shady rumours he heard about the beautiful country's Ministry work in his favour.

The warmer reception he received definitely helped his hope go up but the same result. The Italian official's voice was smooth and melodic, but the answer was the same.

"Signor Tonks, I am sorry, but we cannot assist you with this request. It is against our regulations. Mi dispiace, truly, I am sorry." She said in an apologetic tone. Ted could understand her predicament and gave her a respectful nod and left the area.

He changed course and went to Spain's Ministerio de Magia in hopes that he would get a positive response. Spain has been no different, the official's voice rich with the Spanish accent.

"Señor Tonks, lo siento, but we cannot grant this licence. It is against our laws, and we must abide by them. I respectfully ask you to leave." Hearing the harshness and the silent threat, Ted's hope started to wane, but he knew he couldn't give up. He had one last stop.

The shadiest of all shady stuff was said to happen in this country and with the last hope that he wouldn't be rejected this time, Ted reached his final country on the list, Albania. Albania's Ministria e Magjisë is said to be so corrupt that you can release a hardcore criminal with ease if you have enough gold.

Not wanting to show his true identity, Ted disguised himself with minor glamour charms and made his way to the Ministria e Magjisë office in the country's capital Tirana.

All this effort, from going to the country, remaining anonymous and finding a person who can help him and trying to get in touch with them and finally talking to them took Ted time. Too long if you ask him as ministries in other countries are tougher than the British Ministry and are modernised in their ways as well.

In the ornate chambers of the Albanian Ministria e Magjisë office, Ted Tonks, disguised under the pseudonym Carl Smith, found himself facing an official with a heavy brow and an even heavier accent. The room is dimly lit, filled with the intoxicating scent of aged parchment and candle wax. On the walls, portraits of past Ministers eyed the exchange with vague interest.

"Mr Smith, ya say ya need ze licence for Animagus transformation, eh?" The official, Viktor Karamakov, inquired, his voice thick with Albanian inflexions.

"Yes, Mr Karamakov," Ted replied, putting on a convincing act of sincerity. "You see, I have family members who are afflicted with various magical maladies, and I believe that being able to transform into an animal would allow me and my brother to assist them in ways that conventional magic cannot."

"Ah, very touchink, very touchink," Viktor responded, his eyes narrowing as he examined Carl's face. "But vhy come to Albania, Mr Smith? Your own Ministry iz not giving you ze licence?"

Carl maintained his composure, knowing that the story has to be compelling. "It's a matter of urgency, Mr Karamakov. The Irish Ministry's bureaucracy is simply too slow, and every day I waste waiting could mean a day lost in aiding my family. I've heard that your Ministry is more 'understanding' and can process such requests more quickly."

"Understandink, yes, but not foolish, Mr Smith. Animagus licence iz not a simple thing to give. Ve must be sure of your intentions. Ze cost for such expedited service iz... steep."

Carl nodded, expecting as much. "I understand, Mr Karamakov, and I'm prepared to pay. My family's well-being is worth any price." His voice sincere and resigned.

Viktor's eyes sparkled with a mixture of suspicion and greed. "Very vell, Mr Smith. Ze cost for this service vill be fifteen hundred galleons," he paused, assessing Carl's reaction, seeing none, he continued, "fifteen hundred galleons each, and you must svear, on your magic, zat you vill not say our Ministry's involvement in this or about zis deal."

Carl's face remained calm. "I'll agree if you swear a similar oath and give me the licence how I want it."

Viktor's eyes widened in surprise. "How you vant it?" Carl nodded.

"Yes. I want 2 licences, 1, that can change the details with a recent date and another dated 14 years ago in the name of Sirius Orion Black."

Viktor's face paled in recognition but then widened with a greedy smile. "I see. So zat's ze matter. I vas curious about all your recent visits to many magical countries and interested to hear your proposal. So zis iz about zat British Criminal." He paused, recollecting something. "In zat case, I'll issue ze licence to your needs, but instead of 1500, it vill be 15,000 galleons each as I said before. You can happily flaunt it to anyone, anywhere. Vat do you say, Mr Tonks?"

The portraits around them approved the offer, showing their support. Ted's eyes widened but he quickly agreed, "I agree, Mr Karamakov." He understood using his muggle passport without any disguises when entering Albania was not a good idea and knew that gave away his identity.

"Good, good," Viktor replied, his accent softening as he smiled mockingly. "Zen ve have a deal, Mr Smith. Your licence vill be ready in three days. Albania iz happy to help those in need."

They shook hands, and Ted left the Ministry, feeling both victorious and somewhat dirty. He accomplished his mission, but at what cost? The thought lingered in his mind as he made his way through the winding streets of Tirana, the echoes of Viktor's thick accent and mocking smile still ringing in his ears.

Though he has been visiting home between these trips to make sure everything is going well with Sirius's case and spend some time with his family, Ted can't go back now as in 3 days, he will have the key to close the only loophole to Sirius's freedom.

As he reached his room in the hotel, his body weary but his spirit alight with a sense of accomplishment and anticipation, he spotted his Gringotts box blinking. His heart skipped a beat as he took the letter and recognized the handwriting. It is from Harry.

With trembling hands, he took the letter and unfolded it, his eyes quickly scanning the words to see if everything was alright.

'Dear Ted,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to let you know that I found Sirius and he is safe. He came to Hogwarts yesterday and before anyone could notice him, I managed to save him.

He is currently hidden in a secure location, and we are taking all precautions to ensure his safety. I know that this must be a relief to you, as it is to me.

I also wanted to thank you for everything you're doing to help Sirius, Ted. Please give my best to Andy and Dora, hope your efforts for the Animagus licence are going well.

I want to end this drama as soon as possible and am thinking of a plan. I'll let you know once I'm sure of everything and just so you know, I'm going to be Lord Potter soon.

I don't want this news to be out now, so please take the necessary steps to keep it quiet in the Ministry when you can.

Wannabe politician,


Tears welled in Ted's eyes as he read Harry's words. The sense of relief, joy, and pride that surged through him are overwhelming. Getting a hold of Sirius is the toughest part of the plan as they don't know where he is hiding. Knowing Harry found Sirius and both of them are safe is a relief to him. All his efforts and his determination have not been in vain.

With a smile, he looked out the window, feeling a profound connection to Harry and Sirius and a renewed sense of purpose. The fight is not over, and there are still challenges ahead, but for now, he can savour this moment of triumph.

He knew that he did the right thing, and no matter what lay ahead, he is ready to face it. For Harry, for Sirius, and for the family he loved, he will continue to fight, no matter the odds.


Despite the Ministry's best efforts to keep things under wraps, the news of the incident at Hogwarts spread like a raging inferno across the British Wizarding community. From the bustling streets of Diagon Alley to the quiet villages of Hogsmeade, everyone had something to say about the mysterious event that had befallen the Dementors at Hogwarts.

At the Ministry of Magic, department heads are in urgent meetings, discussing the possible implications and security measures and what to do with the Dementors as they all witnessed what happened to them in the early hours of the day.

In the Leaky Cauldron, patrons debated the incident over pints of butterbeer, some expressing concern for the safety of Hogwarts, while others spoke in hushed tones about dark forces at play.

Parents of Hogwarts students sent a flurry of owls to the school, seeking reassurances about their children's safety.

In the Wizengamot, members argued about the appropriate response, some calling for increased security measures, others for a full investigation into the event.


By Rita Skeeter.

'In a chilling and bewildering twist that has left the wizarding community agog, the fearsome Dementors assigned to guard Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in search of the most-wanted, ruthless killer and Azkaban escapee, Sirius Black were discovered in a half-frozen state yesterday. The Ministry of Magic, under the supposedly watchful eye of Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge, is scurrying to unravel the mystery behind this unprecedented calamity.

Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, known for his peculiar ways and questionable decisions, alerted the Department of Magical Creature Control with an air of suspicious nonchalance. The affected Dementors were whisked away and are under observation at a secure Ministry facility. But what REALLY happened?

In an exclusive statement to the Daily Prophet, Minister Fudge, trying to hide his clear alarm, said, "The safety of our students is our highest priority. We'll find the cause of this. I have every confidence in the staff at Hogwarts."

One must wonder if his confidence is misplaced.

Headmaster Dumbledore, who seemed curiously unruffled, told this reporter: "I must emphasise that the use of Dementors at Hogwarts has been a matter of contention. We will act in the best interests of our students and the castle."

A noble statement, but can we trust the judgement of a man who has previously recruited questionable individuals to school grounds?

The Head of the Department of Magical Creature Control, Percival Prattlesnitch, looking rather dishevelled and overwhelmed, added, "We're conducting a thorough investigation. Dementors don't just freeze. Something is amiss."

Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, the resident ghost of Gryffindor, is more candid in his appraisal: "Unnatural, it is! Never seen anything like it in my 500 years."

Meanwhile, some vocal members of magical Britain have begun to question the wisdom of continuing to use Dementors at Hogwarts.

Notable activist and renowned author and last year DADA Professor at Hogwarts, Gilderoy Lockhart, shared his thoughts: "A frightful incident, truly. We must consider the well-being of our children. It might be time for a change."

He assured his fans that he is capable of avoiding such an incident and rest assured that they are safe.

Lucius Malfoy, a prominent member of the wizarding community, and ex-governor of Hogwarts couldn't resist adding his voice: "It is clear that Dumbledore's eccentric methods are endangering our children. How long will we allow this to continue?"

The incident has spawned wild speculations and conspiracy theories. Is it a sign of dark forces, a grievous mistake, or something even more sinister? With Dumbledore at the helm, anything is possible.

The Ministry urges anyone with information to come forward. Keep an eye on the Daily Prophet for exclusive updates as this enthralling mystery continues to unfold.'

Though they couldn't restrict the Daily Prophet's publication in Magical Britain, the Ministry completely blocked the paper's international publication and made sure only the favourable information was released.

The Dementor's incident was completely swept under the rug as the Ministry didn't want to face the backlash for its failure to avoid such incidents from the International Magical community and mainly from the ICW.

Britain is the only country that is using Dementors to safeguard their criminals and the Minister was under pressure by many magical leaders to move past them into the modern ways. But the Wizengomot didn't approve any of those and the hardworking man that is Fudge is with his nobility. As it aligns with his best interests.


The following morning, as Harry entered the Great Hall for breakfast with his friends, the buzz of conversation is even more frenetic than usual. The weekend is declared a holiday as the Professors and Headmaster tried to damage control after the Dementor incident.

Copies of the Daily Prophet are strewn across the tables, and Harry's eyes are immediately drawn to the bold headline, penned by Rita Skeeter:


Harry took a copy and went through it. The headline is impossible to miss, and Rita Skeeter's sensational writing style has made the article on the Dementor incident an immediate talking point.

Harry's eyes narrowed as he read through the lines filled with innuendo, speculative statements, and mentions of Sirius and Skeeter's flair for drama. He can feel others' restless looks as they realised how the incident has been twisted and exaggerated.

"What does she think she's playing at?" Terry exclaimed, his voice rising with frustration. "This isn't reporting; it's pure sensationalism! She's making it sound like Hogwarts is on the brink of catastrophe!"

Padma, equally annoyed but more composed, shook her head in disapproval. "It's Skeeter, Terry. What did you expect? I heard she turned many serious incidents into a joke, downplaying anything her whims didn't fit. And look at these quotes!" she pointed at the paper. "I can't believe she managed to get so many people to comment without knowing the full details."

Harry leaned closer to read a particular paragraph and sighed. "It's not just Skeeter; people love this sort of drama. They'll lap it up without thinking about the truth or the consequences. This is going to cause panic and confusion."

He threw the paper down in disgust, the sense of responsibility and protectiveness he felt towards Hogwarts intensifying. The Dementor incident is serious, and the school is working hard to ensure everyone's safety. Rita Skeeter's twisted narrative is only going to make things more complicated in the long run.

Padma placed a reassuring hand on Harry's arm. "We know the truth, Harry. We know that the staff and the Ministry are doing everything they can to understand what happened and to keep us safe. Skeeter's words are just that—words. They don't change what's happening here."

Harry nodded, taking a deep breath to calm himself. "You're right, Padma. It's just frustrating to see something like this turned into a circus."

Others agreed with Harry on the matter. They didn't like their safety being made fun of like that and though they observed the lack of Professor Lupin's condition in the article, they wrote it off as Skeeter's ignorance and biased writing.

They went back to their breakfast, but the conversation around them continued to buzz with the talk of the article. Harry knew that Rita Skeeter's words would spread like a firestorm, sowing doubt and fear. But he also knew that the strength and resilience of the Hogwarts community would prevail. He will keep his word to his Ancestor.

Unknown Location

In the darkened alleyways of an unknown location, two shadowy figures met under the cold gaze of the crescent moon. The tall figure, who went by the name of Lysander Thorn, looked down upon the shorter and more unassuming man named Felix Wren. Are they their real names are unknown.

"Failure, Felix?" Lysander's voice is dripping with malice, each word heavy and deliberate. "You know the price of failure."

Felix shuddered, his face pale, "It's not that simple, Mr Thorn. Potter's strong and has protections. His bodyguard is tough... something we didn't account for. I-I h-have been searching for any of his weaknesses in these past months."

"Don't make excuses, Wren! You were tasked with one job, and you've proven yourself woefully inadequate." Thorn's eyes glinted with a cold and deadly rage. "We cannot afford to make mistakes, not when so much is at stake."

"I know, sir, but if you just give me one more chance, I swear I'll get it right this time. Potter will not escape again," Felix's voice trembled, but there is a hint of determination in his eyes.

"One more chance? One more?!" Thorn barked, his face contorted with anger. "You've already had chances, Wren. This is not a game; there are no practice runs. This is life and death, and you have failed." Thorn said in finality.

Felix's body crumbled under Thorn's intense gaze, his eyes downcast, defeat written all over his face.

"You listen to me," Thorn's voice dropped to a dangerous whisper, "You will succeed, you will do whatever it takes, or you will find yourself in a situation far worse than failure. I will see to it that you suffer every day for the rest of your miserable existence if you don't bring me Potter's downfall."

A chill ran down Felix's spine as he nodded, "Yes, Mr Thorn. I understand."

"See that you do," Thorn snapped. "Now, go, and do not come back to me without results. Remember, Felix, our cause is greater than you or I, and failure is not an option."

With a swish of his dark cloak, Lysander Thorn disappeared into the night, leaving Felix Wren standing alone, the weight of his task heavier than ever before.

As he trudged away, a determination settled within him. He will not fail again; he can not. The price of failure is too great, and the shadow of Lysander Thorn loomed large in his mind.

In the distance, the night owl hooted, and the world slept on, oblivious to the dark plans being woven in its midst.

And Cut.

That's it for this Chapter, folks. Hope you all liked it. Tell me, what you think of the chapter and story in general.

Any suggestions are welcomed.

See y'all in the next chapter.

Black Infinity 1289,

Ja Ne.