
Breaking Silence

MusaHondo · Sci-fi
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2 Chs


On a planet named Unalaia far far from planet Earth lived Phoenixes and powerful Electrical beings. Both of these kingdoms were ruled over by royal families. For the Phoenixes you could tell they were apart of the royal family by their eyes. The citizens of the Phoenix kingdom had red eyes whilst the Royal's had white. For the Electrical beings all of the citizens had white electric bolts that they could manipulate, but the Royal's had blue.

    They were separated into two, one lived on the right side of the planet, whilst the other lived on the left. Great conflict between the two came about a very long time ago and continued on as of the time being. The prince of the Electrical beings was born on January 12, 1998. By the time he hits 21 that is the age he'll remain for the rest of eternity. Conflict became more intense during the time of his birth. Six months after the prince was born, the princess of the Phoenix Kingdom was born.

Rage was sprouted all throughout the Electrical kingdom, since having a baby less than a year of your opposing ruling kingdom was absolute disrespect. It was disrespectful because the time seemed to be too early for the royal family on the other side to have a child, when clearly the celebration of the prince that was already born wasn't over. War began to break when the princess was 5, causing total chaos. The Electrical kingdom stormed through the Phoenix kingdom, they threw lightning bolts and electrocuted anyone that got too close. The king of the Phoenixes was outraged and declared war.

The Phoenixes fought back ferociously, not willing to forfeit the battle. The Electricals were strong, but they were just as strong as the Phoenixes. Both teams could obviously see that there wasn't going to be a winner to this battle, but their egos were way too big. The battle continued and destruction was caused all around the planet. The queen of the Phoenixes was only looking after her daughter. She didn't want anything to happen to her princess. She gathered up a basket of food and placed it into a space ship created by her king, her husband.

The ship was made for exploration,but desperate times caused for desperate measures. The queen placed the little five year old into the spaceship and gave her a blanket along with her favorite stuffed Phoenix.

   "Mommy where are you going?" The little princess asked as her mom buckled her into the seat.

   "Mommy will always be with you, right here." She places her finger onto the little girl's heart. "I'm going to need you to be strong for mommy and daddy you understand me?" Her mom asks as she checked to make sure the princess was safely buckled into her seat.

   "Who is that man fighting daddy." The princess asked and pointed her finger behind her mother's shoulder. The queen turned her head and moments after, she witnessed the death of her husband.

   "Daddy!!" The little princes yelled from the spaceship.

   The queen quickly prepared the spaceship for take off as tears ran down her cheeks. She placed a soft kiss on the little princess's cheek and she pressed the button to prepare the ship for take off. She decided to set the ship to go to Earth, the only place she could think of at the moment.

   "Mommy don't leave me!! Please mommy I'm scared!" The little princess yelled as the spaceship's doors closed.

   The queen waved her daughter off as the ship took off. The little princess looked at her planet from above, a huge explosion cascaded across the planet she once called home.

"Mommy!!" She cried.

   Since Earth was in a different galaxy than Unalaia, The princess was knocked out by the force that was caused by entering a new galaxy.

And there came the start of a new life.