
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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161 Chs

Freedom 6

"Dumbledore," he said curtly and nodded to which Dumbledore replied with a 'Lucius' and nodded in the same way.

"So you have been back as Headmaster, I see," Lucius said with a sneer but controlled his expression to that of a distaste.

"So it seems, Lucius. The board of governors believe that my return is required to deal with the matter and they reappointed me. That also told me about your threat to them" he replied calmly.

"What. Me. No. I did no such thing. And what of the culprit of this incident. Are they found"

"Yes. Lucius. It is not surprisingly, Voldemort again. But this time he did it using this dairy" he said and moved a black dairy towards Lucius. His eyes widened for a second but he composed himself.

"How did this happen. Is someone outside responsible for this? As a Governor of the board, I have students best interests in mind" said Lucius.

"Yes, Lucius. The culprit is found and will be punished harshly for endangering the whole school" Dumbledore said this with a pointed look at Lucius who didn't relent and flared his nostrils in anger.

"The culprit is found by the best efforts of Mr Potter here. He bravely fought Lord Voldemort or his shade risking his life. The board and the staff has decided to give an award for special services, Lucius. I hope you can appreciate his efforts" he said in a calm tone as if talking about the weather while Lucius seethed in anger.

Meanwhile, Dobby is pulling Harry's sleeve and gesturing towards Lucius to which Harry nodded in reply.

"Yes, I appreciate Mr Potter's efforts and think the award is a good thing to appreciate his efforts. Congratulations Mr Potter" he said giving Harry a small nod to which Harry didn't reply.

"Oh, Lucius I forgot to give you this," said Dumbledore and took a piece of parchment. He gave it to Lucius, whose eyes widened in shock and were masked by fury.

"That is your removal letter from Hogwarts board of Governors. I think they didn't like you much, Lucius. I hope you have a nice day, Lucius" he said cheerfully with a twinkle in his eyes. Lucius looked outraged but didn't say anything and called Dobby and kicked him and left Dumbledore's office closing the door loudly. Harry smirked at Lucius and put his plan into motion. He asked Dumbledore and took the diary from him and followed Lucius.

"Excuse me, Mr Malfoy. I think you forgot this" he said gesturing towards the diary and smirked.

"What are you talking about, boy. This doesn't belong to me" Lucius denied the accusation.

"Don't act, Malfoy. I saw you putting this diary in Ginny's cauldron in Diagon Ally. I didn't think much about it then. But after you put all the school in danger I can't help but think about you. You disgust me, Malfoy" spat Harry. Lucius looked outraged at this.

"Who do you think you are talking to, Potter. Do you think you can accuse me of something like this? You Poor thing. I think you are out of your mind, Potter. I can escape without any mark of it on me. But don't think this to be the end, Potter. The dark lord may have failed to kill you on that day. But he will kill you when he returns or I'll kill you myself if you act in the same way" exclaimed Lucius in outrage. Harry smirked at that word.

"You, Lucius Malfoy, a Lackey of Voldemort, the dark lord, maybe the worst of all of them, will kill me, Harry James Potter, the boy-who-lived and the defeater of the dark lord and the survivor of The Killing Curse" Harry laughed at Lucius's words whose face turned purple in rage.

"Say whatever you want Malfoy, but remember this, next time you put me in danger, it is going to be the last time you are going to breathe," Harry said a dark smile adorning his face making Lucius step back in fear.

"Do not test my patience and take this as your last warning. I'm not as kind as people portray me. If you try..." Harry let the threat hang in the air and shoved the diary into Lucius's hands who took it gave it to Dobby in shock. Dobby dutifully took it and opened it when he saw Harry gesture him to open it.

"Master gave Dobby clothes," he said amazed at the single piece of sock in the book. This managed to bring Lucius back to the present.

"What are you talking you stupid elf" he turned to see a sock in his hand which is in the book. He saw Harry smirking at him victoriously. He took his wand to curse the boy.

"Why you"

"You will not harm the Great Wizard Harry Potter Sir," said Dobby standing in front of Harry, stretching his arms protectively. Lucius fired a Bone Breaker at Harry which Dobby deflected the spell with a snap of his fingers. Lucius was thrown out of balance and hit the wall with a sickening crash. He groaned in pain and stood up quickly and sheathed his wand in his walking stick and walked away, giving one last murderous glare to Harry who was still smirking at him.