
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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161 Chs

Hair Scheme Bodyguard 7


Junior Auror Tonks,

We have been informed about Heir Potter's stay with you. Thank you for confirming that.

According to the Minister's orders, Harry Potter must be guarded at all times to eliminate the threat of 'Sirius Black's attack'. You have been appointed as Heir Potter's personal bodyguard for the rest of his Christmas holidays.

We at the DMLE would like to have this assignment go smoothly. Protect Heir Potter at all costs.

This part is addressed to Mr Potter.


Mr Potter,

I'm sorry for telling you this, Mr Potter. But the Minster is adamant about increasing the search party for Sirius Black and he might be found soon.

I can't do anything and I didn't see the Minster this adamant on anything except his Ratings. Soon you will see advertisements for Sirius Black in Muggle papers as well.

I'll be dispatching more Aurors for the search. Take this as my early warning to you. To achieve what you want, you should find Sirius Black.

I will notify you if we find him, I don't know whether what you want can be achieved. I think you are smart enough to understand.

Best Wishes,

Amelia Bones,

Director of The DMLE.'

Ted and Harry read it again to see if they missed something and after concluding they didn't, started to plan.

"Why is that fool planning this all of a sudden?" Harry asked, frustrated.

"Calm down, Harry. They are just increasing the search party. That doesn't mean they will find Sirius." Ted assured him. But Harry is not convinced.

"Have trust in Sirius, Harry. He escaped Azkaban, the inescapable fortress and came to Hogwarts. Imagine how many places he can be found. But he was not found even with all the attempts of the Ministry. He won't be found until he meets you. So rest assured, he won't be caught." Andromeda said reassuringly and Harry thought about it.

What she said certainly had merit. 'Come on, Azkaban is not near Hogwarts. But Sirius came there, escaping many checkpoints and he knew many secret passages in Hogwarts as well.

Maybe he knew many more places to hide as well. He might have found some places during the last war. That is possible. Ok Sirius, I trust you. Don't get caught till I find you. We can enjoy it after that.' Harry concluded and smiled.

"Yes. Foolish me worrying for nothing. Thanks, Andromeda."

"Why am I appointed as this shorty's bodyguard? I don't want to." Tonks said and everything screamed in her mind.

"I didn't ask for it, pinky. It's your monocle boss that did it. Don't push the blame on me." Harry argued from across the room.

"Dora, don't be like that. Look at the positive. You can stay home for the rest of the holidays. Isn't it better than going on those assignments they send you?" Andromeda argued and Tonks shut at that.

"Now you can be with Harry everywhere and ensure his safety as well," Ted said in high spirits and Tonks narrowed her eyes at her father at his words.

It's like he had already planned on sending her with that brat wherever he goes. 'I can't win even if I argue. Better to resign me to this.' She thought in resignation.

"Oi bodyguard, I'm going to study, will you come?" Harry asked with a teasing smirk.

"Why you!" Tonks exclaimed. The other 3 laughed at her angry face. Harry went to read while Tonks stayed with her parents.

"Do you think being with him is a good thing?" She asked them honestly.

"What do you mean by that, Dora. He is a good and understanding boy in his teenage. Many boys won't be like this." Andromeda said.

"Though he doesn't show it, he shoulders a lot of burdens, Dora. You can't compare Harry to other children. From the moment he survived the Killing Curse, his life changed. For better or for worse isn't clear yet. We can't imagine how much burden he is shouldering, Dora. At least he came to us for his legal matters. I am happy about that.

Though he doesn't know we are related, he has become a member of our family all the same, Dora. Be understanding with him. The Harry I saw a few months back is different from the one in front of us. He is learning. If we could guide him in a good way, that would be beneficial for everyone." Ted explained in detail.

"Remember, Dora. He is still a teenage boy. He might be cold and teasing you sometimes, but he doesn't mean anything bad to you." Andromeda suggested and Tonks dumbly nodded.

She didn't think any of that. She know she is reckless and clumsy. But no one treated her like the way Harry treated her. He always takes her as his age and talks and knowingly taunts and teases her.

She felt different with him. She never thought the way her parents thought about Harry and compared to all the things she does, Harry is being way better. She realised.

'What is it with you, Potter?' She thought aimlessly.