
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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161 Chs

Settlement 6

Ministry of Magic

Harry appeared in the Atrium of the ministry and made his way towards the DMLE office on the second floor.

He entered a standard office setup with tables and wizards and witches working. He went to a nearby witch and asked her about known Animagus and formalities needed to get registered as an Animagus.

He read about how there were 7 known animagus and McGonagall was one of them.

Neither this father, Godfather nor Pettigrew were registered in this. Harry saw the process, which was easy but noticed a loophole. The names of registered Animagus can be attained by anyone.

He wanted to know this for not only Sirius as he knew Sirius was an unregistered Animagus which can land him in Azkaban again, but he wanted to know whether it is safe to get registered here or not.

After all, changing into an animal at will can be a trump card. He doesn't want to give up his trump card just to maintain a good name and record.

He is going to search for alternatives to bypass this, not that they would put him, Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived in Azkaban, but it is better safe than to be sorry.

Harry saw a woman walk into an office opposite where he was reading and read the name plaque of it. 'Director, DMLE' it read.

Not leaving an opportunity of getting as many people on his side, Harry went to the receptionist.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where the records of the previous cases are kept?" he asked the woman respectfully. The woman looked up, but she couldn't see his face. She replied in a bored tone.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"I'm," said Harry, removing his hood a little, giving her a glimpse of his face and her eyes widened seeing his face. He gestured to her to keep quiet and she nodded frantically, adjusting herself.

"My name is Rosaline by the way. As for the information, Can you tell me which case you are looking into?" She asked respectfully.

"About Sirius Black," Harry replied neutrally. Her expression changed to the one of disgust but she controlled herself as she is in front of the Boy-Who-Lived and she doesn't want to give him a bad impression of herself to their saviour.

"That case file is in the 5th row, 17th column in the 5th aisle in the 3rd left of the room. It will be 2 Galleons for seeing and 4 Galleons for a copy," she said neutrally and Harry thanked her, after giving her 2 Galleons and he left to the mentioned room.

What he saw shocked him. There is nothing. Practically Nothing. No case details. No investigation, no trial. NO TRIAL. How can this be possible? Sirius may be accused to be a mass murderer, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be given a trial and thrown into Azkaban of all places just like that.

His magic was spiralling out of control and Harry applied his Occlumency shields and clamped it shut. 'This is a disaster. How can they just throw him in Azkaban?' Raged Harry.

Then he remembered the door plaque and made his way towards the receptionist.

"Ms Rosaline, can I meet the Director of DMLE?" Harry asked and Rosaline went through some records.

"Yes, it will be 4 Galleons if you want to take it." She replied with a smile and Harry returned her smile and gave her 4 Galleons and she told him the way, which he knew and made his way to the room.

Harry knocked on the and heard 'Enter' and went in. The door closed behind him as he slowly made his way towards the table in the middle where a woman sat.

She is of an average witch with short grey hair, dark eyes and square-jaw and a monocle. She has the air of a serious person and Harry took note of this and as he reached his chair, he spoke. He saw her name plaque, which read 'Amelia Bones, Director of DMLE' in gold letters.

"I apologise for my unannounced intrusion, Madam Bones. I wish to discuss an important matter with you. If you have time," he said in a calm tone.

She looked up to see a hooded figure stand beside her table and nodded for him to continue.

"I'm Harry Potter by the way and this is about Sirius Black," said Harry as he sat in a seat opposite to her.

"We are trying our best to search for him, Mr Potter," she assured him.

"I'm aware of that, Madam Bones. Though I doubt you enjoyed sending Dementors to Hogwarts, I came here to discuss Sirius's innocence," said Harry, shocking the woman.

"What Innocence? What innocence are we talking about, Mr Potter?" She asked, grinding her teeth. As a strict person who follows the law-word to word, she can't see any innocence in Sirius Black's case and the boy in front of her didn't strike her as an investigator.

"I know all the charges on Sirius, Madam Bones, but do you have any recorded evidence on him to make this much fuss?" He asked, stopping dramatically. He saw the anger in her eyes increase and continued.

"I mean, there is no investigation, no trial. He is just put in Azkaban. Do you know that, Madam Bones?" Harry asked calmly. The anger in her eyes was subsidised a bit by this.

"What do you mean there is no trial and investigation? The Aurors caught Black in the act," said Madam Bones, taking a stern tone.