
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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161 Chs

Mastering the Mind Art 3

"What do you think, sir?" Harry nudged Dumbledore and as the matter of Heirship came, it could be taken as a direct request from an Heir of a Noble House and had a higher chance of acceptance.

"Professor Lupin, can you explain about my proficiency in defence?" He included the gaping Remus who was most surprised out of all aside from Snape.

"Um, yes, sir. Mr Potter is very proficient in defence and as we all know, he can conjure a Corporeal Patronus," added Lupin with a convincing smile.

The room went into silence as everyone started to think about Harry's suggestion and the possibility of an attack, about his safety and Flitwick was first to speak.

"I think we can allow Mr Potter some leeway in this, Headmaster. He is good at charms and performed the Banishing Charm with ease.

I am confident in his skills to defend himself and if such a commotion is created, we can be there in minutes. I agree with what he suggested," said Flitwick with confidence and Dumbledore nodded.

Seeing that 2 of his staff are confident in Harry's abilities to defend himself, Dumbledore concluded it is best to leave him be for now.

After all, the old headmaster had a suspicion that everything was not what it seems and though he doesn't know what happened in Godric's Hollow on that day and who is the real culprit, he is suspicious of everything.

The portrayed picture on Sirius was too perfect as the only evidence found of Pettigrew's death was his severed finger. So he decided to give the Black man a chance.

Who knows, he can be resourceful in the future. 'Everything is for the greater good,' thought Dumbledore, assuring himself and announcing his decision.

"Since you are confident in Mr Potter's abilities, I'll allow this. But please call a House elf to inform them of anything you find suspicious in the corridors, Mr Potter. I also request the staff members to be vigilant at all times and respond to any threats cautiously as students' lives are at stake here." He implored and everyone nodded.

"If that is all, please disperse and stay on alert. The students will sleep in the Great Hall for the rest of the week until we complete our search. Few of us are going to stand guard for them while the others are going to search for Sirius in groups of 3. Is that clear?" Dumbledore asked and everyone nodded.

"Let's go," he said and they stood up and made their way to the Great Hall.

Harry has a rough idea of what to do as his first objective is to find Sirius and keep him safe if he is still in Hogwarts. Next is asking Ted to file the case in the Wizengamot.

With his goals fixed, Harry walked with all the professors to the Great hall and fell in step with Lupin. The man looked disturbed during the whole meeting and Harry knew why. He chose to silently follow the man. If Lupin is not willing to come out even now, what can he do? They soon reached the Great Hall.

All the chatter died down as soon as the students saw the contingent of Professors and Harry enter the Great Hall, looking at them curiously.

"Students, due to the ongoing events and an attempted break-in by Sirius Black, the muggle killer, all the classes are suspended for the week," Dumbledore explained using a wandless Sonorous. Everyone celebrated, missing the attempted break-in part.

Dumbledore raised his hand to calm them down. "Classes will resume as usual next week and there won't be any changes in the schedule. You are going to stay in the Great Hall for the rest of the week while we comb through the Castle to make sure there is no room for doubt on the missing criminal's presence." The mood spiralled after that announcement.

"And before I forget, more Dementors are going to guard the Castle from tomorrow as part of the Ministry's safety measures to safeguard Hogwarts, so I request more caution around them." He said in a sombre tone.

Everyone tried to protest, but since it is from the Ministry, their protests can't be heard. As the protests died down, all the Professors started moving the tables.

"You are going to sleep in your House order. Please move to the side while we arrange and then move where your House table generally stands. You will be assigned a spot by your Head of House there," said McGonagall in a stern tone and everyone started moving.

All the Professors first removed the tables and enlarged the room to fit all students. After that, they filled the entire hall with a large cushion that was soft and comfy.

As all the students saw the usage of magic, the first 3 years students watched in amazement at the area-wide usage of the art, 4th year and above saw the expertise of their Transfiguration Professor and Headmaster.

Harry with Padma and Terry reached Professor Flitwick as he was directing students after all the arrangements were done and giving all students a pillow and blankets as it was going to be a cold night.