
Chapter 7 Mother Drowns in the Spring!

Translator: 549690339

Shit, that's exhilarating.

The moment Zhou Li saw the words "Transformation Spring," he didn't even wait for the Eight Trigrams Fate Spinner to reveal the rest of the text before repeatedly thinking, "I accept, I accept, I accept."

When the voice of activating the Fate Line rang out, although nothing had happened, Zhou Li still felt a thorough thrill from head to toe.

This was the Transformation Spring, a divine tool capable of creating: Gender-Bending Evil Swordsman's Humiliation and Corrupt Training (Innocent Hanhua Group 43P)!

At that moment, Zhou Li couldn't wait to head to Beiliang Mountain and thoroughly utilize the Transformation Spring to deal a dimensional level blow to the enemies he would encounter in the future.

From his observations, many people in this world, including those who practiced cultivation, took their reputation very seriously. If one were to be splashed with Transformation Spring water in the midst of a fight, it would cause real damage.

Of course, Zhou Li was not blinded by the sudden joyous surprise. He was aware of the formidable strength of the southern horse bandits. As the second-in-command of the gang, this Xu Ziyi was definitely no pushover. If there were other helpers, Zhou Li was confident that he himself would be no match going up alone.


Sensing the aura of the Ten Thousand Vermillion Spirit Ling Zhu Sphere at his waist, Zhou Li curved into a confident smile. He skillfully knocked Xu Sheng unconscious with a slap and then pulled out the Ten Thousand Vermillion Spirit Ling Zhu Sphere, waving it in the air.

The crisp chirping of a bird echoed through the sky as a spiritual pet named Bidiao landed on Zhou Li's arm.

Feeling the texture of the cloth beneath his claws, Bidiao frowned and instinctively tried to push up Zhou Li's clothes, but failed as Zhou Li was well-prepared.

Seeing Bidiao effortlessly tear through the clothing sleeve that firmly held him, Zhou Li forced a strained smile, then gritted his teeth to soften his voice, whispering, "Brother Dia, do me a favor. After this is over, I'll buy you a whole cage of beautiful birds."

Bidiao's call was rather unusual. He didn't chirp like ordinary birds, nor did he screech loudly like an eagle.

As a hoopoe, Bidiao had a unique way of expressing himself in his calls, which involved shouting a character from his name with varying intonations to convey his feelings.

For example...

"Shabi, shabi."

Upon hearing the words "beautiful birds," Bidiao reacted as if triggered, furiously venting. He had not forgotten the last time Zhou Li made such a promise; he had toiled to get the job done, almost ruffling his feathers.

And the result? Zhou Li indeed bought him three beautiful birds: a delicious pigeon, a delicious quail, and a delicious sparrow.

Of course, they were not cooked, they were live birds, but they were species meant for eating. At the time, Bidiao was so angered by these docile and silly-looking birds that he almost suffered a stroke. If it weren't for the fact that they indeed smelled delicious once roasted, Bidiao would have sworn to die with Zhou Li.

"Don't worry, you pick this time, and I'll buy," Zhou Li reassured without hesitation. If he could get the Transformation Spring, paying a bit wasn't an issue, "It'll be the same as before. We'll be of one mind—you keep watch in the sky, and if anything happens, just alert me. I'll use your eyes to see."

Different from common beast mastery methods, the Ten Thousand Vermillion Spirit Ling Zhu Sphere did not emphasize control, but rather the heartfelt connection between the spiritual beast and its master.

Therefore, the owners of the Ten Thousand Vermillion Spirit Ling Zhu Sphere would generally develop a good relationship with their spiritual beasts, even becoming complicit in dealings like Zhou Li and Bidiao. Zhou Li had even heard that reaching a soul resonance with one's spiritual beast could lead to the mastery of causal law skills such as "Stand Up" and "Dodge Quickly."

Of course, he didn't know any of that stuff yet.

After coating Xu Sheng's and Li Ziqin's cages with a layer of cartilage powder and warning them about the consequences they would face in their next life, Zhou Li pulled the cord on a specially made firework monkey in his arms.

This was something Zhou Li had purchased from Night Unclaimed. Once it exploded, personnel from the nearest Government Office would come to investigate, and Xu Sheng and the others would be gloriously jailed.

After ensuring everything was in order, Zhou Li took Li Ziqin's Ten Thousand Vermillion Spirit Ling Zhu Sphere and hung a sign that read [Beware of the Fierce Dogs] on the cage, then he and Bidiao slipped into the dense forest.

The mountains of Shangjing weren't very high and were merely a series of rolling hills. But Spirit Vulture Mountain to the north of Shangjing was different. Towering three thousand feet high, with twelve water streams, steep cliffs on three sides, and with its mountain peak protruding at the front and concaving at the back, it looked like a perched pigeon from afar, hence the name Spirit Vulture Mountain.

Of course, there were rumors that there were real spirit vultures living in Spirit Vulture Mountain, but Zhou Li had no way of knowing. In any case, the last time Bidiao was in high spirits for mating, they went to Spirit Vulture Mountain seeking love, but they encountered none.

Spirit Vulture Mountain was a treacherous peak with sheer cliffs on three sides. Only the southern side facing Capital City was relatively easy to scale. However, to Zhou Li, who was able to mimic a spider, the mountain was not as easy as walking on flat ground, but he could at least move around with ease.

After passing through the last stretch of dense forest, Zhou Li arrived at the foot of Spirit Vulture Mountain. Soon, by the banks of a river named "Wei River," he found traces of a camp.

Three large stoves, one small stove, and two firewood stacks.