
2 The Search To The Moon Elf King

A few months have passed and it seems like the land of dawn has gone into balance. It seems that everything has almost lost life since losing their king. What a pity it is to spread and throughout the Land of Dawn in the absence of balance. This is a question in Miya's mind that needs to be answered.

Need to travel to find the king I will do say's Miya

She is Miya the best artist of the temple of the moon. The time period of the war broke out in the war against the orc's race. She was the only defender of the temple of the moon and led the defense against the orcs. She did not allow the orcs led by General Balmond as she shot rainbow arrows so that the orcs could not enter and it has gone and never come back.

Miya decides to travel and find the missing king even though she has nothing to fear about any danger. The long journey and the path to the road are still unclear if the king is still visible. She started the journey to the TOWN of LEONIN hoping that she could find information and where she would find the king. When she entered the town he immediately searched for a leoni to be asked where she could find a sorcerer. She was immediately directed to a magician named Cyclops.

The cyclops's house is in the middle of the town immediately seen Old Leoni say's

Thank you Miya say's

And she started walking into the house of the sorcerer. But then she noticed that someone was following her but she did not pay attention to it. She just went on walking to the sorcerer house and she immediately saw the house because of the size of the letter in front but not a witch but astronomer. She seems to be tempted if she continues or does not look and finds others. But when she got inside she saw the scattered potion and she heard the words she had never heard before.

Come on in Cyclops say's

"I know your aim you are looking for the king"

How did he know that Miya whispered to herself

Of course I'm an astronomer Cyclops say's

He heard that too? Miya whispered to herself

Yes I heard it! Come on here! Cyclops begging to Miya to come close.

She immediately approached to cylops and she immediately asked it. But before she asked, he was the first to know that he already knew what would it ask to him.

I know everything and see everything going on in the future from the fight with the young Gusion to Faramis and Sir Lancelot's helping to defeat Faramis I also know. I also know the loss of the king of the Temple of the Moon and know it Cyclops say's

How do you know everything? Miya asking Cyclops

I see everything in the stars and the balance was gone already Cyclops say's

Do you know where the king is and who has abducted him? Miya asking

Yeah, I know and i know who has abducted him Cyclops say's

Who? Miya asking Cyclops

I will say everything in two condition Cyclops say's

What are they? Miya asking

First you have to catch the man out of the door and listening to us all the time Cyclops say's

You have noticed then that he was there and no intention to leave Miya say's

And suddenly it disappeared it was just surprised that the man behind the door heard Miya was on her behind. She was surprised that it was not someone but a leoni outside the door and listening to them.

Who are you and why do you following me? Miya asking a Leoni

I'm Nana and I'm a leonie I do not have a bad intention I just want to go with you because I know you, And i know you can help me Nana begging to Miya

And what can I do to you? Miya asking Nana

I know you can only help me someone told me that you are her and I do not care about time and im here begging you please Nana begging again to Miya

Who said that? Miya asking Nana

"Him" Nana pointing on Cyclops

What !!!!? Miya getting angry on Cyclops

Let's go Cylops say's

Where are you going? Miya asking Cyclops

We will look for the king Cyclops say's

And whoever says I'm going to take you on my journey !? Miya asking

You have no choice but to include us Cyclops say's

What !!! so many evil creatures are scattered on the road that you may be damned Miya say's

Do not worry about me i can protect you and her. Have you seen a handsome with one eye!? Cyclops say's.

the jouney to search the Moon Elf King has just begun.!