
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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Capture And Break In 6

"I don't need to hear. I see it every day," said Harry as they started walking towards the Ravenclaw tower. Spending time with her relaxed him and now he can apply his plan without any diversions and disturbances.

"That's true. What do you plan for the upcoming Quidditch match?"

"Win the game of course. I can't disappoint the young lady who put her trust in me and made me Captain, can I?" Harry asked confidently and Cho nodded in agreement.

"You better not. I have so many hopes on us and I want to experience playing with you in the sky,"

"Are you? I'll make that dream come true soon. Oops, looks like people are lurking around," said Harry, seeing some students around the corridor.

"Good night, Harry," said Cho, hugging him and giving him a last kiss. Harry walked with her to the common room normally.

As they play Quidditch together, no one paid any special attention to them as they normally talked about Quidditch and other things.

Harry talked to her and switched to talking with other Quidditch players who gathered around them as they started talking. It was a good informal meeting as they got to know each other's strengths and weaknesses more.

Harry concluded the meeting by stating his target of catching the snitch and winning the match against the Puffs and everyone agreed with him on that.

After that, they all dispersed into their dorms and went to sleep except for Harry. He wanted to catch Pettigrew and started observing his routine at night.

A Few Days Later

Harry devoted himself to catching Pettigrew and observed his routine for the next few days and decided he was ready to catch the rat.

He made his way through the empty corridors of Hogwarts, following the normal path Pettigrew would take in search of something to eat.

Harry saw him enter the corridor and walk towards the hole he would normally squeeze through. Harry is waiting for him at the entrance to the hole.

He was under his invisibility cloak so the rat didn't see what happened as soon as he was at the hole, he was stunned and lost control of his body.

Harry didn't think catching him would be this easy. Deciding to not delay, he took the stunned rat. His anger came to the forefront, but Harry suppressed it with practised ease.

'Thank Merlin, you are here, Pettigrew. Let's keep you in a safe place for now,' said Harry, giving him one last dark look before putting him in a small pouch.

Donning his cloak again, Harry went to his room to sleep with satisfaction as Pettigrew was now with him, Sirius coming here is the only thing left to enact his plan.

Halloween Day

After catching Pettigrew, Harry became more active and happy. He aced on all his classes and got praises from all Professors except Snape.

The poor Potion Masters started to stay quiet around him for some reason and Harry didn't want to test him as he is not interested in him.

Malfoy on the other hand had a few more encounters with Harry and ran every time Harry disarmed him and he also stunned him a few times.

Other than that, Ron made quite a ruckus about his missing rat and unfortunately for him, no one seemed to know about its whereabouts.

It took the Weasley boy a week to notice the absence of Scabbers and Harry heard he frantically searched for Scabbers in his dorm and then in Gryffindor tower.

He started searching around Hogwarts but they didn't yield any results. Apparently, Percy was disappointed in Ron and didn't talk to him after that.

Understandable, as he is the one who first brought Scabbers into their home. Harry didn't give a damn about them as Pettigrew is far more important to him.

He remained silent and days passed by quickly as the fateful day of Halloween was upon him in no time and he waited for Sirius to come.

"Is it, I didn't think it was like that," laughed Harry as they ate the Halloween feast and while chatting in the Great Hall.

Padma and Terry were opposite him while Neville joined them at the Ravenclaw table accepting Harry' request and was beside him.

Though this day took so much from him, Harry stayed strong throughout the day as he got used to it by now. He is patiently waiting for Sirius to come when-.

"Attention! Students. Due to some unforeseen circumstances, the Castle will be on temporary lockdown. I request all students to be in the Great Hall.

I repeat. I want all students to be in the Great Hall immediately. Head Boy and Head Girl will explain to you everything. You will be sleeping in the Great Hall for today.

A thorough search will take place across the castle and all classes are cancelled. Mr Potter, please wait for Professor Lupin. He will be coming to take you."

Rang Dumbledore's voice across the Castle as everyone went into a panic.

Harry was smiling with joy in his mind. 'Yes! He is here,' thought Harry in joy. And as soon as a fresh batch of Gryffindors entered the Great Hall, they confirmed his suspicions.

"It's him. Sirius Black is here!" They yelled at the top of their lungs. The Great Hall went into silence for a second and descended into chaos the next.

"Settle down. Head Boy here. Settle Down," Percy tried his best to calm everyone.

Everyone started to talk about this as few started to describe what happened at the Gryffindor common room.

"So when we went there, there was a crowd building up. All thought it was the Fat Lady not accepting the Password. But no. She was nowhere to be found and her portrait was slashed with claw marks across it. The Head Boy was there, trying to disperse everyone.

Professor Dumbledore soon arrived and as they found the Fat Lady, she explained about Sirius Black's attempted break-in. It's chaos after that." Explained a 4th year while the twins examined their own version.

While this was the widely accepted version, whole different versions started to appear. Harry also noticed some sending not so subtle, subtle glances at him while some were worried for him.

"Mr Potter. Please follow me," asked Professor Lupin as he stood at the entrance of the Great Hall.

And Cut.

That's it for this Chapter, folks. Hope you have liked it. Tell me, what do you think of the chapter and story in general.

Any suggestions are welcomed.

See y'all in the next chapter.

Black Infinity 1289,

Ja Ne.