
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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Mastering the Mind Art 6

After he wrote all of them in the space the book provided, Harry was given a small fireworks show as a celebratory pass.

But he stayed vigilant and a small letter appeared in the middle of the fireworks which can be barely seen if not closely observed. He can't understand whether this is an eye test or Occlumency test but wrote it in a blank space beside the last page.

'Well, done. Champ. Now on to the third. Please look into the holes of that instrument there. You will be tested with some powder and all you have to do is open your eyes wide and no sound should be heard during the test.'

Harry walked happily to the instrument the book specified. How it got there, he doesn't know and cared enough to find it. He just looked at it in expectation to be done with the test and was chilled to the bone at the first whiff of the powder he was going to get assaulted with.

Its blood-red colour and menacing eyes didn't leave much to imagine as a red powder, which he assumed was hot chilli powder filled in the jar. He walked towards it in trepidation. As soon as he walked near it, the instrument opened to give space for his head to be inserted.

Harry inserted his head with caution and readied his wand for an emergency. He heard the instrument lock his head and felt a gentle breeze towards his face.

He turned towards a small green light and assumed it to be the source of the breeze and soon, the powder started coming towards him and Harry braced himself.

'Open your eyes and no sound is to be made during the test,' Harry remembered from the book. He can smell the chilli in the powder and it hit him straight in the face.

Harry clamped his Occlumency Shields tightly and imagined all the happy times with Cho and Mira and what else he could remember of his childhood.

He lived in those moments instead of feeling his bloodshot eyes and red face as the chilli powder came into effect. He felt the pain as a distant tingle as he relieved all those moments.

He felt being thrust into cold water deeply and reality rammed into his daydreaming like a freight train, tearing it apart without mercy.

Harry gave an involuntary gulp as the cold water flowed into his throat, he was in the pool area in the Inner Chamber. He saw a frantic Dobby running around.

"Dobby?" He asked in a hoarse tone.

"Master Harry Potters is fine. Master Harry Potters is fine!" Dobby exclaimed and jumped around in joy.

"Dobby, what happened?" Asked Harry, his throat adjusting to the change.

"Master Harry called Dobby. Master Harry was red-faced and asked Dobby to throw Master Harry in this pool," explained Dobby.

"Chilli powder was across Master Harry's face and Dobby cleaned it. Dobby also cleaned the Inner Chamber, sir," he added.

"How much time passed, Dobby?"

"It's been 10 minutes, sir,"

"Thanks, Dobby. You can go now," said Harry and Dobby vanished in another pop. 'I was in the pool for 10 minutes?' Thought of Harry. He walked to the book to see smiling faces form in it. He got infuriated and thought of burning it.

'Hahaha. I didn't think it would take you this much time to come, champ. Now write the words you first remembered in reverse. You have already wasted 8 minutes. You only have another 9 minutes to complete this test!'

It read and Harry suppressed his anger. He is very much going to burn this book after this. 'That dumb fucker.' Thought Harry as he tried his best to remember the twisting sentences.

The test went as Harry continued to curse the dumb idiot for creating them and himself for having the wonderful idea of taking these tests.

As the 6th test was completed, he sighed in relief. He doesn't know how the old dumb idiot has come up with all these, but he is going to admit Schpeel Dumb is good at what he does.

Harry was shown some comprising images of men and women to test his self-control and mind control. He almost gave up when he saw a woman resembling Cho, but he managed to push through on his 4th test.

In the 5th test, he was told to answer questions quickly from the book and as he took time to answer, the stupid book mocked him for being a dumb idiot.

It wrote how it asked to answer quickly, not correctly. If not for his goal of becoming Master Occlumencs, Harry would have burned the good for nothing book with Fiend Fire. Though he had to search for that spell.