
If I was the last person on earth

Let's say that one day you wake up one day and every single human has disappeared. All our achievements would remain, our utilities would still function, but there would be no one to use them.

What would you do? I imagine I would react similarly to Kevin from Home Alone! I would love to be free from everyone, to do and watch whatever I want, to run over to a convenience store and gorge on anything and everything. I also think that it would very quickly get very boring and repetitive after all there's only so much breaking the rules you can do before it's not very fun anymore.

I think I would quickly get lonely, and start wondering why I was the only one left, was there more people like me somewhere? Thinking that they too were the last person on earth.

Since I don't have a car right now, I'd probably start using one, to get around town and explore places I'd never been to and never seen. Now I wouldn't have to worry no matter how late I was out in any part of town, since there would only be me and my dog.

I think my bond with my dog would grow stronger than it ever could now... after all I could bring him anywhere I wanted, in the grocery store, to the local pool, I could safely let him off leash when we went for a walk and not worry if he decides to run into traffic. It's not like there'd be anyone to hit him.

I once took him on a walk quite late at night when the pandemic was still quite new and everyone was locked down. It felt like I was the only one on the planet then. There was no one else walking or riding their bike, not a single car to be seen, even on the busy streets. It was so so quiet. Because not only was there no movement on the ground, but there wasn't a single plane in the sky. In fact it was weird when there started to be a plane here or there that would cross our skies.

Now that we're on stage 3 of reopening, life is mostly back to normal, there's people back on the streets and sadly traffic has returned but sometimes I just think about how surreal everything felt as we walked around.

Since I couldn't leave the house other than to walk my dog, I ended up exploring parts of my neighborhood I never knew existed! I've lived in this city for 13+ years, in this house for 9. There are adorable little streets with the cutest and nicest tiny houses that I never knew about until I was forced to find something better to do than watch movies and eat everything in sight. I was surprised by how little I knew of my own neighborhood, let alone areas further away from me!

I would say that's something positive I've discovered during this global pandemic. Although there are lots of obvious cons to being stuck at home like this for so long, at least there was one or two positives that came out of all this.

After getting a bit of a taste for global pandemics, last on this world and seeing apocalypse like settings in other countries, I'm glad that while the world isn't perfect (not even close) at least it was and hopefully will be a better place sooner or later.


Hmmmm well I went into this topic with no plan on what I was going to talk about and I think I really enjoyed seeing where my tired 4am brain took me.

I think I'll do this again, maybe after my shifts at work I'll try talking about different topics and just see where they go...

Anyway if you've made it this far I really appreciate it! Hope you enjoy the rest of your day/evening and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Also thanks for 1.7k views!

Questionablemnmcreators' thoughts