
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

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Investigation and Duels 2

Next Day

The night passed as Harry recalled Sirius's eyes and compared them with the dying moment of his mother. They held the same love for him.

But because of the Slytherin Lord ring, he managed to sleep a few hours. The Slytherin Lord ring sometimes forces him to do some things and Harry took it as the uniqueness of the ring to keep its master safe.

'Maybe if I become stronger than it, I would be able to control it? Food for thought,' Harry thought as he prepared himself for the day.

After bathing and clothing, Harry walked into the Common Room to attend his classes only to be surprised.

"Welcome, Harry!" He heard many voices yell and had almost fired a spell. When he saw many familiar faces of his housemates, he relaxed his wand.

"What is going on?"

"We are celebrating our victory," Padma said as she stood in front of the group.

"Don't we have classes?" Harry asked, confused.

"Classes for the first half of the day are suspended, Mr Potter. The Headmaster and other Professors are investigating what happened yesterday," said Professor Flitwick coming into Harry's view.

"What happened, sir?" Harry asked the diminutive man.

"What happened yesterday is nothing to take lightly, Harry. So the Headmaster asked the DMLE for help as yesterday's events compromise the safety of students," Flitwick explained.

Though everyone was here before Harry, they didn't know this as Flitwick only explained the class dismissal part. Harry was perplexed by this.

'What? Having a Basilisk doesn't compromise student safety, but Dementors attacking does?' Harry thought rhetorically.

"Maybe your Headmaster thought the Basilisk to be a lost pet snake," Harry heard the sarcastic voice of Mira.

'Yeah. He might have thought that. After all his pet is a Phoenix,' Harry replied and heard Mira laugh.

"So we are celebrating now?" Harry asked uneasily. Though he overcame yesterday's events, celebrating his near-death experience didn't appetize him.

"No Harry. We are celebrating your successful recovery and in some part our victory," said Professor Flitwick, easing Harry's mind.

"Well, in that case, let's have a party!" Harry called and everyone cheered. Though he is not keen on celebrating, Mira pointed out the main fact.

Harry managed to successfully stand against a large group of Dementors alone and won as well. So that idea managed to push Harry to enjoy it.

"Professor, who came to investigate?"

"I think Auror Shacklebolt came with a few others. Why, do you want to talk to them?"

"If possible, yes. I want to share my experience. I think it might help them," Harry said and Flitwick nodded in understanding.

"Yes, that might help. In that case, follow me. Prepare for the party while I will be back with Mr Potter soon," Flitwick ordered Penelope and Harry saw her nod.

He received many congratulations and appreciative handshakes as he followed Flitwick outside the common room and reached an empty corridor.

"They are discussing it there, Harry. You can go in. I'll be waiting here," said Flitwick as he pointed towards a closed door and Harry nodded gratefully and walked in.

"So what are you-" Harry heard someone saying.

"Excuse me," Harry asked as he entered and saw 2 people in the room while the male was talking.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I'm Harry Potter. I want to discuss yesterday's events," Harry said and took in the appearance of the talking two.

First was a tall black wizard with broad shoulders. He was bald and wore a single gold hoop earring. He wore purple robes on what appeared to be his Auror robes Harry guessed. Next to him was a familiar pink turning red-haired woman he knew.

"Harry Potter, you say? I heard of you. Are you the one all those Dementors attacked?" Shacklebolt asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, Auror…"

"Shacklebolt, Kingsley Shacklebolt and this is Trainee Auror Tonks," introduced Shacklebolt and Harry nodded.

"Yes, it was me those Dementors attacked and I want to ask if there is any progress in your investigation?"

"Not yet, Mr Potter. We just saw the attack area and all the Dementors who attacked you were sent back to Azkaban for safety reasons. We assure you, Mr Potter, we will try our best to find what made those Dementors attack you like that," assured Shacklebolt and Harry nodded.