
Bounty Mercenary Group

Author: Evening Water Bottle
Ongoing · 159.1K Views
  • 764 Chs
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What is Bounty Mercenary Group

Read ‘Bounty Mercenary Group’ Online for Free, written by the author Evening Water Bottle, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: One must always sacrifice something to strive for survival in this world.But when all that is sacrificed becomes meaning...


One must always sacrifice something to strive for survival in this world. But when all that is sacrificed becomes meaningless, turned into a toy for others to freely squander, with no compensation paid. Then, the Bounty Mercenary Group does not mind resorting to their own hands, and collecting the interest they're rightfully owed!

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Update Frequency

The average realized release rate over the past 30 days is 21 Chs/week.
Table of Contents
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Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4

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Evening Water Bottle



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it's genderbender, won't really continue just because of that


bruh you expect us to read some book that hasn't even give atleast 1 chapter what is wrong with webnovel this days


Reveal spoiler


I like the ideas but there is way, way too much time spent pontificating and expounding on them. Great story line, I like the gender bending, I like the direction the plot appears to be heading but I got bored with the detailed philosophy that felt like I was reading someone’s journal of personal revelations.


So chapter 1. He is a guy hardworking but recently fired. Chapter 2 he is now replaced the consciousness of a would be healthy woman. Doesn’t miss a beat and becomes more her than himself? It’s either missing content or just makes no sense


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