
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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Familiar and Forgotten Truth 4

He didn't know which language it is in, but he could read it as it is. With the ring, a book appeared with the name 'Will of Salazar Slytherin' on it in the same scribbling lines but he understood it. He took the book in his hand and opened it.

'I Salazar Slytherin, write this will with sound mind and intellect. This will be considered as my final will and testimony. Any of the previous ones will be deemed nullified as of this moment. This is my true and final will to be counted as my last wish and done as asked.

To my Dear Heir,

I am Salazar Slytherin, one of the founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. If you are reading this, then that means I have long passed away after writing this note and Griff would have found my daughter's son's line and gave the memory about my last wish to you. I am happy that you have made it here, my dear Heir. I don't know what people may think of me after my death, but let me tell you the truth.

I am born to a noble House of Slytherin as the eldest of 3 children. I have a little brother and sister.

As any elder brother would, I loved my siblings and protected them to the best of my abilities. I am a different child from the beginning, and that just increased when I started speaking with snakes, a trait my family had but a secret lay in this. Most of my family can speak Parseltongue but, I can read and write Parseltongue as well. If you are reading this then that is the final proof that you are my blood descendant as this is written in Parseltongue' at this Harry's eyes widened. He can read andwrite in Parseltongue as well.

'The time in which I grew up is not good, and there is an ongoing war between Mundane and Magicals. The Mundane are the people who didn't have any magic in them and tried to assert control on the Magicals, and treated us below humans and as untouchables. We fought for our safety and to live. There are lots of skirmishes throughout my childhood that forced me to learn things fast and took my innocence away. I don't wish such dark days even to my worst enemies.

In one such skirmish, my parents were killed, and we 3 siblings have become orphans. This made me realise something. If you are repeatedly hurt by the same thing again and again, you should either become the thing to make it true or to give up like a coward. So I chose the former and changed. I changed into the being feared by most Mundanes even in their dreams. I became the Mundane slayer to protect my siblings. To protect my kind from slaughter. But everything changed when they attacked again and my sister was killed in the assault.

All my world shattered at that moment. I can't do anything. Everything I did was to save my siblings. My younger brother got separated from me in the skirmish, and we lost each other. I don't know where or how he is even to the current day. But I heard a rumour that a man speaking with snakes attacked a village and killed most of the village of hunters who killed the Magicals and was killed after he is pierced with a poisonous arrow.

I don't want to see his corpse or see his body as I can't hold the anger within me anymore. I don't want to find that very person people are taking about to be my brother. As after my sister's death, I already went on a rampage. Everything and everyone who came in my way lay dead because of my power. There is a belief in our time that wands are the only tools that the Magicals use to fight and they can't fight without one. But they are wrong.

I made this ring from the original family ring. This ring has the essence of the most powerful rituals which give the user Power. Power, to do things which may be seen as impossible by many. But to attain that power, one must do things that could be seen as cruel by many. I call them hypocrites. If you want revenge and you have a sword, you should not fight with daggers and kitchen knives to get your revenge. You should do it with the sword you have, and sharpen it to cut your enemies and rinse it in their blood. Not with wooden daggers and rubber arrows.

So I have done it. I killed all the people that killed my sister and many others who would have done the same or something more viler to my Brethren. I became the Wizard who Mundane kings feared, and wizards respected. After everything was over, I realised about what I have done and felt guilty. So I travelled across the world learning so many things and so many kinds of magicks and helping wherever possible. Magicks that may seem obscure and vile. And in my travels, I saw all the horrors that befell on young magical children.

They were forced to suppress their magic, fearing detection by the mundane and met a fate that was worse than death. They were becoming these strange creatures called an Obsucurial. An Obscurial is a young wizard or witch who developed a dark parasitical magical force, known as an Obscurus, as a result of their magic being suppressed through psychological or physical abuse which they endure because of their parents to remain secret from the Mundane. A man with an idea to build a school for all the children approached me and it interested me. He, me and 2 other women formed and group, and worked hard on the school we wanted to build for the future of the wizarding children.