
Boy, bye!: His Wife Is Hot Like Fire

With Pepper Hart, you can count on two things - She always get want she wants and you will most definitely cry yourself to sleep after encountering her. Her life is perfect. She got class. She was fun. She is the boss…Kind of. After draining her life savings to buy a beautiful house at the right side of town with hopes of a promotion, Pepper was passed over. Now she has two missions, making the man that got her promotion cry as often as humanly possible and getting the perfect roommate. Except her grandparents were board certified crazy and are going out of their way to set her up with a man...or woman, If Gigi and Gramps can find a hermaphrodite they would set Pepper up with them. Now, Gramps is dying and all he wants is a son in law and Pepper has to pull a one in a lifetime miracle…find the perfect man. But the perfect man wasn't Pepper's dream; all she wanted was the perfect roommate. But after her best friend jokingly suggests she enters in a contract marriage with her roommate in exchange for a reduced rent. Pepper hart jumped on the offer. It was the perfect solution except there was a teeny weenie problem. Pepper Hart forced the wrong person into marrying her and now he wants a real marriage. Can Asher tame the wild beast or will Pepper burn him to crisp? *************** "Asher!" "Honey… I am home" The man Pepper got married to earlier said with a big old smile. Pepper screamed louder. Asher watched the woman in front of him and he watched his wristwatch. Great! It's been two minutes and her mouth was still open and his eardrum was about to be damaged. He grabbed her shoulders and he rubbed his hand in a parallel motion on them. "Stop. Screaming!" He begged her but Pepper just kept on screaming. Taking a deep breath, Asher pressed his mouth into hers to shut her up. It was night and people might call the cops if she kept yelling like she just saw a cockroach in her oatmeal. Pepper’s eyes were wide open as the shock of being kissed without permission went through her. She simply stomped Asher's foot as hard as he could and he stopped kissing her. "Ouch! That really hurts" Asher complained while he hopped on one foot. "You don't kiss me without prior permission, pervert or touch me or breathe. In fact right this moment, you should minimize how much air you take in, in my expensive apartment" Pepper waved her hand as she talked. "God! You must have been a general in the army in your past life. That or you were Cinderella's stepmom" Asher finally stopped hopping. "What are you doing here?" Pepper asked him. "Yeah! I think we got married...for real" Asher whispered to her like it was a secret he was trying to keep from getting out. "I know I was there" Pepper yelled like she was disgusted. Asher waited about two seconds for her to feel whatever she was feeling before he made his proposition. "I want an annulment, darling wife. Staying married to you will reduce my lifespan considerably" Asher had a straight face and he nodded like it made perfect sense. Pepper clasped her hand together as she thought of a solution to their dilemma. "Annulment...no, I can't give you that until Angel Michael let's my Gramps into heaven. Apparently, he is unfulfilled and…" pepper was interrupted by Asher. "Wait! Gramps is still alive?" Asher asked her. Cover is not mine. Credit goes to the rightful owner and if the owner wants me to take it down, just say the word.

King_Starr · Urban
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204 Chs

Chapter 7: I know you

Chapter 7: I know you

Pepper stared at the plate of pasta in front of her with tired eyes. She could argue with Gigi about the quantity or she could pick up her fork and start eating in silence. And may grab something to eat for dinner on her way home.

Pepper loved food. It wasn't a secret. She loved sweet delicious food that could make even the devil thank God. She loved it so much that she hardly starved. Every corner of her personal space had one food or another stashed there.

It was a mystery on how such a tiny person could eat that much and not put on weight. It was like she had a super metabolic rate.

Pepper shoved the pasta into her mouth as she sent repeated messages to June about the possible roommate. If she didn't find one, she would have to sell her car to survive or ask for money from her grandparents which she didn't want to do.

Pepper could literally feel Gigi's breath on her cheeks as she was sitting so close to her that if Pepper sneezed, it would enter Gigi's mouth.

She ignored her grandmother. But then Gramps joined in and they both stared at her as she ate.

"What?!" She yelled.

The unchewed food in her mouth went into the wrong pipe and she started coughing.

"Tsk... tsk, no table manners whatsoever. Were you raised by wolves?" Gigi asked her.

"Yes," Pepper answered with a chuckle in between her coughs.

"Wait! Did she just call us wolves?" Gramps asked with a confused expression.

Gigi shook her head. Her granddaughter was like her when she was in her youth but she still managed to get herself a husband.

"Do you like girls instead of boys, Callie?" Gramps asked out of nowhere.

Pepper turned and stared at her grandfather. Carefully and correctly, she mouthed the word "No. Gramps, I am not gay"

"There is nothing wrong if you like girls. We are not picky, Pepper" Gigi occasionally called her by her nickname when she wants to sound sophisticated and cool.

"But, I am not gay...I am straight. I like boys" Pepper said firmly.

"Then what the hell are you waiting for. Pick one and move in with him"

Pepper stood up and kissed both their cheeks.

"Thanks for the food and...Aiden but I am happy just the way I am. I have my job" Pepper wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.

"But they gave your promotion to that dofus that doesn't deserve it" Gigi complained.

"And I am making his life a living hell just for the fun of it. His misery makes me happy. I am happy, okay? I don't want a boyfriend or girlfriend. Just drop it" Pepper said in a serious voice and picked up her bag to leave.

"Aren't you going to pass the night here?"

Gramps asked her.

"I have to go feed my cat" She gave an excuse.

Pepper headed for the door before they could stop her. Gramps was a baseball coach and quite strong enough to tackle her. He did it last year and broke a thumb.

"But you don't have a cat!" Gigi yelled after her.

Her grandparents sat on the chair. They looked exhausted.

"I just want her to have someone when we are gone. The idea of her alone in the world when we are gone makes me…"

"Nauseous... heartbroken... shattered?" Gigi completed it for him. "You are Eighty three and I am eighty one, we only have a few years left, Richard. We are on our way to death and we won't leave until she finds someone"

Gramps held Gigi's hand. "We won't, Leyla"

Pepper stood at the door a minute more after eavesdropping on her grandparents before she left. She wished they didn't worry about her so much. Too bad, she was incapable of giving them what they wanted. She entered her car and drove off.

Pepper called June from the car.

"Hey, Junie. Just be straight with me. The potential was a weirdo, right" Pepper wanted to stop on her way home for pizza but she decided against it. A glass of wine was all she needed to relax at home.

June was mute for a minute. Pepper chalked it up to a bad network.


"I asked you whether he was a weirdo or not" Pepper repeated her question.

"No. He was something much worse. He was a hot gay guy. Turns out he was playing for the other side"

"Perfect. His sexuality doesn't matter to me but his wallet does. Can he afford rent?" Pepper asked her.

"I think so. He will fax everything you need tomorrow. I think I just found you a roommate, Pepper" June said in a cheerful voice.

"Beautiful... that is great. Thanks, Junie. Are you home yet?" Pepper asked her as she drove into her parking space.

She turned off the ignition and stared at herself in the mirror temporarily forgetting she was on the phone.

She wasn't bad looking. She had a comely figure which suited her perfectly. She was mixed race. Her mother was a Korean American, her grandparents moved to America before her mom was born.

Pepper got her crescent shaped eyebrows that almost looked artificial from her mother.

She blinked. Her languid eyelashes of velvet-black blinked once to refocus her mind from thinking about her dead parents. She focused on her looks instead.

Pepper won't go as far as to describe her teeth as heavenly-white teeth but they were clean and white. She loved them alongside her hair, which was a glorious tumble of midnight black and her virility-brown eyes could set any heart a-thump.

She wasn't bad looking. Just couldn't get over a six month old relationship that resulted in a bad breakup that happened seven years ago. She was stuck in time and somehow, she made herself self sufficient and now...now, she didn't need a man.

"Pepper! Pepper! Are you there?"

"Yes, I am. Where are you?" Pepper looked away from the mirror.

"In a restaurant waiting for Ethan" June answered.

"How long have you been waiting?" Pepper asked. She already knew the answer would annoy her. June and her were different relationship wise. While she can't keep one, June had difficulty leaving one even if it was abusive.

"How long, Junie?"

"An hour?" Junie whispered.

"Crap! Not again June. I am coming to pick you up and you have to break up with that jerk face"