
Chapter 6: Pool of Rebirth?_2

Translator: 549690339

Zhou Li fell silent, he realized that the girl named Tang Wan in front of him seemed possibly not very good at speaking, or rather, she was direct and outspoken. After all, who openly talks about discussing laxatives over drinks next time, when even mentioning medical principles would suffice.

Of course, Zhou Li didn't really mind, since his friend from the Tang Sect used to speak without filtering as well, and he guessed that those who played with poisons all had this trait.

"Then let's part ways here."

After receiving Zhou Li's response, the girl with snow-white hair disappeared straight into the wilderness. Zhou Li was also decisive, walking over to the carriage to twist the cage a bit, then lifting Xu Sheng and Li Ziqin, who had been concussed by his own spirit ball, into the cage.

Turning around, Zhou Li looked at the varying expressions of the students nearby, flashed a kind smile, and said to them:

"Don't worry, they absolutely won't harm you."

"Ah, um, this..."

The students were instantly taken aback, with the male student leading them stepping forward and cautiously saying to Zhou Li: "We more or less know the way down the mountain, we can actually walk by ourselves."

"Don't worry, I wasn't planning on putting you in the cage. After all, you are students of Da Ming, if I really did that your teachers would fight me to the death."

Zhou Li pulled over a horse, detached the cage from the carriage, and then tied the reins of several other horses to the cage. Pointing at the empty carriage, Zhou Li said to everyone: "It might be a bit of a squeeze, okay?"

"Thank you."

A few students breathed a sigh of relief; they bowed gratefully to Zhou Li and then boarded the carriage. Accompanied by the sound of horses' hooves, the figures of Zhou Li and his company disappeared into the thick forest.

On the way back to the city, the students didn't say much, as the lingering fear of being captured by the horse bandits had not yet subsided. But as the uneasiness in their hearts slowly decreased, these naturally curious students came to their senses and began to feel curious about Zhou Li who was driving the carriage and singing songs outside.

"Big brother, are you... a Monster Hunter?"

Aboard the carriage, the braver student finally couldn't help but poke his head out, curiously asking Zhou Li: "Do you operate a Capture Demon Pavilion in Shangjing?"


Contrary to what these students had imagined, Zhou Li, who had seemed extremely brutal and ruthless (a subjective judgment), turned out to be so easy to talk to, or even gentle. While driving the carriage, Zhou Li smiled and said to the student:

"Out of all the Capture Demon Pavilions in Shangjing City, our Wherever Pass ranks in the top ten, of course, that's also because there are only eleven in Shangjing. Anyway, if you run into some troublesome spirits or demons, you can always come to me, and I'll give you a discount."

After discovering how approachable Zhou Li was, these students, who rarely encountered such "civilian Daoists," immediately got excited.

As bona fide students of the Imperial Academy Mansion, their futures were destined to wield the "Dragon Tiger Qi" bestowed by Da Ming, walking on a unique and bright Grand Path. To these students who usually led a secluded life, a Monster Hunter like Zhou Li who practiced various strange Spirit Techniques and possessed mysteriously powerful abilities was naturally appealing.

A Spirit Qi Master is someone who uses Qi to train their body, gradually perceiving the "spirit" contained within all things. A regular Spirit Qi Master can sense the spirit in all things and enter into a contract with it by the Fourth or Fifth Realm.

Just like Xu Sheng, who was now hanging in the cage, he practiced "Sword Qi," so if he stepped into the realm of Fifth Realm Spirit Qi Master later, he would sign a contract with the Sword Spirit.

"Then, big brother Zhou, what Spirit Technique do you practice?"

The girl in a blue long dress leaned in slightly, her beautiful eyes filled with star-like curiosity, "I saw how nimble and agile you were just now, it must be Shangjing City's exclusive technique 'Flying Crane Spirit Qi'."

After asking this question, the girl saw her classmates making faces at her, and it dawned on her that inquiring so openly about Spirit Techniques to these people of the martial world was a big taboo.

Just as she was about to nervously apologize, Zhou Li spoke up first.

"While it isn't Flying Crane Spirit Qi, it's similar."

Zhou Li cracked the whip, comfortably crossing his legs, and said:

"The Spirit Technique I practice is called 'Knowledge Snow Leopard'. It not only gives me a sharp mind, but also a swift stance like a snow leopard. Once I reach the Fifth Realm, I will sign a contract with the spirit of the snow leopard and gain the power to wield the mist."

These people could tell right away that Zhou Li was joking with them, and his comedic interruption relaxed the originally solemn and tense atmosphere.

Gradually, everyone began to take a liking to the handsome young man. Of course, the beautiful female student seemed to notice that the young Monster Hunter was somewhat in a hurry, as if something was pressing him to move quickly.

After a period equivalent to the burning of an incense stick, Zhou Li did not take these students directly to the Imperial Academy Mansion to collect their reward. Instead, he left them with his mailing address and quickly departed from the suburbs of Shangjing City.

As for the two Horse Bandits in the cage, Zhou Li simply told them he would take care of it.

"Why would you not exchange us for the reward money after capturing us? What are your intentions?"

Sitting cross-legged in the cage, Xu Sheng, upon realizing that Zhou Li had not taken them to the Government Office but had returned to the old road, opened his eyes and asked in a deep voice, "Could it be that you've changed your mind and want to kill us?"

"Can't you think more positively about people? What if I wanted to join you?"

Zhou Li said this in an annoying tone before stopping the carriage. He dismounted, looked back at the two Horse Bandits who had lost their ability to move in the cage, and said with a smile,

"Or perhaps there's another possibility, like, for instance, I've taken an interest in this Pool of Rebirth you speak of. What would you do then?"

"I've already said everything I had to."

Xu Sheng's face was expressionless as he spoke indifferently, "Beiliang Mountain, The Great River, these are all I can tell you. Now, whether you kill or torture us, I am at your mercy, I only ask that you grant me and this poor fellow beside me a dignified death."

"I'm not so sure about killing you."

Zhou Li shook his head, too lazy to argue further with his captive. He cradled his head with both hands, displaying a bored and annoying demeanor. He turned to Li Ziqin, who was still unconscious, and said, "Actually, I just have one question I want to ask you."

"What exactly is the Pool of Rebirth?"

Upon hearing this, Xu Sheng fell into silence, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his stern square face. After a moment, he looked up and said,

"The so-called rebirth grants one the life of rebirth while exempt from the ailments and evils of this life, blessing one with the fortunes of rebirth, transcending life and death, and seeing through purgatory."

"Sounds like a cure-all."

Zhou Li's comment made Xu Sheng pause, and the burly man furrowed his brow. Xu Sheng seemed unhappy with Zhou Li's summarization and retorted,

"The Pool of Rebirth can bestow upon one the power of rebirth, removing the diseases or pains of this life. How can it be simply summarized as a cure-all?"

"Hmm, you're right."

Zhou Li nodded in agreement, not contradicting what Xu Sheng had said. However, at this moment, Zhou Li's face bore an increasingly strong expression that made Xu Sheng feel uneasy.

Looking at the two captives, Zhou Li flashed a grin, his delight unmistakable. At this point, Xu Sheng's heart was filled with worry. The fight that just took place was so suffocating because this cunning fellow had used all kinds of extreme measures, leaving Xu Sheng with no choice but to submit.

What Xu Sheng did not know was that at this moment, Zhou Li was not looking at them.

[Fate Line Triggered]

[Intruding Destiny Line: Pool of Rebirth? More like Pool of Gender Transformation!]

[To save his boss's life, the Horse Bandits' second-in-command Xu Ziyi came to Shangjing from afar, daringly venturing into Spirit Vulture Mountain in search of the legendary Pool of Rebirth that could transcend life and death!]

[However, what he did not know was that the intelligence he had obtained might differ slightly from the truth. For instance, the so-called Pool of Rebirth is actually spring water that transforms one's gender.]

[Now, from the famous Swordsman Xu Sheng, you've obtained information about the Pool of Rebirth. Whether you live an insignificant existence or make something grand out of the so-called Pool of Gender Transformation, it's up to you.]