
1 Breaking The Limit

Paxley family is the one of the most prestigious and powerful using magic in the land of dawn.

Each one of them raised to become mage of the finest order.

In their eyes the path of the magician is the most sacred and noble vocation.

All who brandish a sword in battle are merely weak.

But the fourth son of the paxley family Gusion was not believe in their sayings.

Therefore gusion trained himself to become the first mage using blade but he did not show it to his family and to anyone.

He knew that his family was the first to dismiss him. He has three more brother Gilbert Gideon and Gordon they loved Gusion because he's the youngest and was so stubborn at all. Gusion was the first to discovered the forbidden magic prohibited by his clan.

Their family has hidden secret long time ago and it's discovered by Gusion.

He learned it early on in his early age to become acquainted when he used it.

But Gusion does not know that there someone already knows that he has been practicing the sacred technique and has quickly come to their teachers and superiors.

His parents immediately called out to investigate who and how the sacred technique went into the hands of a very young gusion. But his parents could not answer so they immediately called gusion for him who answered the questions they wanted to know. But they did not find gusion and some days passed by the traces of his shadows they could not see where he went to question by his parents and older siblings.

Senior elders have given notice for a due process hearing for gusion he has only 24 hours to go out and if he does not appear he will be forced to evict him with his entire family to leave the land of dawn.

The trial was past and everything was hanging out but the young man did not show up but a creature from the absence had only introduced. Who is he and why he appeared in the middle of the trial.

He is Faramis from the Kingdom Of Necrokeep. He was then king of that kingdom where he was. But he was forsaken by his queen Vexana. He returned to avenge and destroy any mage that would block his dark plan and he also gave Gusion the sacred book to reveal anyone across The Land of Dawn the dark part of the mage. Strong mage were immediately blocked him but their ability was too weak to stop Faramis. He was too strong compared to them. The paxley family quickly made a ritual to prevent Faramis but their power did not interfere in preventing the former king of necrokeep. And again from the absence of a spear it penetrates the body of the father and mother of Gusion. It is quick to follow as it seems that only a shadow can see a creature hiding in the shadow of darkness expeditiously expanding the life of the Paxley family. The creature was introduced from the darkness and a man named Mozkov Faramis's right hand men. In the distance a creature stands and his eyes are burning as he sees that his beloved family lives no more. A dagger hit the chest of mozkov and with a twinkle of eyes it suddenly lost its life in the hands of Gusion.

That's how the sacred movement of Incandescence Faramis say's

That's right, and I'll use it to finish you as well Gusion say's

From now on your life is no longer your's Faramis say's

Are you sure you can take my life?

Now ill show you the perfect combination of might and magic Gusion say's

Did you not notice that I've used the cult of the altar where I can restore the dead Faramis say's

"With the black magic, Faramis could release the seal of the cult of the altar even though he repeatedly used it"

Now Mozkov get up there and finish the young man's life, Faramis say's

"Suddenly there was something out of the ground as if somebody's shadow came out"

Is that the soul of mozkov? Gusion asking Faramis

Yes, you are right, and I can repeat it again and again Faramis say's

How can I defeat him when he repeatedly calls the soul of mozkov Gusion question to himself.

Gusion continues to attack the soul of mozkov while avoiding each attack by faramis but he notice it will be back again even he kill the soul.

What should I do to prevent the return of the soul by mozkov Gusion asking himself.

Gusion finds that every time that faramis will lay his septer and use the spell for the cult of altar then the soul of Mozkov will emerge.

Gradually, Gusion was tired of Faramis repeated attacks.

I need to get close to his septer to destroy it Gusion say's

Are you tired avoiding all of my attack? Faramis asking Gusion while laughing.

What kind of laughter is it? Gusion asking Faramis

I feel that my vengeance will succeed Faramis say's

Revenge !? why us !? why are those who do not know ?! why my family !? why here !? Gusion asking Faramis

Because they have Vexana to destroy and seize my throne Faramis say's

And again, Faramis attacked.

It seems that Gusion is losing hope of Faramis ongoing and repeated attack on him.

Faramis again used the cult of the altar to call the wild soul of Mozkov.

From the back there was a very rapid pace to divide Mozkov's body

And who are you Faramis asking?

The sword and the three-corners of the raid are like the thorns of roses Faramis say's

Sir Lancelot of Baroque Family introduced by Faramis

But there's still no effect I can restore the soul of mozkov everytime i want Faramis say's

"And again Faramis used the cult of the altar to bring Mozkov's soul to life with a terrible laughter"

What he is doing here is Gusion question to himself.

Let's see when I use my ultimate that even his soul cannot go back anymore Lancelot say's

Just release it Faramis say's

"Hey you" Lancelot pointing Gusion

"Me?" Gusion asking.

"Yes you" We are just two here and there is nothing else Lancelot say's

"Ok" What? Gusion asking

When I attacked the soul of that ugly use your dagger spike technique on his septer that's our only chance to break the seal of the cult do you hear me!? Lancelot say's

What now Lancelot? What are you waiting for? Come and ill show you your end Faramis say's

Go ahead! "it's to be one with the sword"

Lancelot using his ultimate Phantom Execution while Gusion do his thing

"Hahahaha" Faramis laughing

Do you think you can end it already with just one slash of your tiny fencing sword!? Faramis say's

"Hey you!" Lancelot pointing Gusion

Do the incandesence right now to break the septer

"Ok" now its my turn! Gusion say's

"BREAK THE LIMIT" Gusion using his ultimate incandesence

Gusion broke the septer and turn into pieces.

Lancelot shouting to Gusion that he can do it twice to end Faramis Gusion do the dagger spike again but now he throw his dagger to Faramis and using shadow blade slaughter.

"Do you guess how many daggers i have?" Gusion asking Faramis

"And ill say it again to you"

ILL BREAK THE LIMIT Gusion using again the incandesence

Faramis was weak and almost could not stand

Why am I weak and almost no strength? Faramis asking himself

It's the power of my phantom execution. You do not know that I hit you in too much speed so I destroyed the defense that caused your power so you are too weak now. This is the end for your sowing of evilness here in the land of dawn. Lancelot say's

" I will come back and destroy you all"

Before Faramis lost his consciousness it still gave a warning he will come back someday.

How do you know about incandesence? Gusion asking Lancelot

I've read that well before but I'm not a mage

im an asassin from the baroque family Lancelot say's

Why have you helped me? Gusion asking Lancelot

I did not help you Lancelot say's

What's that!? Gusion asking again on Lancelot

My sister wants to help you not me! Lancelot say's

Before asking again Lancelot was gone already.

"She really loves me" Gusion thinking about Guinevere

But Gusion knows that it's not all over yet. He knows there's more to come. This is the beginning or the end Gusion asking and thinking!

But Faramis and Mozkov's body disappeared suddenly Gusion asking Who took them!?

One voice suddenly raises feathers to excite and challenges Gusion to find him in the underground.

I'm Gusion Paxley and I accept your challenge.

just a piece of my imagination while playing mobile legends

Ryan_Cabanillascreators' thoughts