
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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161 Chs

New Wands and a Diary 1


It feels good to be writing again. I wrote my exams well. Thank you all for your patience.

And as promised, I'm back with the next chapter of Broken Shackles. You can always read next 2 chapters of Broken Shackles(each being 5.5k words or longer) now on my Patron page and support me as well. The process is on my profile.

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"Familiar/ Ghosts /Goblins" talking.

'Familiar/ Ghosts/ Goblins' thinking.

'Parseltongue, will/memories'

"Spell" being used.


Broken Shackles

Chapter 5

New Wands and a Diary

"Is there anything left that requires my presence here?" asked Harry.

"No, Heir Potter. There is nothing that requires your presence here. You can go. Gringotts box will be delivered to you at your leisure" said Bloodstain. Before he could leave, Harry remembered something important and sat to talk to Bloodstain.

"Bloodstain, do you know any Lawyers or Solicitors that can help me to file a petition in the ICW," said Harry in a calm tone. At the mention of ICW, Bloodstain stared directly into Harry's eyes. Harry recalled the lesson they were told when he was first introduced to the Wizarding World. The being about the International Statute of Secrecy and the next being about the ICW.

"Sorry, Heir Potter. I think I didn't hear it correctly. Did you just say ICW as in International Confederation of Wizards, the organisation which is the International governing body of you lot?" questioned Bloodstain. In all his experience as an Accounts Manager, he wasn't asked about it by any wizard. At Harry's nod, he sighed, which didn't suit well to his scarred face.

"What is this about Heir Potter. If you explain it to me in more detail, I can think of something that could help you"

"This is about the publications made on me as 'Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived' book series. I want to claim royalties for their use of my name without my permission and a share in profits for the sold copies. According to what I heard, millions of copies were sold across the world every year. Can you tell me whether it is true or not"

"Yes, Heir Potter. That is true. From the fall of the Dark Lord on the 31st of October 1981, there are some tales about you and your greatness and the adventures you are doing across the world. But the series takes the cake from all the other stories. It started its publications from the next year of your disappearance and the books were an instant hit. They were the best-sellers still even after a decade and remained like that till now. It is rumoured that the publishers made millions of Galleons. Though I don't know much about other details. If I may, can I know what are you thinking about having a Solicitor in the ICW exactly" he asked curiously?

"I want to file a suit on the companies for using my name without my permission. And when I win, I'll give an exclusive interview and add the adventures of the last 2 years as well. If my name and stories are published across the world, it might as well be under my control" Harry said with a smirk. Bloodstain returned the smirk. He liked the greedy and cunning side of this boy. If the young wizard is a goblin, then they might have been the most powerful nation around the world. Now he understood why the young Potter want to know about the ICW.

"Yes, yes. I will send you the necessary names as soon as they are prepared. Anything else?" Asked Bloodstain. Harry thought and added Dobby's name as his elf to allow access to his vault. Bloodstain did as he asked.

"Have a nice day, Heir Potter. Gringotts looks forward to doing business with you" said Bloodstain and Harry bowed in respect for the Goblin and left the room.

After leaving the bank, Harry told Dobby to bring all his mother's books home which Dobby did. Harry went on a shopping spree to buy all his school supplies and then some. He went to the apothecary and bought all the needed ingredients which were of high quality and advanced potion supplies like self-stirring rods and self-adjusted burners etc.

He moved to Madam Malkins to get his new robe fitted. He gave his measurements and requested everything to be made from Accromentula silk and took some other normal and formal robes and winter robes, which were enchanted to auto heat and adjust to his body temperature.