
The month of September

Man this has been a super busy month! I figure I'll just go through and list all I've done cuz it feels like forever has gone by and there's still 3 days to go!

First off I decided I needed a second job because the one I have I only get 15 hours a week, 20 if I'm lucky. If I was in school that would be the perfect amount but since I'm not because a) Covid-19 and b) I still don't know what I want to do with my life, 15 hours really isn't enough.

So I applied to a couple places around town and was actually called back and invited to two interviews! I guess that just shows the difference between volunteer hours and actual work experience. I was offered full time at one and part time at the other, so I decided to go with PA, yes they only offered part time but they had a voucher for 150$ off steel toed boots and their environment is a lot quieter than the other offer.

I've been working there for just about a month now, and luckily they're still hiring, so I'm actually able to switch to full time! Basically I get access to benefits faster since I was already mostly working full time hours. So far I really like the work and my coworkers are amazing and super friendly! Even though I had no idea what I was doing at first and I was having to ask sooooo many questions and divert customer questions to my more experienced coworkers, everyone has been super understanding and now that I'm finally learning how everything works, I barely need to rely on them to the extent I was before! It's a very gratifying feeling!

Also since I liked PA more than my first job and full time was looking like it would be an option, I decided to leave them to focus fully on PA. Man two weeks has never felt so long!

Plus with working at PA, I work Monday to Friday so I have weekends off and they actually update their schedule in a reliable way so I can actually have a life outside of work! Sooooooo nice to know my schedule 2/3 weeks in advance rather than 3 days! I didn't realize how much that difference would affect me until I was able to know what I was working and when without worries!

The other exciting change this month is that I became of legal age to drink! Yay! I can go out and have fun with— oh wait there's a global pandemic and I have no friends... fuck. Anyway it's exciting and I did go to a local pub just cuz I could with my family... I also got carded for the first time in my life...


I can't really think of anything else exciting that happened this month... it feels like I did so much and yet when I start writing it doesn't look that busy... hmmm maybe it just felt like a busy month...

Well hopefully it won't take another 2 months to post something new! Who knows though? Adios and I'll see you next time!

Oh I forgot to mention but I bought a grilled cheese toaster... I have to say that was the best decision I’ve made so far and I will never regret it

Also somehow my views jumped to 1.2k?! Thank you so much!

Questionablemnmcreators' thoughts