
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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Hogwarts Express and New Colours 6

"As all the students of the first year are done sorting, we have another person to be sorted by special request." came the voice of Dumbledore and with a nod to Professor McGonagall. She called him into Great Hall surprising many.

"Potter, Harry." She called sternly.

Harry went in with his robes turning plain from their Gryffindor colours as he applied a Disillusionment on them to look like they are in Gryffindor Colours. Shouts and gasps were heard as he entered the Hall. Most of the Gryffindor students were standing from their seats in outrage.

Harry calmly stood at the table waiting for McGonagall or Dumbledore to calm the students. She looked at him with resignment and disappointment as she still remembered the letter she received from him a month prior.

Flashback Begin


Professor McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress,

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Professor, I write this letter in light of events that occurred last year when people believed me to be the supposed Heir of Slytherin. Though I came out of the event alive and well and the school awarded me for the Special Sevices, I still felt of conveying my request to you.

Professor, I request you, to be resorted. I no longer feel the Noble House of Lions be the House I belong to as they all left me all alone and it took the push from Professor Snape and the badgers and snakes to encourage me to bring back my lost courage.

I know that you may think it to be a one-time occurrence but what is stopping them to do the same to me again when the circumstances are not favourable? I know that you have a high view for the den of Lions as you are the head of the house, but Professor, even you can't change their behaviour in the common room or our classes or between classes. I can't afford to give them another chance only to be left to my problems again.

I read the students rights and limitations from the Hogwarts Charter and it clearly specified that if a student feels that they no longer possess the quality of the house which they were sorted or the house as a whole reject them, they have the right to ask for re-sorting to the Head of the House or the Headmaster and you or the Headmaster doesn't have any authority to reject the request as it is considered as the choice of the student and if that student still seamed to be fit in the same house or otherwise is to be decided by the sorting hat alone.

I know this may be seen as arrogance or me using my name and fame to pressure you and Headmaster into doing this Professor, but I'm not. Because if I did, you would be reading this in Daily Prophet, not in a letter addressed to you personally. I hope you can take appropriate action as an Honourable Head of House and Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts.

Yours Truthfully,

Harry James Potter'

Flashback End

She still can't believe that her house of Lions left a cub alone and it took the 'push' as Harry said it from Badgers and Snakes to reinvigorate him is a sad thing for her and her position as the Head of House.

She had a long discussion with Dumbledore, the old Headmaster trying his best to make it not happen but in the end, the rules are clear. Unless the Sorting Hat thinks that the student still has the qualities or best fit for that House, they can't do anything to stop it. She sighed and kept the sorting hat on his head beginning his sorting.

'Ah, yes. Mr Potter or should I call Lord Slytherin?' Said the hat in Harry's mind. Harry chuckled at that.

'It is nice to speak to you again, Griff.'

'So it seems you took my advice to heart. I am honoured and delighted to congratulate you for your acceptance as the Lord Slytherin and Hogwarts expresses her hearty welcome to you again to her castle.' said Griff in an honoured tone. As Harry can't see his face, he assumed it to be honoured anyway.

'You are welcome, Griff. Now tell me about sorting. What plans do you have on sorting me and which house are you leaning towards?'

'Shall I assume that you want to be sorted into Slytherin?'

'Oh Griff, how wrong you are. Yes, I took your word to heart and became Lord Slytherin. Though I would like to see the looks of shock on Dumbledore, Snape and other students faces, I don't want to associate myself with the tarnished name of Slytherin. Tell me does Dumbledore have any plans of sorting me into any particular House, this time around?' asked Harry curiously.

'Of course. The Headmaster has expressed his displeasure to me so many times after receiving your letter and expressed his desire for you to stay in Gryffindor. He doesn't want the saviour to be intelligent or fall to darkness as he puts, as he is sure you won't go to Hufflepuff for some reason.' said Griff in an annoyed tone.

'It seems the old fool doesn't want to stop his control of my life to cease. Well, no matter. It is going to change.' Thought Harry. He is the proud descendant of Salazar Slytherin and Heir to Noble and Ancient House of Potter. He won't allow anyone to control his life any further.

'Well, I don't have any reservations, Griff. I want you to sort me into any of the other 2 houses. As I don't want to go back to Gryffindor and don't want to be their and Dumbledore's Golden Boy and am done with their stupidity. Now, Griff, the decision is yours. What would it be, An Intelligent Raven or A Loyal Badger?'

'You have put me in a hard place, My Lord. Well, like last time you have all 4 house requirements in you. But this time the intellectual and cunning parts have come to the forefront.

"Then better be RAVENCLAW!" shouted Griff. The table of Blue and Bronze stood and clapped loudly.