
Breaking Bad from Orlando: The Hunger Games is a Reality TV Show?

Ryu goes back to the city, which seems as big as a bear and is full of people. After many years of hard training in meditation and martial arts. On a remote island far away from an Earth's fast-paced, high-tech society, where violence, questionable sexual practices, and survival have become synonymous with trashy reality TV. This time, he's leaving his peaceful island home without having to take part in the infamous Hunger Games. Every year, 24 teenagers from all over the world take part in a brutal survival competition that is shown on TV. By winning, they secure their future and won't have to go through the ordeal again. Ryu's life is about to take an unexpected turn as he and his friend Ken dive headfirst into total madness, extravagance, and drug-fueled experiences. After working for a few months at exciting new jobs in the dating reality TV field. All of this happens because they meet Walter White, a well-meaning but sometimes clumsy and very smart scientist, by chance while they are on vacation in Mexico. ********************** This is a cross-over story with lots of complicated details that you'll learn more about as you read. This isn't a street fighter story, and the main character is usually a violent bad guy who doesn't care about gender. Read at your own risk.

Assnkneepads · TV
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Lunch with the hosts of the show

A/N: I've changed my mind about the Street Fighter series' girls. A lot of them, such as Chun Li and Cammy, will appear later.

Mortal Kombat, Tekken, etc.

Perhaps men from all those series will appear too.

This can be considered Street fighter too now. However, this is still mainly a Breaking Bad crossover fic.




Minutes later.


Ryu already had a memory card, so even though the system promised him that the Rizz types he would get would be useful for more than just dating, they weren't anything too crazy.

They were just strong enough to render his best friend Ken unfit to compete with him when it came to getting into girls' pants.

Ryu didn't have to be concerned about getting cucked and traveling back in time to save things…

Fortunately, he didn't like Jiwon that way, and he didn't do anything with her, so it wasn't considered being cucked. Especially since Ken had yet to make a move on her. Which Ryu wasn't sure he'd do anymore. Ken didn't appear to be as interested as he had anticipated.

On the way, they had a quick conversation about her. His type was thicker women with big asses and thick thighs, like Chun Li. He was also fond of blonde bimbos.

Ryu was going to get a new Rizz from the dating side of his lottery cheat every time he participated in a new TV show. This time, the cheat he obtained was the ability to read women's desires.

That was very specific, and it wasn't the ability to read people's minds. It was only interested in what women expected from a man.

Ryu no longer had to fumble bags and drop them on the starving streets.

He was eager to use his charm on Sophie Turner, this woman who had recently finished acting in the Game of Thrones series.

There were all the movies and shows from his previous life, and more, in this world. However, because the timeline of those could not be estimated normally, many of those and people who were not supposed to be born yet already existed.

People were more attractive overall, and fertility and life expectancy were higher.

Women like Bryce Dallas Howard from the Jurassic Park series may be the same age as younger ones like Sophie Turner. Which is exactly what happened.

She was also one of the hosts on this reality show. She was a lot less of a celebrity, but she had a good relationship with Sophie and was recently working on a project with her. It was all for publicity.

Sophie's presence was beginning to make sense for everyone, as they could have chosen someone equally, if not more popular.

"Is it okay for you guys to eat with us like this?" Ryu inquired as he ate lunch with the show's hosts at some opulent resort.

Everyone who had arrived minutes earlier with Ryu and Ken was present.

Ken was laughing about makeup with his agent and his TV crew at another table when Sophie smiled at Ryu and replied, "Yes. However, we haven't met the other candidates. It's okay because you and Ken are special."

"This time is exceptional. Participants from the Hunger Games get different rights," one of the Korean producers at Ryu's table added loudly in deliberately clumsy English. "Do not be concerned!"

"Is that some rule?" Ryu asked.

"No, I just made that up. We're just glad to have you here. We've never had any in the past." The man laughed while eating lazily.

He was wearing earphones and had far too much equipment on his body.

"As are we..." Ryu replied with a smile. He was thinking about something.

For him, all of this Reality TV nonsense was more exciting than he had hoped. He wasn't doing it for the cheats. They were a plus.

Ryu was into women, sex, and dating. He enjoyed this side of the world as well as watching cameramen overwork themselves behind cameras.

Wait… That didn't sound right.

Ryu suddenly shuddered and pushed away that gross idea.

He asked Sophie, "Are you as happy to have me here too? I didn't know I had such gorgeous fans... That was a surprise."

"Nice flattering words..." Sophie responded coyly, then deflected the attention as she turned redder, "I heard that girl over there sitting with Ken is your fan, too?"

"What's the deal with her and Ken? Does she not appeal to you?"

"That's a lot of questions for a first meeting... Sophie, you're not envious, are you?" Bryce asked. She was having lunch with Ryu's group and sat next to Sophie, who was facing him. "I'd be more concerned about me if you're looking for a love rival in the next few months… I believe I've become a fan as well."

"Two months of filming is a long time, don't you think Ryu?" she teased again, her eyes on Ryu. Her welcome had been even more pleasant than Sophie's. And she was trying not to bring up the Hunger Games or its filming, even though she had questions for Ryu about it.

They were mostly teasing each other.

They had only recently become friends.

But Sophie glared at her as Ryu responded enthusiastically...

The producers of the show chuckled and advised Ryu to keep it clean with these girls fighting over him, teasingly suggesting that he focus on the candidates he was about to meet.


Several days later.

The filming officially began, and Ryu and Ken met the show's candidates on the beautiful beach set.

Ryu enjoyed the scenery and weather on the beaches of the Canadian islands.

He also fell in love with a Korean candidate at first sight. She was appearing in the show for the second time, having previously appeared in the Korean-only edition.