
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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Christmas Gifts? 2 Part 4

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"Where is it from? Is it some threat?" She asked, sliding into her Auror mode.

"It's from Lord Greengrass. Seems like he wants to talk to me in person if I have time." Harry said with a shrug.

"Hmm, what do you think?" Tonks asked, still in her Auror mode.

"Don't know. Should ask Ted about it. I don't know much about the man except he tried taking this Childcare centre and he apologised for it here. Should weigh pros and cons."

"I think we should leave, Harry," Tonks said with urgency and Harry's demeanour changed at that.

"Why is something wrong?" Harry asked, mimicking Tonks' seriousness.

"Not currently. But I have this feeling that something bad will happen if you stay here longer. I know you love all the children. That's why I suggest we leave." Tonks said, the urgency in her tone increasing.

Harry thought about it for a minute and decided to trust her instinct. He nodded and sealed the letter and put it in his robes and seeing the letter being read, the owl left, taking off into the East.

Harry and Tonks hurriedly walked toward Vali and explained Tonks' intuition and unwillingly, Vali agreed.

"Children, Master Potter has some important work to do. So he will be leaving now." She announced, getting a tearful no from many children as they came crying to stop him.

Harry's heart screamed in agony, seeing all of them crying but he couldn't take chances and put them in harm's way.

The volunteers sprang into action and distracted the children while Harry smoothly made his exit, their crying faces still fresh in his mind.

"Vali, take care of them and if anything happens, tell Clicky to contact me. I'll be here soon or send someone." Harry said and Vali nodded and gave him one last hug as he and Tonks left the compound.

"Harry, I'll change myself. Cover yourself as well. I'll apparate us home." Tonks said seriously, changing her appearance into a middle-aged woman and Harry covered himself with his hood, trying their best to change like Tonks.

Only half of his face changed, but the rest stayed still, giving him the appearance of a half-wrinkled young man and he changed back, not trying to experiment. He saw the clouds darken and thunder roar in the sky.

He knew what all these signs meant. Mira's warming. 'This is bad. How the hell did they know of the Childcare centre!' He raged in his mind.

As they walked to an empty street to apparate, they saw some people walking through the streets in search of something. They all had muggle police badges and they seemed to be searching for something.

Seeing many people around them, Tonks didn't try anything. As they moved towards the empty alley to the side, one of the police officers walked towards them.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Sorry for the interruption, but can you show us your id?" He asked in a respectful tone.

All magical children were given a fake identification card to show to the muggle authorities when they were in muggle areas just to be on the safe side. Harry and Tonks had them without the Ministry of Magic issuing them as they were muggle-raised.

"Here you go, officer," Tonks said, giving the man her id card. But much to her dismay, it's her original one, not the magical one which adjusts to her current facial structure and so before the officer can find it, she changed back.

"Oh sorry, young lady. Looks like I mistook you." He said with a smile and asked Harry.

"Looks good. Are you coming from a date?" He asked with an honest smile and both of them nodded with fake smiles.

"Well, have a great day. Sorry for the interruption." He wished them farewell and left to ask others.

They quickly moved towards the empty alley and when they were about to apparate, Harry sensed a distortion and soon with many pop sounds, many hooded figures appeared.

"At last, we found you, Potter!" The man in the front said, his visible eyes had a maniacal glee.

"Who are you?" Harry asked, confused.

"That would be telling. How about you come with us nice and quiet?" He asked, pulling his wand. Harry's wand was also in his hand in an instant.

"Is everything prepared?" He asked the other hooded figures.


"That's good. We can happily capture him without any intervention." He said, as if capturing Harry thrilled him.

"Harry, this is bad," Tonks said and Harry turned to her to see what she was talking about and saw 5 more people surrounding them.

"This is worse than that day," Harry muttered, though Tonks heard, she couldn't ask to elaborate as all the men surrounding them moved closer.

"Looks like they sealed off this area with Muggle Repelling charms, Harry. We have no way to escape but fight." Tonks said in worry.

She knew her capabilities and as Junior Auror, she can take 2 adult wizards at her best and she can count on Harry to take one more at best. But they are facing 6 currently and one of them is clearly above-average adult wizards.

"Surrender, Potter boy. Sorry. Heir Potter. You are not escaping from here and I'll make sure you come with us." The same leader said with a cheerful smile as all of them drew their wands.

"Protego," Harry and Tonks said in unison, seeing all their enemies' wands light up. The combined Protego was strong enough to withstand the combined attack of 6 Bombardo.

"Expelliarmus," Harry said trying to disarm one of the men through the small gap he opened and moved to the side with him as his attack caused the man to step back.