
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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Discussion and Discovery 2

For diverting the attention of other students, jinxing their potions, general distraction by doing other things. And Ravenclaw was awarded for the same.

Nicely dressing up. Not disturbing the class and some were even awarded for their fresh breaths. All the claws were jumping in joy while the snakes were glaring daggers at Malfoy.

Draco became the new celebrity of the class by losing the most points in one Potions class in Slytherin's history.

Add to the fact that Crabb and Goyle messing up their Potions didn't help things. The Slytherin House lost nearly 500 points, while Ravenclaw got 300 points in one class.

After a complaint by Slytherin students to the Headmaster, all those were reversed, but Malfoy's lost expression was still priceless.

Draco was genuinely confused why Snape targeted him all of sudden as he got the short end of the stick from the beginning of the year. He walked into the Great Hall for a meal, thinking the same.

The rumour of this spread like a wildfire and now all the Slytherin's were glaring at Malfoy and their Head of House with murder in their eyes, but couldn't do anything.

The day went by with relative situations but the classes after Potions went well for Harry and now he was going to the Headmasters office.

Harry told Padma and Terry to not wait for him as he had already eaten an early dinner knowing the discussion he and Dumbledore were about to have is going to be long.

As Harry approached the Gargoyle, it moved aside, without asking for any password. 'Perks of being Lord Slytherin I guess.' Thought Harry and before he could knock, Dumbledore called him in.

He entered the same large and beautiful circular room, full of funny little noises. Several curious silver instruments standing on spindle-legged tables, whirring and emitting little puffs of smoke.

The walls were covered with portraits of old headmasters and headmistresses, all of whom were snoozing gently in their frames.

There was also an enormous, claw-footed desk, and, sitting on a shelf behind it, a shabby, tainted wizard's hat — the Sorting Hat, Griff.

It was the same as when he last visited here and freed Dobby from Lucius and was told about his award. Harry looked around in nostalgia.

"Ah, Harry or should I call, Heir Potter now?" Asked Dumbledore with a pleasant smile.

"Harry is fine, Professor," said Harry as he walked in.

"Sit, Harry," he said, gesturing to the chair in front of him and Harry sat without any further delay.

"How are you doing, my boy?"

"Well, Sir. Too well actually,"

"Good, good. How was your summer?" He asked in the same pleasant tone.

"Isn't this too late to ask that?" Replied Harry rhetorically.

"Anyway, better." He answered.

"It's good to hear that," said Dumbledore. He was surprised by the lack of anger or disappointment as he denied Harry to stay in Hogwarts for the summer.

He thought of checking for any ill effects or worse, Harry not considering it home any longer. So he asked the first question that came to his mind.

"How was Petunia doing?"

"She is doing well. Though she doesn't like magic, she is fine as long as I don't perform it at home," said Harry in a sweet tone.

Dumbledore didn't consider his sweet tone, but the word 'home' was enough for him to quell his fears and he smiled cheerfully.

"How are classes going? Can you understand everything that is taught or find anything difficult to catch?"

"I can understand them without any problem, sir. As I didn't take any subjects that are difficult for me," he answered politely.

If the old man is not willing to break the ice, then why should he? It is not his concern as he did his part very clearly.

Harry heard a soft trill and turned to Fawks, trilling on his perch, looking at him curiously with his dark eyes.

He stood and gently ruffled his feathers while Dumbledore looked at the scene with a serene smile.

How much Dumbledore wanted the moment to last, he had so many things to ask the boy in front of him and so he continued with their meeting.

"That's good, my boy. You didn't take Divination?" Asked the Headmaster, jumping into his first question.

"No, Professor. I'm not interested in it as I don't feel myself to be a true Seer and thought I can't learn much from it," replied Harry, still petting the Phoenix.

"I see. But it is a great subject to learn, Harry. As it gives us a good idea of our future," said Dumbledore with a jovial smile.

Harry turned to look at the smiling Dumbledore avoiding his eyes, staring at his beard. That sentence reminded him of the Prophecy Trelawney made.

Harry came here to settle with the headmaster and tell him to keep his business to himself. But now this changed his mind.

If the headmaster is this much interested in his studies, then he is definitely hiding something other than Prophecy.