
Braesorth Academy for the Gifted

The new generation of kids in the country of Braesorth were born with un natural abilities. So a academy was made to help them prepare and control these new special abilities. The students going to Braesorth in the first year will be 13 and will be challenged and readied to fight when needed. Let's see if they'll be ready and willing...

Asher_ace · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter one- Jack Naper

It was a normal morning for Jack, he woke up around ten. He had to be at the train station before one o'clock. But he wasn't even packed yet.

"Jack! Get up right now, we need to pack for Braesorth." Jack's father Luke yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

Jack surprised to hear his father scream at him made him fall out of his bed hitting the floor with a loud bang.

"I'm up now dad also oww!" Jack yelled when he hit the floor.

"You okay son," Luke said as he walked into Jack's room to help him up.

"Yeah I'm okay dad. Have you heard from mom, has she said she was coming back yet?" Jack asked as he got up from the floor.

"Um well no, no I haven't heard from her at all I'm sorry son," Luke said rustling Jack dirty blonde hair trying to make it sound not as bad as it is.

"Well um yeah that's fine, I think I'm going to start packing now," Jack said.

"Right, packing well I'll be downstairs if you need anything," Luke said then starting to head downstairs.

Jack started pulling out things to pack in his trunk but the more he packed he started feeling more and more upset that his mother has contacted him or his father.

"Jack it's getting closer to noon we need to start leaving for the train station soon," Luke yelled.

"I'm almost done can I get some help though dad," Jack yelled back.

"Yeah I'm coming," Luke said as he walked upstairs.

Luke started to help Jack pack the last few things in his trunk and ley Jack pack his personal bag. While he carried Jack's trunk to the car and let Jack have a minute in his room to grab anything else he wanted. Jack started to grab his gadgets he had made a couple of years ago and his journals he made with Ben and Harley. Then he started to head downstairs and went to kitchen drawer and grabbed an envelope of money and put it in his bag.

"You ready to go Jack?" Luke asked as he opened the door.

"Yeah I think so," Jack replied grabbing his bag from the counter.

They started getting into the car, Jack put his bag in the back seat and got into the passenger seat.

"Son, before we get over to the train station I need to talk to you about something," Luke said as they pulled out of the driveway.

"Um okay, what's up dad?" Jack asked.

"This new school your going to I don't know what it will be like. So just be careful watch out for yourself. And don't lose Ben and Harley," Luke replied.

"Course I'll be careful dad, Can you just trust me please that's all I ask. Also how much longer till we get to the station? I don't want to be late and it's already 12:30," Jack asked.

"We should be there soon son don't worry. Son I want you to know I do trust you, I just need you to be alert and ready for anything that's all," Luke said.

"Be alert for what dad, is there something going to happen that I should know of?" Jack asked starting to get worried.

"No it's nothing son, I just want you to be prepared as you can be for this coming year. You won't be home until next summer and this academy your going to it helps you and the others in your generation find out what abilities they were born with unless they've already figured it out themselves," Luke said.

"Dad what do you think they'll figure out about me, like what abilities do you think I have but haven't figured out yet?" Jack asked.

They started talking about the different possibilities about Jack's abilities. It started to get closer to one and Jack started to worry but fortunately they made it to the train station just a little bit before one.