
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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Gryffindors and Attack? 1


I'm back with the Next Chapter of Broken Shackles. Hope you share your feedback with me.

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I'm not asking or demanding you to tip me. For those who want to and can, they can do it. My stories will continue to be published here if you tip me or not. Hope you understand.

A special thanks to my Beta, Theseus-Theo for his help.

Tell whether his beta-reading is helping the story or not. Did you find any difference pre and post his help in the story in your reviews.


With this Chapter, Broken Shackles crosses 100k words. On this occasion, I want to thank you all for making this possible.

If you didn't show love for this, this wouldn't have reached this far. Hope you show your love and support for the Story in the future as well.

As a gift to celebrate this, let me reveal the first pairing of the Story. Harry x Cho is a confirmed pairing.  Hope you like the gift.



"Familiar/ Ghosts /Goblins" talking.

'Familiar/ Ghosts/ Goblins' thinking.

'Parseltongue, will/memories'

"Spell" is being used.


Broken Shackles

Chapter 17

Gryffindors and Attack?

As their holiday passed in chatting, Harry and co returned to classes and ran around the Castle, back to their routine.

As they were having breakfast in the Great Hall, Dumbledore made a small announcement to keep them up to pace.

"Good morning, students. I know you were happy to enjoy an extra holiday yesterday. So I have a few things the Aurors told me that will bring joy to share with you. From today, we longer have any Dementors guarding Hogwarts. The Ministry had called them off seeing what happened to Mr Potter.

But we will be closely guarded against all threats by some Aurors for the time being and our Staff. This will start after the Christmas holidays. And because you bravely stood up to Mr Potter's support, let me give you all 5 points as a reward," Dumbledore said with a wide smile.

All the students cheered. Though it is pointless as everyone got 5 points. It certainly helped to lighten the mood.

"That's new. When did the Headmaster start giving points generously like that?" Harry asked.

"You can't predict him, Harry." Padma and Terry said with the same disappointed expression as Dumbledore's and they all laughed. Classes began after that.

The only thing that changed was the Professor's treatment of Harry. Before if they had respect, now those eyes held sympathy, which Harry despised.

Harry heard Hogwarts rumour mill explaining how many Ministry employees were fired for what happened with the Dementors and knew it to be false as he got a letter from Mafalda.

Flashback Begin

As Harry was doing his daily exercises in the Inner Chamber, his Gringotts box started to blink, showing he got a letter. Harry took it to read.

'Hey, hottie,

Why didn't you tell me about the Dementors attack? I thought you were safe at Hogwarts.

Sorry, Harry, I had to let that off my chest. So the DMLE and Fudge are very serious about this issue. I think it is because it involves you.

Detailed investigations are made and suspicion of you-know-who's angle is also discussed. Madam Bones gave Minister Fudge an earful after she heard about the attack from Auror Shacklebolt.

Funny thing this pushed the Minister to approve an additional budget for the DMLE as Madam Bones stressed the matter of insufficient funds. How much, I don't know.

I'm itching to see you soon, Harry. Hope we can meet during the Christmas holidays. Stay safe, Harry.



Flashback End

After reading the letter, Harry was surprised by Mafalda's sudden change in addressing him but shrugged it off as an older woman's weird fantasy stuff.

Knowing that his acts are starting to impact the Ministry, Harry made few modifications to his plans by pulling some things he postponed to top priority.

He can't give anything to chance and these modifications will help him better. Top on his list is Animagus.

He is going to find a solution to Sirius's illegal Animagus problem soon and increase his efforts as well.

Who knows his Tommy uncle might attack tomorrow. Though Harry is confident Tom won't, he is not going to take any risk as his life is at stake here.

"What are you thinking that deeply, Harry?" Padma asked as they were in an empty classroom, practising duelling with Harry.

After seeing Harry duel and win against 2 opponents one after another, Padma and Terry asked him to teach them. Harry accepted and brought them to an empty class to start.