
Breathing Blue

On a beautiful night as spring began, a woman was rushed to the hospital with her flustered husband beside her. She was going into labour and three hours later, two baby girls were born to the unlikely couple. They went home soon after, their little family feeling complete. The babies looked nothing like each other but the parents quickly realised how strong their bond was. The older would get fussy and the younger would wail if ever they were separated. They cooed and awed and found it adorable. Unbeknownst to the happy couple, the older was born with the power to protect and ultimately, destroy. Something they would find out the hard way.

Anna_Thuku · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Tell me how to be in this world, tell me how to breathe and feel no hurt.

~James Bay - Us~

(WARNING ⚠️⚠️: Mentions of sexual assault, crude language and some violence.....I'm not good at violence though...tihihi😅😅)


Marco couldn't believe it. Like owner like dog huh? He'd asked his best friend, really his only friend while he was still in America, to come with him to a party he'd heard people talk about. He was at the mall the previous day and he happened to overhear some girls rave about how some guy named Bennett threw the best parties. Excited, he'd asked.....begged Tyler to go with him. He'd flat out refused, even the puppy dog eyes he'd used before to get Tyler to do things he didn't want to hadn't worked. Instead, he was given Sal as a substitute when he wouldn't stop insisting and he'd honestly taken the dog just to spite him.

He'd gone to Tyler's house around lunch time, proceeded to make the both of them lunch and when they got to Marco's house, they watched a movie, played in his backyard, taken a refreshing nap and then got up to arrive fashionably late to the party that was set to begin at seven. They'd arrived at half past eight and as it turns out, the dog was a chick magnet. At first, he thought it a good thing but as the night progressed he realised it was the same thing that happened when he was with Tyler. Girls would set their sights on him and Marco would just fade into the background.

He couldn't believe it was happening with a dog, and even though he sat there with his hackles raised, not letting anyone touch him, the little bastard seemed to be enjoying the attention so Marco sat there, cradling his fifth maybe sixth drink and wondering if he should just leave. It was almost ten anyway, they'd spent a reasonable amount of time there. Besides, he was thinking of crashing at Ty's place since it was closer and he did not want to wake up that monster. He shivered at the thought. He would never make that mistake again.

He sighed, resolving to find a bathroom before heading out. As he stood, Sal did too and the girls' faces fell in disappointment. They hadn't gotten the chance to test if his fur was as soft as it looked. As they walked away, Marco noticed that Sal seemed less tense. Jesus! He was just like Ty. The first bathroom he found reeked of drugs so he scrunched his nose and walked away. The next one was occupied and not by one person by the sounds of it. Gross. Sighing, he decided to look upstairs.

He really didn't like stairs but now that he'd thought about it, the urge to pee was getting stronger. He stopped at the first door he found, quite a long distance down the hallway, or at least it felt that way. He paused just before opening it. He didn't know why, he just did. It felt like his senses were on full alert and he suddenly didn't need to pee anymore. Something was wrong. Even Sal felt it, judging by the way the dog tensed suddenly and growled lowly.

He took a deep breath to clear his mind, closed his eyes and listened closely. A habit he'd picked up somewhere he didn't want to ever go back to. He could hear sound a little further down the hall. It sounded like people talking, four maybe five of them. He couldn't tell from the distance. He slowly walked towards the door at the end of the hall, catching snippets of a conversation that didn't sound legal as he stopped directly in front of the door, motioning for Sal to be quiet. His growls were too loud.

"For fuck's sake, I just wanted her a little unhinged from reality. What the hell am I supposed to do with an unresponsive bitch?" a voice asked, clearly irritated by someone. There were murmurs of what sounded like agreement.

"Well how much of the drug did you give her?" another voice retorted, a sarcastic edge to his tone.

"Why the fuck does that matter?!" the first voice asked, annoyed.

"Well depending on the dose she should've been a little unhinged from reality or as you so eloquently put it, an unresponsive bitch," the second voice said, the sarcasm never leaving his voice. There was a long pause.

"Fuck! Let's just do it," the first voice said and Marco heard clothes rustling. He'd heard enough of the conversation to know that nothing good was happening behind the closed door so he kicked it open, took a second to think about how cool that must have looked then surveyed the room. Anger hardening his eyes and his stance as he saw the half naked figure of a girl on the bed, some guy pinning her to it as if she could move if she wanted to.

She looked half dead. He was correct, there were four people. Well, five if you counted the girl. The guy pinning her to the bed, some guy sitting by the foot of the bed, two of them seated in the corner of the room with camera equipment and the other one seated by the bedside. He felt disgust curl up in my chest at the insinuation of what they were doing.

They were going to rape some poor girl and record it on camera. Sick fucks! The guy pinning her down slid off her, turning his green eyes on Marco. There was a crazed look in his eyes. One that was quite easy to overlook for literally anyone else but not Marco, no. He'd seen too many people with that look in their eyes to ignore it.

"Who the fuck are you. I don't remember inviting you to the party," he said as he stalked towards Marco. Marco had a feeling he wasn't talking about the one going on downstairs. He paused mid stride, something behind Marco making fear flash in his eyes. He didn't need to turn around to know it was Sal, teeth bared in warning, a menacing look on his face.

"One," Marco started, no explanation, nothing else said. He just started counting. "Two," he continued glancing at them sharply. The other three seemed to catch his drift, spying the huge dog behind him and choosing to escape through a side door, none of them bothering with their camera. "Three," he finished, the green eyed guy still standing there. Marco smiled and from the way the guy flinched, he could tell what it looked like.

He hated to admit it but Marco felt a surge of power from the terrified expression on the guy's face. Even if it was just for a few seconds. He didn't want to hear him speak so he clenched his fist and punched him. His green eyes glazed over as he fell to the floor. Marco resisted the urge to pound him into pulp, taking off his sweater as he approached the girl. There was no way he was leaving her here.

He studied her for a second as he wrapped her in his sweater. Only looking at her face. Her copper coloured hair stood out beautifully against her light brown skin, her pink lips parted and a little swollen. He didn't want to think of why they were swollen. No one paid him much attention as he carried her downstairs towards the kitchen and for that he was grateful. The sweater didn't cover as much as he wanted. Too much of her long legs on display.

He found a bottle of water in the fridge and opened it. He set her down on the counter and made her lean into him so he had one hand free. He splashed some of the water on her face and she stirred. A few more splashes and her eyes opened, wide and panicked.

"Please don't," she rushed out, flinching away from him. "Hey, It's okay. You're okay," Marco tried to soothe, handing her the bottle. "Drink this," she took it warily, her eyes unfocused. She drank almost half the bottle then swayed once more. "Don't tell Snow," she mumbled, her consciousness leaving. Marco called for a taxi to Ty's house and left through the back door. Snow?

His anger and confusion simmered on the journey and as he closed Ty's door, he knew it had probably slammed too loudly. He couldn't find it in him to care though. He was so angry, he should've done more than just sucker punch the asshole. As he walked into the living room, he saw Snow rubbing her eyes sleepily as she lifted her head from Ty's lap. He saw the fog of clear as she looked down at the bundle in his arms, recognition flooding her face. "Em....?" she called, confused.