
Braesorth Academy for the Gifted

The new generation of kids in the country of Braesorth were born with un natural abilities. So a academy was made to help them prepare and control these new special abilities. The students going to Braesorth in the first year will be 13 and will be challenged and readied to fight when needed. Let's see if they'll be ready and willing...

Asher_ace · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter two- Harley Fond

Harley woke up before her ten thirty alarm which was unusual for her she always snoozed her alarms, she was already starting to pack because she was getting anxious about the day.

"Harley are you up and going," Marcy said knocking on her door at the time her alarms were usually set at. Marcy was a friend of Harley's mother who passed away a couple months back.

"Yeah I'm up and already started packing," Harley responded.

"Marcy I've told you before it's not your job to make sure my daughter is up. Your not her mother Ellie isn't up and she's your daughter go get her up," Carsen said as he got up the stairs.

He then went over to opened Harley's door.

"Dad!" Harley happily said, as she ran to him and gave him a hug and got picked up by Carsen

"There's my little craziness, I see your getting packed or your almost packed already," Carsen said as he started to put Harley down.

"Dad I'm scared to go what if I don't have a special ability about me, I haven't been able to figure out anything and I'm thirteen now," Harley said in a sad tone.

"Sweetheart there's no reason to be scared. You might be a little nervous going to this new school as am I for you. But Harley sweetie there is something so special about you and this academy is going to find out what that is and help you," Carsen said hoping it would cheer up his daughter.

"Thanks dad that means a lot, you think mom is proud of me?" Harley asked.

"Of course she is every time I look at you I see her but we need to finish packing so you can eat and calm down before we start heading to the train station," Carsen said.

Harley started grabbing stuff to pack while Carsen headed downstairs to get breakfast started for her, instead of Marcy. Marcy was Harley's mother best friend who started to live with them after she passed away. She has her own daughter fifteen year old Ellie but tries to act like Harley's mother which Carsen hates.

When Carsen was done getting breakfast and any snacks ready for Harley he went back upstairs to check on her to see if she needed help bringing her trunk down if she was done stuffing almost everything in her room into it.

"Hey sweetie you need any help with your trunk?" Carsen asked as he walked into Harley's room.

"I think I'm done packing it can you take it to the back seats?" Harley asked.

"Course sweetie, also pack a personal bag because they'll take your trunk when you get to the train station," Carsen said picking up her trunk.

"I know dad, I already know which bag I'm taking just don't know what to pack yet," Harley said.

"Well you need to figure it out fast Harley it takes us almost an hour and a half to get to the train station and its almost noon," Carsen said.

"I'll be ready soon dad I promise," Harley replied then starting to look through her secret drawers that even Carsen didn't know about.

She grabbed her journals the same type of journals as Jack's. She then remembered that she had given Jack her little gadgets she had made with her two best friends just in case either her, Jack or Ben didn't have abilities.

After a couple minutes she got her personal bag organized and packed so she knew where everything was then started to head downstairs but looked at her mostly empty room before closing her door. She headed downstairs where Carsen was packing a small bag with snacks and something for breakfast for the drive.

"Ready to go my little craziness?" Carsen asked.

"Not really but I guess I have to be," Harley stuttered.

They made their way to the car, Harley put her bag in the back seat on top of her trunk. Carsen got the car started and then they were off, heading towards the train station.

"You know you're going to be great at Braesorth Harley," Carsen said.

"Yeah I know but something doesn't feel right with me," Harley replied.

"Harley there is nothing to be feel weird about. Oh and I almost forgot Ellie wanted me to give you this don't worry I didn't look what it is," Carsen said then handing Harley a folded piece of paper.

"Oh um ok then," Harley took the paper from Carsen and opened it and it read:

'Harley don't trust everyone you meet at that school. Remember keep your friends close and your enemies closer from Ellie.'

"What did the note say Harley, anything mean?" Carsen curiously asked.

"No no nothing mean just telling me good look at Braesorth's that's all. Also how much longer till were there dad?" Harley said to change the subject quick then she put the note in her pocket to show Ben and Jack later.

"It should be less than thirty minutes Harley, when you get to Braesorth's make sure you keep in contact with me," Carsen said.

"Course I'll keep in touch dad," Harley replied.

They stayed silent for the rest of the car ride, Harley started thinking to herself about Lily's note and some the possibilities of supernatural abilities.