
Breaking Free: A Journey to Love and Self-Discovery

This is my own imagination I hope no one disrespect and it's my first time writing a novel I hope u all support me and motivate me Amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, where the cars honk and the people jostle, there is a girl named Zonish. Her heart beats to the rhythm of her dreams, but her feet are rooted in fear. Born into a strict family, Zonish is accustomed to suppressing her desires, keeping her head down, and living a life of conformity. Yet, her heart yearns for something more, something that will give her wings to fly. One day, fate smiles upon her, and she meets someone who understands her, someone who can see beyond the walls that society has erected around her. With his support and encouragement, Zonish sets out to pursue her dreams, but she soon realizes that the path to success is not an easy one. She faces numerous obstacles and setbacks, but she refuses to give up. As she continues on her journey, Zonish's family starts to soften towards her, recognizing her determination and perseverance. With their support, Zonish becomes unstoppable, and her dreams start to become a reality. This is a story of courage, hope, and determination, of a girl who refuses to let fear hold her back and who finds the strength to chase her dreams. It is a tale of a journey towards self-discovery and finding true love and support.

Ange_bella · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

4: "Heartcharm Reveil"

As the car raced on the asphalt, my heart quickened in my chest. The wind rushed through the open windows, adding to the charged atmosphere.

"Bro, all this time I've misunderstood you." I began, my voice tinged with a mix of vulnerability and regret. "I believed you hated me. When I fell ill for that whole year, you never inquired about my health or reached out to me. You didn't even acknowledge my birthday, and my texts went unanswered. So, I decided to stop bothering you, to stop texting and calling. That's why I ceased wishing you on your birthday. I resented the lack of affection from you, cursing my misfortune as a sister who couldn't receive her brother's love and care."

As I spoke, tears cascaded down my cheeks, like miniature waterfalls carving paths through the landscape. Absentmindedly, I tugged at the thread hanging from my dress, my emotions unravelling alongside it.

Rayan focused on driving, turned to me with a startled expression as I bared my soul. Suddenly, he abruptly halted the car, causing me to jerk forward in my seat. Wide-eyed and tear-streaked, I looked at him, my voice trembling as I asked, "Did I say something wrong?"

Rayan took a deep breath, slowly reaching for my hand, and said, "Zoni, listen to me carefully. I am your brother, no matter what. I love teasing you, relishing the way your face turns red, but that doesn't mean I don't care for you. I'm sorry I didn't respond, but you know I was completely consumed by my studies. I needed to become self-sufficient so that I could support my parents as well. I worked tirelessly, often forgetting to eat or sleep. I endured hardships you can't even imagine."

As he spoke, my teary eyes filled with even more tears, and my heart warmed at his words. "I'm sorry, brother, for misunderstanding you." I managed to say through my sniffles.

Rayan gently patted my head, wiping away my tears, and reassured me, "Don't cry, it's okay. Just remember that no matter what happens, I will always cherish you and continue to support you. After all, I'm your brother."

Summoning a smile, tears still streaming down my cheeks, I replied, "Thank you, brother."

Rayan smiled back, relief evident on his face, and resumed driving. Silence enveloped us for a minute until I gathered the courage to share news about my medical entrance exam. To my surprise, when I caught a glimpse of his expression, I saw a knowing smile.

"I know you didn't do well on your exam." He said, his gaze fixed on the road.

"How did you know?" I exclaimed, astonished that he saw through me.

"I know you, Zoni. That's why I didn't disturb you that day, and I know you lied to Mom and Dad about having a headache." He replied.

I laughed and confessed, "It was incredibly challenging, and to be honest, I wasn't very passionate about pursuing a medical degree. I was only doing it to fulfil our father's dream. Despite my efforts, I left a few questions unanswered."

I took a deep breath as if a weight had been lifted. Rayan asked, curiosity lacing his voice, "Do you have any plans in case you don't pass the entrance exam?"

"Yes, brother. I took the liberty of filling out an application form for FI University's Interior Design and Fashion Design departments. We both took online tests, and the results for both universities will be announced tomorrow. I confided in Irhaa, and now you are the second person I have shared this with. I am anxiously awaiting the results, and I will inform others once I receive them. Let's see what the future holds."

Rayan's voice brimmed with reassurance as he replied, "Alright, Zoni. Don't worry. I am here to support you." He leaned forward, gently planting a kiss on my forehead, offering comfort and encouragement.

"Zonish, we have arrived at the ice cream parlour. Which flavours would you like?" Rayan asked, breaking the seriousness with a touch of playfulness.

"I would love to savour the delightful flavours of caramel, tutti frutti, and chocolate. Could you please get me large-sized bowls of these three flavours?" I playfully giggled, enjoying the anticipation of the sweet treats.

"Sure, my little Angel," Rayan responded warmly as he unbuckled his seat belt and stepped out of the car, ready to fulfil my ice cream desires.

As we relished our ice cream, mischievous thoughts tugged at me, urging me to tease my brother a bit further. "Brother, you know what? Irhaa has also applied to FI University."

The mention of Irhaa's name caused Rayan's ears to turn red, a blush creeping across his face. I couldn't resist bursting into laughter at his sudden change, returning his mischievous look. Rayan asked, his curiosity piqued. "Why are you laughing?"

"I'm laughing because of Irhaa." I giggled once more, thoroughly enjoying his flustered state. Rayan responded with a wicked smile, clearly intrigued by what I had to say.

"Now I really want to know why you're laughing because of her."

"That's because..." I deliberately paused, fully aware of his eagerness to hear the details. "Let me relish my ice cream first." With deliberate slowness, I scooped another mouthful, savouring the creamy sweetness as it melted on my tongue.

"Oh, come on. At this rate, it'll take you forever." Rayan complained, frustration evident as he ran a hand through his hair. But I was determined to savour teasing him a little longer. "Spill it out already," he demanded, giving me his signature glare. Yet, I took another leisurely scoop, prolonging the suspense.

"In due time, bro... in due time." I stifled the giggle that threatened to burst out, relishing his growing impatience. His flushed cheeks turned even redder as he huffed in frustration.

"Are you even going to answer me, or should I inform Mom that you were checking out Shanawer and having secret eye meetings with him?"

His words caught me off guard, causing me to choke on my ice cream in the most unpleasant way possible.

Gasping for air and coughing, I frantically reached for a napkin to mop up the mess I had made. Rayan, with a comically alarmed expression, swiftly handed me a bottle of water, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise.

"Holy guacamole, Zoni! Are you okay? I didn't mean to unleash the wrath of the ice cream gods upon you," he exclaimed, his voice a mix of concern and amusement.

Gulping water to soothe my throat, I managed to regain my composure and replied, "I'll survive, but seriously, brother, that was a low blow. Checking out Shanawer? You know how to make a girl choke on her dessert."

Rayan couldn't help but burst into laughter, doubling over with mirth. "Oh, Zoni, you should've seen your face! Priceless! I was just yanking your chain, trying to get the scoop on Irha. No harm intended, I promise!"

Relief flooded through me, and I playfully punched his arm. "You cheeky rascal! You nearly gave me a heart attack! Alright, I'll spill the beans then. Irha and I both applied to FI University. We aced the online test, and tomorrow's the big reveal!"

Rayan's laughter subsided, replaced by genuine excitement. He beamed at me, his eyes sparkling. "No way! That's fantastic news, Zoni! I'm rooting for both of you. Imagine the dynamic duo taking over FI University!"

A surge of enthusiasm coursed through my veins, bolstered by Rayan's unwavering support. "Thanks, bro! Your belief in us means the world. We'll show them what we're made of!"

Leaving the ice cream parlour behind, we hopped back into the car, our journey home now infused with a bubbling mix of anticipation and sibling camaraderie. The air crackled with laughter, and the car seemed to hum with excitement. Whatever the results had in store for us, I knew deep in my heart that with Rayan by my side, we could conquer anything with laughter, love, and a pinch of mischief.


When we arrived home, I bolted inside while Rayan parked the car. As I entered the living room, my eyes widened in surprise at the sight of shopping bags and packages strewn everywhere. I couldn't help but wonder what the heck was going on in our house.

Wait, is Rayan making a quick exit? Is that why he didn't tease me today? It's always him buying gifts for his buddies.

I cautiously approached the pile of shopping bags, my curiosity getting the best of me. But before I could sneak a peek, I was startled by the presence of my dad, who caught me red-handed.

"Zoni, snooping around and touching other people's stuff without permission? That's a big No." He warned me with a stern tone.

Why does Dad always have to sound like he's channelling Hitler?

Feeling timid, I nodded and took a step back from the pile of goodies.

"Whose packages are these?" Rayan chimed in, joining me in the room.

"I forgot to tell you, Mr Qureshi's family is flying back to Toronto." Dad finally spilt the beans, answering our burning question.

"Certainly, we're leaving tomorrow." Mr Qureshi himself emerged from the guest room, his voice much gentler and softer compared to my father's booming tones.

"Thanks for having us, kids. You've raised them well." Mr Qureshi commended my brother, pulling him into a hug.

Seeing my dad puff up with pride at Mr Qureshi's praise made me smile.

In that moment of parental glory, my dad announced, "Our friends are throwing a little dinner party and I expect you to be there." He pointed at Rayan with an I-dare-you-to-say-no smile.

Afterwards, my dad and Mr Qureshi headed out for a stroll, leaving my brother and me to retreat to our respective rooms. I flopped onto my bed, bouncing with thoughts about the day's events. It had started bright and cheery, with Dad's affection, Rayan's care, hanging out with my bestie, and having a blast. And Aunt Noor's mouthwatering cooking was the cherry on top. I even spilt my secret mission to my brother, who blushed like a cutie. Whoa, today was simply epic! I'm marking it on my calendar. The day would wrap up with a party, fun, and loads of grub. "Today is my jackpot day... ooh yohoooo!"

While reminiscing about the day, I suddenly recalled what Shanawer had said to me and Irhaa. I mentally hit the rewind button on his turbo-charged chatter, but then my eyes widened. What was his last remark again? "Shanawer has feelings for me."

All of a sudden, my face turned as red as a blazing fire, and my heart raced like a wild DJ beat. "Holy shit, Zonish, snap out of it," I muttered to myself, patting my flaming cheeks. I managed to gather myself and slowly made my way to the mirror. Staring at my reflection, I told myself, "Alright, Zonish, you got this. You can handle Shanawer's feelings. Just take it easy and don't rush into anything."

The thoughts of what Shanawer had confessed kept swirling in my head. I had always seen him as a friend of my brother, nothing more.

As I pondered Shanawer's confession, my mind was in a whirlwind. Did he seriously have a crush on me? I couldn't wrap my head around it, and the uncertainty was driving me bonkers. How the heck was I supposed to react?

I never saw it coming, and it left me momentarily speechless.

Mixed emotions swirled within me. On one hand, there was a flutter of excitement, a sense of flattery that he found intriguing and attractive. It was an ego boost, to say the least. But at the same time, confusion and uncertainty crept in. I hadn't considered the possibility of a romantic connection with him, and now I was faced with a decision I never anticipated.

Questions filled my mind. Did I feel the same way? Could I see myself with him in that way? The unexpected nature of his confession made it difficult to decipher my true feelings. It felt like uncharted territory, and I was unsure of how to navigate through it.

While his confession was a surprise, I couldn't deny the significance of his words. It made me reconsider our interactions, searching for any signs or hints that I might have missed. It made me question whether there was potential for something deeper between us.

But amidst the confusion, there was also a sense of vulnerability. The unexpected nature of his confession meant that I hadn't mentally prepared myself for this possibility. It left me feeling exposed, unsure of how to respond and proceed.

At this moment, I realized that I needed time to process everything. I needed to understand my feelings before I could communicate effectively with him. It was crucial, to be honest with myself and with him, to explore the depths of my emotions and consider the impact this could have on our family friendship.

But you know what? I couldn't chicken out or bury my head in the sand. Ignoring the situation would only add fuel to the fire. So, with a sign of newfound courage, I took a deep breath, squared my shoulders, and decided it was time to confront Shanawer. It was time to face the music and get some answers.


Rayan POV:-

I entered my room, gently closing the door behind me, and hurriedly made my way towards the bathroom to get fresh, anticipation coursing through my veins. As I stood before the reflective glass, my eyes locked on my reflection, eagerly assessing my appearance. Rays of sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow upon my features. Taking a moment to appreciate the subtle nuances of my appearance, I couldn't help but acknowledge the undeniable allure that seemed to radiate from within. "Oh my, Rayan," I whispered to myself, a soft smile curling on my lips. "You are undeniably the epitome of a handsome man."

Lost in my thoughts, I reflected on the recent turn of events that had left my heart racing and my mind in a whirlwind. It was clear to me that she, the object of my affection, had been captivated by my physical attributes. Her eyes had betrayed her, revealing the flicker of interest that danced within them whenever our gazes intertwined. However, despite the magnetic pull of our mutual attraction, a sense of longing washed over me as I realized that fate had intervened, preventing me from engaging in a meaningful conversation with her.

Irhaa, with her timeless beauty, possessed an ethereal glow that never failed to leave me spellbound. Every contour of her face seemed delicately sculpted, her features a testament to the artistry of nature. In my mind's eye, I could almost feel the velvety touch of her skin beneath my fingertips, an intoxicating desire urging me to bridge the physical distance that separated us.

Today had been a pivotal day, as I had accompanied Zonish, on a long-awaited visit to see Irhaa. In the past, my affection for both girls had been innocent, akin to the bond of siblings growing up together. However, the sands of time had subtly shifted, causing my feelings for Irhaa to blossom and intensify. She had become more than just a childhood crush; she had become the focus of my desires and the subject of my daydreams.

Unbeknownst to me, Zonish had caught on to the shift in my affections, and during our visit to the enchanting ice cream parlour, she purposefully emphasized Irhaa's name in conversation, almost as if she were teasing me. I couldn't help but blush, my cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement, as Zonish playfully exposed the secret that had taken root in my heart.

Reflecting on the turn of events, gratitude welled up within me, directed towards Shanawer, a mutual friend who had unintentionally played a pivotal role in the unfolding drama. Shanawer had inadvertently dispelled the misunderstanding that had clouded the connection between Zonish and me, allowing our bond to flourish once more. However, amidst my gratitude, there was also a flicker of annoyance aimed towards Shanawer, for his thoughtless revelation of our private conversations to the women. The audacity of his actions incited a simmering anger within me.

Despite the complexities of the situation, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. It seemed to me that Zonish, in her unique way, was subtly encouraging my burgeoning affection for her best friend. She had hinted at the possibility of my feelings being reciprocated, leaving me with an unwavering determination to seize the opportunity before me. Armed with newfound resolve, I vowed to gather the courage to request Irhaa's phone number, taking the first step towards the potential blossoming of a deeper connection between us.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the living room, accompanied by a faint conversation that we strained to hear.

"Walk slowly, Shan. When will you be careful with your food? You're not a kid anymore." Someone admonished.

Intrigued, I peeked out from my room, catching Zoonish's puzzled expression as she did the same. Though we couldn't make out the details, curiosity got the better of us, and we decided to venture downstairs for a closer look.

Gathered on the sofa were my parents, Mr and Mrs Qureshi, their faces etched with concern. Zonish and I exchanged glances, silently communicating our shared curiosity. "What's going on?" I asked, directing my question to my mother.

"Shanawer had some stomach discomfort, so his friend took him to the hospital. The doctor diagnosed him with food poisoning." My father replied, his voice tinged with worry. Shanawer's mother wore a concerned expression, adding to the tense atmosphere. His reports and medicines laying on the table.

Rayan, unable to hide his concern, chimed in, "How is he now, Dad?"

"He's doing better now, Rayan." My father reassured us, though the furrowed lines on his forehead betrayed his underlying worry.

"But due to Shanawer's condition, I suggested to Mr Qureshi that they stay for two more days." My father explained, his gaze shifting between our guests.

I cringed internally.

Why.  I don't want his presence near my sister.

Mr Qureshi, sitting beside my father on the couch, responded with regret, "Unfortunately, I have some urgent work and couldn't extend our stay any longer. So, we had to leave without Shanawer."

A pang of sympathy washed over me as I observed Shanawer, who seemed perfectly fine despite the recent illness. It crossed my mind that perhaps he was putting on a show, wanting to spend more time with us—or more specifically, with Zonish. Oh! How I want to punch the ache out of his tummy.

Beside me, Zonish avoided eye contact, her gaze fixated on the floor, a telltale blush gracing her cheeks. I couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at her unexpected reaction.

However, amusement quickly gave way to concern as reality sank in. Shanawer would be staying alone with us for two more days. Thoughts of protecting my little sister consumed me, overshadowing any desire for social engagements or distractions. My appetite vanished, replaced by a determination to ensure Zoonish's well-being and prevent any romantic feelings from blossoming between her and Shanawer. I gritted my teeth, bracing myself for the task at hand.

As much as Shanawer could potentially make a suitable life partner for Zoonish, bringing her happiness and fulfilment, my immediate focus was on her education and career aspirations. I couldn't allow anything or anyone to divert her attention or jeopardize her future.

Despite my reservations, I reluctantly agreed to accompany my father and the Qureshis.

"We also have a party and I think Shanawer cannot join us there today but Rayan will surely join us."

"No. I think I should stay with Shan to make sure he is ok." I quickly denied it. No plans to leave him alone at home.

"No. I am going to sleep anyways. You should join them." Shan intervened, amused by the death glare I threw at him. "I'll feel guilty for keeping you from having fun." He smiles like a prince charming he is. His smiles do nothing to calm my storms. Maybe because I am no Cinderella or his intentions are not great.

It's no party. It's boring business meetings. I am sure these old men are no fun.

"That's final then. You are coming with us." My father declares my punishment.

My father's persistent insistence left me with no choice but to go along with the plan. With a sigh, I turned to my mother, seeking some semblance of control in the situation. Se just sighed and left for the kitchen.

"When are we leaving?" I inquired, hoping for a little more time to gather my thoughts.

To my surprise, it was my uncle who responded, "Son, it's already 5:00 pm, and we need to leave by 6:00 pm. So, please get ready quickly."


Zonish Pov:

After their conversation, Rayan took Shanawer to his room, and I was left unaware of the reason behind the whispers and death glares they were exchanging as they ascended the stairs.

In the meantime, both my mother and aunt were in the kitchen, busy preparing dinner. I offered to help them and joined in with the cooking.

Later, my brother emerged from his room, looking handsome as always, fully dressed. I couldn't help but wonder how Shanawer would look if he were to accompany them. As my brother approached me, he struggled to fasten his wristwatch with one hand, making me question how he even managed to get a job.

"Go to sleep early. There's no need to wander into the kitchen at night for a midnight snack. And no walking around the house after dinner. Eat your dinner and sleep," my brother whispered sternly, attempting to intimidate me like our dad does. I swatted his hand away and skillfully tied his watch around his wrist.

"You know I'm not going to do that," I whispered back defiantly.

"Fine. I'll tell Dad that you were checking out Shanawer," he blackmailed me while adjusting his cuff and watch.

"Why on earth would you want me to do that?" Rayan was getting on my nerves. "Have you lost the last cell of your brain?" I can't believe it.

"Just do that." He simply shrugged and left me there in a river of confusion.

After a while, Rayan left for the dinner party with Dad and Uncle. Meanwhile, Mom, Aunt, and I cooked a scrumptious meal together.

As time passed, it was already 8:00 pm, and we set all the dishes on the dining table. "Shan is not feeling well. I will serve his food on the plates for him," Mom said while arranging a plate for him. "Zoni, go to Shan's room and give him his dinner."

My heart raced at the thought of confronting Shanawer alone after his confession. It created a storm of emotions inside me, causing my hands to shake as I picked up the plate and slowly made my way to his room, deliberately prolonging the journey to gather my thoughts.

"Zoni, don't forget to remind him to take his medicine for his stomach ache after dinner," called out my mom as I ascended the stairs.

"Okay, Mom," I mumbled, though I doubted she heard me.

As I approached his room, a wave of nervousness washed over me, and I couldn't help but ponder, "What if he's upset that I barged into his room?"

When I reached his door, frustration twisted within me as I discovered it locked, my knocks yielding no response. Determined to take matters into my own hands, I mustered all my resolve and forcefully swung the door open with a resounding bang. To my bewilderment, the room stood empty, echoing with a sense of mystery.

Carefully placing the food on his table, I prepared to leave when the sudden sound of another door opening sent a jolt through my veins.

As Shan stepped out of the bathroom, the atmosphere in the room shifted, charged with an undeniable energy. The air felt heavy with anticipation as if every molecule held its breath, aware of the magnetism that emanated from him.

Soft, warm light filtered through the partially drawn curtains, casting a gentle glow that accentuated the contours of his sculpted form.

The subtle scent of a fragrant candle filled the air, intertwining with the remnants of steam from the bathroom, creating an intoxicating blend that further heightened the atmosphere. The room felt like a sanctuary, a haven where time stood still and desires were set free.

As Shan's wet hair met the warm air, a faint mist hung in the space, casting an ethereal quality over his silhouette. The droplets of water clung to his skin, forming glistening trails that sparkled like tiny diamonds in the soft light.

I found myself unable to tear my eyes away from his breathtaking physique. The towel wrapped around his waist did little to conceal the sheer magnetism that emanated from his sculpted form. Every inch of his body seemed meticulously crafted, a masterpiece of strength and masculinity.

His shoulders, broad and powerful, tapered down to a well-defined chest that rippled with muscles, each contour accentuated by a light sheen of moisture. My gaze traced the lines of his abdominal muscles, perfectly chiselled and sculpted, leading to a tantalizing V-shaped waistline that invited exploration.

His arms, sinewy and strong, flexed as he ruffled his hair with the towel, the motion showcasing the incredible definition and power that lay beneath his skin. I couldn't help but imagine the feel of those arms wrapped around me, holding me close with irresistible strength.

The dampness of his hair added an alluring dishevelled charm to his ruggedly handsome face. His piercing eyes, filled with a mix of confidence and desire, held me captive, drawing me into a whirlwind of emotions. It was as if his mere presence commanded attention, exuding a raw magnetism that left me breathless.

At that moment, time stood still as I stood there, captivated by the sheer intensity of his physicality. Every aspect of his being exuded an aura of power and sensuality that sparked a fire within me. The air crackled with anticipation, and I couldn't help but imagine the electrifying touch of his skin against mine, the heat of our bodies intertwining in a passionate embrace.

I realized then that I had fallen under his spell, lost in the overwhelming allure of his presence.

As I gazed upon him, a solitary droplet of water descended from his hair, landing softly upon his cheek. My heart skipped a beat, and I desperately tried to conceal the rush of heat that flooded my cheeks, casting my gaze downward. Yet, unable to resist the pull, my eyes stealthily returned to feast upon his captivating features.

Caught in the riptide of his presence, my strength wavered, leaving me defenceless and vulnerable. It was then that I noticed something glistening on the floor—a dumbbell—before my world spun out of control. In a swift and unexpected motion, my feet betrayed me, causing me to slip, and I instinctively shut my eyes, bracing for the inevitable impact of the fall. But instead of meeting the hard ground, I found myself enveloped in the secure and warm embrace of Shanawer's arms. The embrace that I was wanting to be in a few seconds ago.

Locked in an intense gaze, a palpable electricity coursed between us, igniting an inferno within my core. His eyes, like a ravenous predator, hungrily trailed from my eyes to my trembling lips, igniting a wildfire of longing deep within me. With my cheeks now ablaze, I fought to maintain composure, desperately attempting to suppress the torrent of emotions surging through me.

But before the tempest of desire could consume us entirely, the weight of reality crashed upon me, severing our connection. With a gentle push, I managed to free myself from his grasp, my heart yearning for more, even as I forced myself to step away.

Clearing my throat to break the deafening silence that lingered, I stammered, "I'm sorry. I slipped." My voice betrayed a mixture of unease and desire. I offered my apology, struggling to regain control of the breath that had abandoned me. "Mom sent dinner for you," I managed to utter, my voice a mere whisper, as I averted my gaze, attempting to find solace in the towel he had carelessly tossed aside.

Unyielding, Shanawer interjected, his voice rich with determination, "I'm standing here, not there," he ducks his down, down to my level, invading my line of sight. Reluctantly, I met his penetrating gaze, his eyes demanding my complete attention.

Every fibre of my being screamed for escape, for respite from this enthralling encounter.

In an attempt to flee, I moved to depart, but he thwarted my retreat, seizing my hand and spinning me around until my back collided with the door, jolting my heart into overdrive. "Zoni, can I address you as Zoni instead of Zonish?" his words, a sultry whisper, wrapped around me, stirring up a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

Unable to resist his charm, I yielded, nodding in silent agreement, my resistance melting away beneath the heat of his beguiling charm. "I need an answer, Zoni," Shan drew closer. Trying my best not to gawk at his shirtless chest. I kept my eyes fixated on his face giving away his feelings.

"Yes, you can call me Zoni. Now, let me go," I replied, my voice betraying a mixture of apprehension and desire.

"Say my name," he commanded, his eyes locked onto mine, their intensity sending shivers down my spine.

"Shan, leave my hand now," I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper.

As he released my hand, a rush of conflicting emotions overwhelmed me. My heart fluttered with anticipation, my mind racing to comprehend the magnetic pull between us. I tried to steady myself, reminding myself of the complexities that lay ahead.

"Zoni, I need to talk to you," he said, his gaze fixed on my lips, a mischievous smile playing on his cherry cheeks.

"No, I can't," I protested, the memory of Rayan's order echoing in my mind. I knew I couldn't meet him, not with the whirlwind of emotions clouding my judgment. The intensity of my feelings for Shan left me vulnerable and unable to speak coherently.

"But I want to and you will," he insisted, his determination evident in his voice.

"What if I don't?" I challenged, raising my chin defiantly, hoping to find the strength to resist his charms.

In an instant, he gripped my hand tightly, his fingers firmly lacing through mine, pinning my hand against the door. And his other arm snaking around my waist. I placed my free hand against his chest to maintain the little distance between our chests.

I could sense the rhythmic thud of his heartbeat beneath my palm, resonating with the rapid tempo of my own. The proximity of his face, mere inches away,  his warm breath brushed against my skin, sending shivers of anticipation down my spine, while his intoxicating scent enveloped me, clouding my thoughts and heightening my desire.

"I am not letting you go until you agree," he whispered, his voice laden with seductive undertones, stirring a dangerous longing within me.

Panicked, I realized I needed to escape, to leave before his allure overwhelmed me completely. I lacked the strength of a superhero, the ability to resist his magnetic charm.

"Okay, after dinner," I reluctantly conceded, my voice trembling with a mix of desire and fear. He smirked in response, his eyes promising a world of unknown possibilities. He continued to lock me against the wall, and I struggled to free myself, desperate to regain control. Finally, he released me, and I hurriedly fled the room, feeling like a prey running for her life.

My heart pounded fiercely in my chest as I reached my room, seeking solace and composure. I pressed my trembling hands against my face, trying to regain my composure and repeating, "Stay composed, Zoni. You have to go and have dinner with Mom and Aunt. How can you face them in this state?" But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't escape the truth: Shan's overwhelming attractiveness, his irresistible charm, had me completely enthralled.
