
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

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Investigation and Duels 5

Headmaster's Office

"So Harry came to talk to you?" Dumbledore asked and seeing Shacklebolt nod, he sighed.

"I thought of sending him to you. But it looks like he is a step ahead."

"Yes, Headmaster. Flitwick brought him. I must admit, facing that many Dementors and coming unharmed is a great feat." Shacklebolt said in awe.

"Yes, Kingsley. It's not a normal feat. But I'm worried about Harry's mental health." He said in worry.

"Why, Headmaster, what happened?" Shacklebolt asked sharply. Harry Potter is the hero of Magical Britain and anything happening to him will cause unnecessary panic in the magical populace. Kingsley knew how terrifying public panic would be.

He is one of the Aurors that survived the First Wizarding War and it doesn't look pretty. Unnecessary death, bloodshed and chaos reigned supreme in those days and they were his worst nightmare.

Magical Britain slipping into those days again is something he is not willing to allow. He is going to do everything he can to stop that and Harry Potter is key to that.

"You know about Sirius's attempted break-in?" Dumbledore asked and Shacklebolt nodded.

"Harry didn't react when that happened. He came, suggested a great plan, got approved and went. I couldn't understand what happened, but seeing how well the plan was working, I couldn't object.

Even yesterday, instead of falling from his broom or slipping unconscious, he stood strong and used his Patronus against all the Dementors.

It's a sight to behold, Kingsley. Harry on his broom as if floating with his wand out and a Doe in front of him ramming into all the Dementors is something that worries me.

Are these signs something good or something we didn't expect, hiding in plain sight going on?" Dumbledore asked and Shacklebolt didn't have an answer to that question.

"Sorry to disturb you with my questions and thoughts, Kingsley. You can go if your investigation is complete. Tell me if you find anything that is causing this," he said and Kingsley left with a nod.

'Did Harry change that much? I thought all his stories were rumours. But hearing this from Dumbledore paints a different picture,'

'I need to check what happened yesterday from Tonks as well. Only if that girl didn't mess this up,' he thought and left to meet with his clumsy junior.

"I know things are changing, Fawkes. Only if I knew what they are leaning towards," Dumbledore said, stroking Fawkes feathers.

Meanwhile, In Ravenclaw Tower

As the game started, Harry and his group of seekers slowly made their way towards the corridors of the almost empty Ravenclaw Tower as most of the students were playing hide and seek with them.

Harry is surprised by their hiding tactics as they didn't find anyone even after searching for 10 mins.

The first-year girl, Nicola, was too shy to talk and just followed them like a lost puppy.

Luna on the other hand was in her world and walked behind them similar to Nicola with an occasional widening of her eyes in surprise.

Harry and Cho are leading their charge while trying their best to be observant of their surroundings. They didn't even see 6th year's around.

"What's going on? Why do I feel alone?" Cho asked Harry in a whisper.

"You two seem closer than I remember," Luna spoke out of the blue, startling Nicola which made her hide behind Harry's leg.

"Calm down, Nicola. It's just Luna," Harry tried to soothe her and tried to get her off his leg. But surprisingly, the petite girl had a strong grip.

"I can see their path. Heliopaths followed them. Here you are!" Luna suddenly pointed and found one of the first years who was hiding behind a curved corner. He was escorted to the common room as they found a sixth year to do that.

"I think this is why many won't talk to her. Her odd behaviour puts people off," Cho whispered to Harry as he carried Nicola on his foot to search the remaining tower.