
Chapter 9 Please Conduct Yourself with Dignity, Sir 1

Translator: 549690339

She needed money, fifty thousand was a lifesaving sum for her. As long as it could cure her mother's illness, even if it meant selling her own body, she was willing to go to any lengths...

But she hadn't expected Si Ye's stamina to be so formidable.

Thinking of the man's frenzy last night made Chen Zhi's face turn pale, and she hurriedly lowered her eyelids to hide the unbearable scene reflected in her eyes.

Si Ye wasn't the least surprised when he received a call from Mama Zhou.

He knew that the woman would not choose to move into the villa, but he had plenty of ways to make her comply obediently.

Turning his leather chair, Si Ye faced the vast floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the clear blue sky, a bloodthirsty cold smile curling up the corner of his mouth.

He had always believed that if someone gave him one stab, he would return a hundred.

He would collect what was owed to him from them, one by one!


For the next two days, Si Ye didn't look for Chen Zhi, and Chen Zhi deliberately forgot about that night's event.

She lived and worked as usual, finding time during the day to visit and care for her mother in the hospital.

Because she was a piano student, it was easy for her to find work at large hotels.

Inside Jindi Hotel, the largest chain hotel in the country.

Chen Zhi, dressed in a tight black evening gown, was sitting in front of the piano, her slender fingers playing beautiful music.

The luxury here was something she had never seen before, but she kept her eyes steady, calm, with not a hint of envy or longing.

Today seemed to be a banquet hosted by some rich person who had booked the entire hotel, attended by all highly influential figures.

The lavishness of the event adequately reflected the host's wealth.

"Young Master Si has arrived."

A commotion arose at the entrance, and many people crowded around.

Chen Zhi just finished playing a piece when she lifted her head and saw the man walking into the hall.

Handsome features, a noble aura, as if he was born a favorite of God, wherever he went, he became the sole focus.

Today's Si Ye wore a silver shirt with the top three buttons undone below the collar, revealing a glimpse of his exquisitely defined collarbone, sexy and wild, making the women in the room bloom with joy.

His lips held a smile, a casual gesture filled with charm and grace.

Perhaps in the eyes of other women, he was like a god inspiring admiration, but when Chen Zhi saw him, all she felt was fear, and still fear.

She hadn't expected to encounter him here and in her panic, she quickly lowered her head. Her trembling fingers danced over the piano keys, even missing a few notes.