
Breaking Silence

MusaHondo · Sci-fi
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2 Chs


Present time

   "Happy birthday Silence!!" Lisa yells as she brings Silence a cake. Silence smiles at her one and only friend at the head quarters. She nods her head politely before she blows out the candles. It's Silence's 18th Birthday and the whole corporation is celebrating.

    Silence lives in a huge building that conducts secret missions. She's apart of THE AWAKENING. Which is indeed the corporations name. These missions are usually set forth with their free will. The government has nothing to do with their missions, but they usually take the credit for them. When ever there's something bad going on in the world The Awakening is right there, and they make sure to fix what ever problem that is accruing.

Silence looks around as everyone cheers and laughs. She smiles at her family. Over the years that Silence has been apart of The Awakening, everyone has slowly but surely became her family. She looks after them as they do the same for her.


The leader of The Awakening stands.

"Today is most definitely a special day, not only because it's Silence's Birthday but also because there is a new comer. He goes by the name of Eric, he has been training for years and today is the day that he can finally be apart of the organization. Everyone meet Eric!"

Everyone claps as the young man walks into the room. His attire consists of gray sweatpants and a white shirt. His curly hair slightly falls over his freckled face as he smiles. He stays silent as everyone continues to cheer for him.

"Now lets partyyy!! We need to have as much fun as we can today because tomorrow will be strictly work." The leader finishes off letting the dj turn the music back up.

"Nice to meet you Eric, I'm Jalen." Jalen tells Eric as he sticks out his hand.

"Nice to meet you Jalen. So did they really throw this huge party just for me?" Eric asks

Jalen laughs and places his hand on Eric's shoulder. "Nah man see this party is for the birthday girl right over there." He says as he directs Eric's eyes towards Silence. Eric takes her in, he studies the way her silver box braids fall over her shoulders as they're placed in a high ponytail. He scans her body loving the way her ripped jeans complements her small hips.

"What's her name?" Eric asks Jalen.


Eric looks at Jalen with a confused expression. "Ummm ok, but what's her real name?" He says in a more serious tone.

"That is her name. We don't know her real name. She got here when she was 5, she just showed up at our door. She was crying so we took her in. After we gave her some food and she had stopped crying we asked where her parents were, and what was her name. She never answered and that's how it's been every since. So we gave her the name Silence."

"So she has never spoken?" Eric asks

"That is correct."

Jalen pats Eric on the back then walks off to go talk to Lisa.

Silence walks out of the room. She try's her best to make sure no one notices, but Eric does. She walks to the elevator in the hallway and gets on. Eric follows behind her and hops onto the elevator as well. She pays no attention to the new comer as she presses the button to the floor she lives on. Eric looks at the number, 47, that number is now sealed within his mind.

She exits the elevator and so does Eric. Silence walks to her room and gets a book from off her desk. Silence loves to read books, they would calm her down when ever she was angry or if she had a panic attack. Sometimes she would just read out of boredom, but usually because of her panic attacks. She hated being around large crowds, they would make her feel closed in and trapped. The same exact feeling she had when she was in the ship. When ever it became too much for her to handle, she would go to her room and read a book and listen to music.

Her favorite genre was Fantasy. She read lots of books about Phoenixes, only because it reminded her the most of home. Some of the books she didn't like because they portrayed Phoenixes as evil creatures. She knows they can only be evil and cruel if they're forced to be. There's purpose behind their anger and if they destroy things it's usually because those things need to be destroyed.

As Silence reads her new book Eric looks into her slightly cracked door.

He debates wether to go into the room or not. He's drawn to her, the vibe she gives off is a strong one and he wants to understand why.

"Dude what are you doing?" Jalen whispers as he looks over Eric's shoulder into Silence's room. Eric jumps at Jalen's remark.

"I-I Umm was just..."

"There's literally nothing you can say that will clarify what you're doing, in a non perverted way."

Eric looks down and walks away from Silence's door and heads towards the elevator.

"Wait man! You're room is up here. Let me show you." Jalen says.

Eric turns around as Jalen begins to walk down the hallway towards Eric's room. The room is only two doors down from Silence's room. Of course Eric notices this and smiles.

"Here we are! Your room is right across from mine, so if you need anything just knock on my door." Jalen tells Eric.

"How did you know where I went?" Eric asks in curiosity.

"I didn't know where you were. The party is over I was just coming up here to go to bed."


Jalen waves Eric off as he walks into his room and Eric walks into his room. His room is a dark grey and he has a window that looks out on the campus of the corporation building. His large king sized bed is covered in black covers, and his floors are laced with dark brown wood. The moonlight shines into his room illuminating it just enough for him to be able to see his way to the bathroom.

He takes a shower then he gets ready for bed. As he gets into the soft sheets he thinks about Silence. His thoughts wonder off into many different directions until finally he falls asleep.