
Boy, bye!: His Wife Is Hot Like Fire

With Pepper Hart, you can count on two things - She always get want she wants and you will most definitely cry yourself to sleep after encountering her. Her life is perfect. She got class. She was fun. She is the boss…Kind of. After draining her life savings to buy a beautiful house at the right side of town with hopes of a promotion, Pepper was passed over. Now she has two missions, making the man that got her promotion cry as often as humanly possible and getting the perfect roommate. Except her grandparents were board certified crazy and are going out of their way to set her up with a man...or woman, If Gigi and Gramps can find a hermaphrodite they would set Pepper up with them. Now, Gramps is dying and all he wants is a son in law and Pepper has to pull a one in a lifetime miracle…find the perfect man. But the perfect man wasn't Pepper's dream; all she wanted was the perfect roommate. But after her best friend jokingly suggests she enters in a contract marriage with her roommate in exchange for a reduced rent. Pepper hart jumped on the offer. It was the perfect solution except there was a teeny weenie problem. Pepper Hart forced the wrong person into marrying her and now he wants a real marriage. Can Asher tame the wild beast or will Pepper burn him to crisp? *************** "Asher!" "Honey… I am home" The man Pepper got married to earlier said with a big old smile. Pepper screamed louder. Asher watched the woman in front of him and he watched his wristwatch. Great! It's been two minutes and her mouth was still open and his eardrum was about to be damaged. He grabbed her shoulders and he rubbed his hand in a parallel motion on them. "Stop. Screaming!" He begged her but Pepper just kept on screaming. Taking a deep breath, Asher pressed his mouth into hers to shut her up. It was night and people might call the cops if she kept yelling like she just saw a cockroach in her oatmeal. Pepper’s eyes were wide open as the shock of being kissed without permission went through her. She simply stomped Asher's foot as hard as he could and he stopped kissing her. "Ouch! That really hurts" Asher complained while he hopped on one foot. "You don't kiss me without prior permission, pervert or touch me or breathe. In fact right this moment, you should minimize how much air you take in, in my expensive apartment" Pepper waved her hand as she talked. "God! You must have been a general in the army in your past life. That or you were Cinderella's stepmom" Asher finally stopped hopping. "What are you doing here?" Pepper asked him. "Yeah! I think we got married...for real" Asher whispered to her like it was a secret he was trying to keep from getting out. "I know I was there" Pepper yelled like she was disgusted. Asher waited about two seconds for her to feel whatever she was feeling before he made his proposition. "I want an annulment, darling wife. Staying married to you will reduce my lifespan considerably" Asher had a straight face and he nodded like it made perfect sense. Pepper clasped her hand together as she thought of a solution to their dilemma. "Annulment...no, I can't give you that until Angel Michael let's my Gramps into heaven. Apparently, he is unfulfilled and…" pepper was interrupted by Asher. "Wait! Gramps is still alive?" Asher asked her. Cover is not mine. Credit goes to the rightful owner and if the owner wants me to take it down, just say the word.

King_Starr · Urban
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204 Chs

Chapter 11: Who is Asher?

Chapter 11: Who is Asher?

Starr looked puzzled as Pepper Locked her door. She went back and sat down with her father.

"She called me a donkey"

"Don't feel bad darling, she is a little cuckoo in the head? I will tuck you in and read you a story. Come on, I think there is a room somewhere for you" 

Asher took his daughter's hand and together they found the other room. Starr first showered and changed into her PJs while Asher went to the sitting room to unpacked their bags.

When he came back, the little girl was ready for bed.

"Are you comfortable?" He asked her.

"Yes" she nodded and also answered at the same time.

Asher opened a bag and took out a container of drugs. He gave her the right dosage and some water to swallow them.

Starr did.

"Do you think if Pepper knew who we really are that she would treat us better?" Starr asked her father.

"I doubt that. She is incorrigible. Good night sweetheart. I love you" Asher kissed her forehead.

"Wait! Where will you sleep?" 

"Don't worry, Stardust, I am sure my wife will accommodate me"

"She is going to scream in the morning!" Starr laughed.

"Oh, don't I know it. Sleep tight"

Asher made his way into the sitting room, taking Starr's tablet he dialed a number.

"Hello Jacob"

An image of an Indian American man in a suit popped up on the screen.

"Mr. Knight!"

"What do you have for me?" Asher asked him.

"The negotiation for the KWX group is on the way and it's going great. I think they will sell to us, Sir" Jacob replied.

"I want certainty by tomorrow. If they won't sell then we will have no other choice than to move on, Knights conglomerate is looking to expand and I don't have time to drag feet" Asher told him.

"What are your orders sir?" Jacob asked.

"Give them a deadline followed by an ultimatum...give them till the end of this week, then move on. Any pressing matter I should know about?" Asher asked him.

"Ms. Fuentes has called for you forty four times already sir...and she is calling me again, sir. She showed up at my son's school earlier. She is driving me crazy... please, please talk to her sir. Please"

Asher exhaled. He hated talking to his second in command.

"Patch her through, Jacob...Hey, Nikka. What's up?" Asher flashed her his most charming smile.

"Asher, I...wait, what happened to your face?" 

"Nothing, what can I do for you Nikka?" 

"You look homeless. What's going on?"

"Why does everyone keep telling me that?! I am not homeless... technically. What can I do for you, Nikka? I will be hanging up in exactly two minutes...use your time well" Asher advised.

"I just need help in understanding why a CEO of a multi billion conglomerate will up and leave his life for two weeks?"

Asher cleared his throat.

"Actually, I am going to be gone for a month...make it two months. You are in charge Nikka, make me proud. Bye!" 

"Asher, do not hang up on…"

Asher hung up and went back to his call with Jacob.

"I lied. Do not leave Nikka in charge of my company, Jacob" Asher told him

"But she is your second in command, sir. I don't have that kind of power" Jacob answered

"You do, if you are the acting CEO of Knights conglomerate, congratulations Jacob!"

"But I am just your personal assistant, sir" Jacob reminded him.

"I just promoted you, smile!" Asher told him.

"Are you alright, sir?" Jacob asked him.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" 

"You are smiling, sir. You don't smile. You do grumpy, angry and disappointed, sir but you don't smile. Should I call an ambulance?" 

Asher had an exasperated look on his face.

"I smile all the time. Go away, Jacob!"

"Do I still have the promotion, sir?"

"Better you than Nikka, take care of my company. Let's talk at the same time, tomorrow" Asher hung up.

He waited until he was sure that Pepper was asleep before he snuck into her room to sleep.


When Pepper woke up the next morning, at first she thought she was alone. And like usual, she was half asleep when she entered the toilet to pee, brushed her teeth and she was still half asleep up until the warm water hit her skin. 

After bathing she wrapped herself in a white towel and went back into the bedroom. She allowed the towel drop before she saw that there was a man on her bed. She stopped herself from screaming in time.

At first, she thought it was an intruder and grabbed a baseball bat but after she saw the face and it was her fake husband/creepy roommate. 

She dropped the bat, opened the wardrobe and took out her taser.

A promise was a promise and it was time to teach her roommate about boundaries.

Asher slept peacefully for hours.

He was dreaming about something relating to fast cars when he felt the first zap and the second before he woke up yelling. 


At first, Asher was disoriented and confused before it slowly dawned on him that he must have been electrocuted.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Asher yelled at her.

Pepper scoffed and examined her taser.

"I warned you. I told you I will electrocute you if you enter my room. Who am I if not a man of my words?" Pepper asked him

"You are a woman...a crazy woman!"

"At least, I wasn't the one that got electricity coursing through his vein a few minutes ago, idiot!" 

Both Pepper and Asher turned around when they heard the door open.

"What is going on? Why was daddy screaming?" Starr asked Pepper.

"Because he has no backbone" she turned and faced Asher "Take Stacy and leave my room"

"Her name is Starr!"