
Boy, bye!: His Wife Is Hot Like Fire

With Pepper Hart, you can count on two things - She always get want she wants and you will most definitely cry yourself to sleep after encountering her. Her life is perfect. She got class. She was fun. She is the boss…Kind of. After draining her life savings to buy a beautiful house at the right side of town with hopes of a promotion, Pepper was passed over. Now she has two missions, making the man that got her promotion cry as often as humanly possible and getting the perfect roommate. Except her grandparents were board certified crazy and are going out of their way to set her up with a man...or woman, If Gigi and Gramps can find a hermaphrodite they would set Pepper up with them. Now, Gramps is dying and all he wants is a son in law and Pepper has to pull a one in a lifetime miracle…find the perfect man. But the perfect man wasn't Pepper's dream; all she wanted was the perfect roommate. But after her best friend jokingly suggests she enters in a contract marriage with her roommate in exchange for a reduced rent. Pepper hart jumped on the offer. It was the perfect solution except there was a teeny weenie problem. Pepper Hart forced the wrong person into marrying her and now he wants a real marriage. Can Asher tame the wild beast or will Pepper burn him to crisp? *************** "Asher!" "Honey… I am home" The man Pepper got married to earlier said with a big old smile. Pepper screamed louder. Asher watched the woman in front of him and he watched his wristwatch. Great! It's been two minutes and her mouth was still open and his eardrum was about to be damaged. He grabbed her shoulders and he rubbed his hand in a parallel motion on them. "Stop. Screaming!" He begged her but Pepper just kept on screaming. Taking a deep breath, Asher pressed his mouth into hers to shut her up. It was night and people might call the cops if she kept yelling like she just saw a cockroach in her oatmeal. Pepper’s eyes were wide open as the shock of being kissed without permission went through her. She simply stomped Asher's foot as hard as he could and he stopped kissing her. "Ouch! That really hurts" Asher complained while he hopped on one foot. "You don't kiss me without prior permission, pervert or touch me or breathe. In fact right this moment, you should minimize how much air you take in, in my expensive apartment" Pepper waved her hand as she talked. "God! You must have been a general in the army in your past life. That or you were Cinderella's stepmom" Asher finally stopped hopping. "What are you doing here?" Pepper asked him. "Yeah! I think we got married...for real" Asher whispered to her like it was a secret he was trying to keep from getting out. "I know I was there" Pepper yelled like she was disgusted. Asher waited about two seconds for her to feel whatever she was feeling before he made his proposition. "I want an annulment, darling wife. Staying married to you will reduce my lifespan considerably" Asher had a straight face and he nodded like it made perfect sense. Pepper clasped her hand together as she thought of a solution to their dilemma. "Annulment...no, I can't give you that until Angel Michael let's my Gramps into heaven. Apparently, he is unfulfilled and…" pepper was interrupted by Asher. "Wait! Gramps is still alive?" Asher asked her. Cover is not mine. Credit goes to the rightful owner and if the owner wants me to take it down, just say the word.

King_Starr · Urban
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204 Chs

Chapter 21: Normal is good

Chapter 21: Normal is good

Asher made sure Starr took her medication before the early nap. He knew that the day she had was stressful for her already weakening body.

He covered her with a blanket and stared at her for a few seconds.

"I love you, kid" 

"I love you too, daddy"

"I should probably help Pepper clean the mess you helped her make" Asher said and kissed her forehead.

He was almost out the door when Starr spoke to him.

"She is not all bad, you know. She is fun when she is not calling me a donkey. I like her" Starr said in a voice that could be mistaken for a whisper.

Asher came back and sat down beside her.


"Yes, Daddy. I know you like her"

"No, I don't. Liking someone like Pepper should come with a danger warning. I mean she is funny in a grim reaper kind of way and when she allows herself to be vulnerable even for second, she is almost lovable. Don't get me started on her tiny wicked smile that sometimes send goosebumps throughout my body…I mean…"

Starr laughed softly and she tried to hide it from her father.

"Daddy likes Pepper Tada…Ta-da…" she turned it into a song.

Asher laughed out loud and tickled her just a little bit. Her laughter echoed, they were like music to his ears.

Asher loved hearing them. He cleared his foggy throat and decided to be honest.

"Well…I mean, she is not totally a devil right? I mean…liking her wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if I survived her, right?" 

Asher's left eye dimmed just a little bit.

"No. You should marry her. She makes you smile" Starr suggested.

"One, we are married…I think and two, Pepper doesn't make me smile, she makes me smirk and sometimes, drives me crazy to the point where I want to pull my hair all out."

Starr coughed just a little bit and Asher handed her the glass of water near her bed. She took a sip.

"She is the best mommy I know. She taught me how to break Noah's nose if he pulls my hair again" 

"What?! No…no, baby girl…no…violence is never the answer. I will have a word with the school and Noah's parents" Asher paused a little before he continued "Maybe I shouldn't have taken you out of your former school"

"You had to…for our cover. We are poor, remember? We can't explain to Pepper how you can pay for primrose school. Don't worry, I like my new school. We are doing this so I can have a mom right?" Starr quickly added. She had come a long way for them to go back.

"Honey, you know Scarlett wants to have dinner with you next week. Are you up for it?" Asher broke the news to his daughter.

He saw as her face beamed up with excitement and smiles.

"Really? Mama wants to meet me. Yes…yes…but wait, doesn't she have to accept a teen choice award next week?" Starr's face was suddenly drained of the smile.

"Yeah sure, you know I reminded her of that too but she insisted on meeting you. She says she couldn't wait to see you again after all these years and even though next week was busy for her that she would make time for a princess like you"

Asher watched as the smile returned and his daughter hugged him.

"That's the best news I have heard all day. Thanks Daddy"

"I told you I would give you the world, didn't I? Anything you wanted or dream of shall be yourself, Starr…anything but you do know that sooner than later, we will have to get you back to the hospital"

Starr nodded. She watched her father's face. She knew he was sad.

"I know. Don't be sad, daddy. When I die, I won't be alone in heaven. There will be grandpa and grandma, even aunt Lucy. They will take care of me" Starr touched his arm.

Asher looked away briefly as the heaviness in his chest returned.

"We are not there yet but for now, normal is good" 

Starr smiled "Normal is good"

She repeated after him.

"Good night, kid"

Asher left her room and closed the door behind him. He left the apartment to get some privacy.

He also placed a call to his assistant, Jacob.

"Good day sir. I was about to call you. We acquired the KWX group today after renegotiation and we are planning…."

Asher interrupted Jacob.

"Great job, Jacob but that's not why I am calling. I need you to get a message across to Ms Hemming, tell her she has a date with her daughter next week. Tell her it's not a request and I will destroy her if she doesn't show up. Okay, bye Jacob" 

Asher hung up.

He knew it would take approximately a few minutes for Scarlett to get his threat and call his personal line and like clockwork, she did via video call.

"No…no, Asher, you can't do that. I have an award next week. I can't see Starr, maybe the week after. I will have my assistant accommodate her, okay"

Her high pitched voice was irritating and Asher would like nothing more than to hang up but he still had a message to give her.

"Do you remember eight years ago when you were a nobody and I turned you into a world class actress, Scarlett?" Asher asked her.

"Yes and I am grateful for…" 

Scarlett started saying but Asher interrupted her.

"That's beside the point sweetheart. The point is I made you and I will break you apart piece by piece until there is nothing left, until no one would book you for a tea commercial, Scarlett if you don't show up. This is not a threat, Mi Amor, it's a promise. Okay?" Asher held her gaze.

Scarlett stared back at him. She knew he had the power to destroy her and she believed him. She let out a pent up breath.

"Alright. I will be there. Have your assistant send the date, time and venue to me please and for Christ sake, I am gonna need your jet because I am in Paris" Scarlett made her demand.

"Fine. And Scarlett, meeting her was all your idea and you are ecstatic about it, right?"

"Right. Goodbye"

The line went dead.

Asher stretched his back and went back inside the house.

He entered the kitchen to see Pepper sitting on the floor with her legs pulled towards her chin.

Something was definitely wrong with her.