
Boundless :)

Origin, the creator of the Omniverse. Has been seriously betrayed by his children the Origin gods. Amaterasu, Libra, and Tsukiyomi. Three gods blinded by power and the want to control something of their own. Realizing that the power to do this lies in their father Origin they catch him off guard and “equally” distributes his power among eachother. Now as a plan for revenge Origin has been sent to the land of Omni a world which they created but had never explored. 500,000 Years Origin promised they would return. In these 500,000 Years the Origin Gods have made their presence known. Each shaping the history, laws, and culture of their land. Origin seeking revenge navigates across a world that wants nothing but the worse for him. How does one who spent their entire life being the absolute pinnacle of knowledge and power deal with being prey to the creations he never gave attention to. More importantly how does one learn to grow, care, and change. How does one know the importance of bonds. How does one know how their creations are living down here and what their power has done for their lives.

TC_Cloud · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 5 - Mischief

Chapter 5


Following their encounter with Libra in Pecan Village. James and Gruff now begin their 5-day journey towards Origin Capital in order to look for strong comrades. Origin Capital is a huge city with a population of 10 Trillion. This city is the largest city in the Origin region. Due to its huge size, there are over 50 gladiator coliseums. In which random civilians with high counts have to fight to the death. The more wins you get, the tougher opponents you go against. All people are forced to Double or Nothing. The most popular of these coliseums is "Enma Gladiators". A fierce coliseum where only O Rank Counter's and above are allowed to participate.

The Two are 6 hours away from the coliseum and are steadily walking there. James refused to teleport since he wanted to enjoy the journey.

"So Gruff, is this place really meant to have strong fighters?"(James)

"Yeah, the best of the best. I even fought here once in my life in order to make some money. I think overall I killed 20 people here. But they were criminals, so I felt no remorse" (Gruff)

"Wow, so you really have to fight to the death. Anyway, our counts are a bit too high. They probably won't have people around our skills." (James)

"No, trust me they will. But you are right, X and Y are a bit too frightening, and it's going to capture too much attention." (Gruff)

"Sera, is there any way for you or me to change our counts visually?" (James)

"Who is the Sera person you're always talking about?" (Gruff)

"Oh yeah, that's right, you can't hear or see her. I have an idea. Sera hold that thought. First materialize yourself, so we can actually see you." (James)

"Your wish is my command, master. Initializing materialization. Book Of Life: Skill #10 Creation."(Sera)

"Whoa what the hell Mitasakou this is Sera?!" (Gruff)

Sera makes herself a body. Her appearance is of a young lady in her 20s with a small waist, medium size chest, and Green Hair and Blue Eyes.

"Is this appearance to your liking, Master?"(Sera)

"Yes Sera that'll do. Welcome to our team officially, Sera. Now back to my question."(James)

"Of Course Master. To answer your question, yes, there is a way to change your count's visual look. You must use the Book of Mischief: Skill #12 Illusion." (Sera)

"Book of Mischief, ok." (James)

"Oh yeah Mitasakou I've been meaning to ask what's these Books you're always chanting when you're using a skill."  (Gruff)

"Oh, you're asking about these old things, guess I'll explain. Ages ago when I was creating the Omniverse I noticed that just using my powers was boring, so I gave them all books relating to what they did, and I named them with that same reasoning. So what I did was make 30 Books. Except 18 were scattered in this world when I had made it in order for me to conserve power.

Leaving me with 12 of them, although 2 of them Sera shares with me. You have already heard 4 of these. That being the book of Blades, Eternity, Life, Origin, and now Mischief. Each book has 15 original skills, except 3 of them which have only 5. The book only shows itself if I myself chant the name of said book.

So if you were to say Book of Life while around me, nothing would happen. Although if these books are not within a 100 m vicinity of me they will stay materialized allowing people to use my skills. But I can't just instantly call it back. I would have to psychically take it. Also, Sera sadly the Book Of Mischief isn't with me. Must be in one of the 18 that's scattered. Can you locate it?" (James)

"It would appear that someone at our destination is the owner of the book." (James)

"Damn, but I would have to take it back in order to use the skill and to do that we have to get in. But besides that we still need to get that book, the #1 skill in it is pretty dangerous." (James)

"Wait Mitasakou I have an idea. We can just use a "Substitute Vessel".(Gruff)

"Substitute Vessel?" (James)

"Yeah, a Substitute Ves-"(Gruff)

"Master, A "Substitute Vessel" is an object of any metal that can be imbued with a share of your count. Making the vessel of the same power. Typically, these vessels are used as a method to steal counts of other people. Due to the fact that once you imbue an object, anyone can absorb the power if it's not on the owner's body." (Sera)

"Wow, thanks Sera! You really do know everything, huh. That's a good thing, since my omniscience is dormant until I get 10% of my power." (James)

"But wait, I was going to say the same thing until she interrupted me." (Gruff)

"Oh? Sorry, I can't remember." (James)

"Master, I think he was imagining it."

Says Sera looking at Gruff with a smug look.

"Oh, is that so ok?" (James)

"Hey, what the hell!"(Gruff)

(6 Hours Later)

"Yes, we're finally here at "Enma Gladiators." (James)

"Yeah. Now it's time to find a strong ally." (Gruff)

"Oh yeah, Gruff do know what your vessel is yet?" (James)

"I wanted to use this sword, but I remembered that it has ties to lady Libra. So I would rather not use it. Since that's the case, I don't have anything else in mind." (Gruff)

"Is that so? Well guess I have no other choice, I'll just make you a sword." (James)

James suddenly teleports away.

"Since Libra made his sword with a galaxy, I'll one up her and make mines with a universe. This one seems like it's near the end of its lifespan and is about to implode, perfect for me. I could've just created a fresh one, but if I did those 3 children of mine would notice. Also, that would take a ridiculous amount of power. My destructive capability is at a high multiverse level right now. But my attack potency and creating ability is only in multi galaxies. Your count affects your destructive capability more than your attack potency. Attack potency is built through natural talent or pure determination to focus all of your destruction in a controlled output. Creating ability is only possible for deities and people with counts surpassing Z. Anyways, enough of that, let's make this sword. (James)

James compresses the dying universe into ore.

"There we go now to make a sword with this ore "Solarnite". I am super creative with names, aren't I." (James)

James melts the Solarnite and puts it into a mold. Then he starts hammering the oar in order to give it its shape. He then lets the sword cool.

"It's complete, yes. Wow, it's been a while since I made a sword. I wonder what I should name this one. Oh! I know. Time to get back now." (James)

James teleports back to where Gruff and Sera are waiting.

"Hey guys I'm back and good news Gruff I have a sword for you."(James)

"A sword really? Did you really go make one for me?" (Gruff)

"Yeah I did pal. Anything for my first mate. I present to you, "Izanami."

James pulls out a black blade of extreme sharpness.

"Izanami huh, the counterpart to your Izanagi. Thank You so much. But why is it black?" (Gruff)

"Oh about that. The sword takes the color of its master aura. But if the color turns Red, It's going to reject you. Now take it and let's find out what color it turns."

Gruff picks up the sword. Then the sword changes color.

"Hey! Didn't you say it's supposed to change colors. (Gruff)

"Yeah I did." (James)

"So how come it is still black!?" (Gruff)

"I guess your aura is just black."(James)

"Well, is a black sword a bad thing?" (Gruff)

"No it's not. It just means you're a candidate for the next Origin god." (James)

"Oh ok, I see, so no big deal. WAIT WHAT ORIGIN GOD. ME? HOW?"(Gruff)

"Calm down Gruff, there's a lot of people here so try to keep it down."(Sera)

"Oh yeah, sorry about that."(Gruff)

"Anyways but yeah back when I was making Amaterasu, Tsukiyomi, and Libra. I used the same ore that made this sword and had random souls from my failed Omniverses take the oar in order to see what color it turns. Black meaning that they have hidden potential, and Red meaning that they will be a future threat to me." (James)

"So only three souls turned the ore black? "(Gruff)

"No, there were 4, but the 4th one was defective. Anyways the Oar will take a color of either Yellow, Blue, Purple, Green, White, and Red. Amaterasu is Yellow, Tsukiyomi is Purple, and Libra is Green. That leaves only Blue and White as the only colors that your sword can turn into." (Gruff)

"I wonder why Master left out Red. Does that mean that the 4th one he speaks of took the color of Red." (Sera thinking)

"Well, Mitsakou, that's a lot to take in. But that doesn't sound all too bad. Well, none of that matter's. Time to do what we came here for." (Gruff)


James and Gruff both put half of their Count into their Substitute Vessel's. Making James Count V Rank and Gruff's U Rank. Sera goes back into James' mind, but now inside Gruff's mind as well.

"Alright now we're ready to go!" (James and Gruff)

They walk to the Coliseum entrance for fighters who want to sign up. The entrance is guarded tight by Q Rank Counter's. The people who want to join are asked to show their Count Mark. If it's below O Rank, they are rejected.

"Alright Gruff, this better work."(James)

"Trust me, it will." (Gruff)

"Present your count mark if you own a substitute vessel, please reabsorb the power from within it." (Guard)

" A substitute vessel? I don't know what that is, but this is my count mark." (James)

"V Rank, that's rather high. Regardless, you pass, proceed to A block."(Guard)

"Now it's your turn Gruff." (James)

"U Rank that's also high. Proceed to A block as well. (Guard)

"Yes, we made it!" (James and Gruff)

The two both proceed towards A block. A block is home to S Rank Hunters and Above. There, James spot's something rather shocking.

"Sera do you see. Could that be it?" (James)

"Yes, Master, I do see it. There's no mistaking it. (Sera)

"That's the Book of Mischief!" (Sera and James)

"The Book of Mischief? What. Where is it Mitasakou?" (Gruff)

"Right there with the short blonde hair guy who's wearing the Green outfit." (James)

"Oh, I see him. Wow, he's short." (Gruff)

"Yeah, I know right." (James)

"Short? Short! I AM NOT SHORT! How dare you speak ill of me, the U rank Counter Yami Sora." (Sora)

"Yami Sora? Dark Sky."

James and Gruff start laughing hysterically.

"Hey! Just what do you think you're laughing at?" (Sora)

"So sorry, we don't mean too. It's just that your name is stupid, I mean come one Yami Sora nice gladiator name." (James)

" Yeah, right, that's a great name for a Gladiator. I mean, how did you come up with a hat draw?" (Gruff)

"Unironically, yes. Also, that's my real name. My parents couldn't decide what to name me, so they put random words in a hat and each picked one out."(Sora)

"Wait, are you serious!?" (James and Gruff)

"Unfortunately, Yes." (Sora)

The two start laughing even more uncontrollably.

"Wow, that's sad, I feel bad for you." (James)


"Sorry, it's just too funny." (James)

"You have insulted me for too long now. Hey organizers, have me fight this one right here please, I will pay for it if that's what it will cost." (Sora)

"You wanna fight Mitasakou? Wow, you have guts. Good luck." (Gruff)

"What can this guy do to me as a U rank Counter." (Sora)

"Well, fight me and find out."

Says a well confident James.

"Ok, you want to fight him, correct?" (Organizer)

"Yes, that's correct." (Sora)


"Wait, he's V rank and an all around type. But all around types are super rare.(Sora)

"What's wrong Yamiso. Getting cold feet. But you were the one who challenged me." (James)

"It's Yami Sora! Not Yamiso! Get it right you ignorant fool."(Sora)

"Yeah alrighty Yamiso, I'll make sure to say it correctly." (James)

"But you just did it again. Enough of this, I'll show you my power and force you to say my name correctly." (Sora)

"Yes, that's the spirit now come at me." (James)


"DOUBLE OR NOTHING!" (James and Sora)

"OK 3. 2. 1. FIGHT!" (Announcer)

"Since he's an all around type fighter, I'll have to keep my distance since I'm a ranged type."(Sora)

Types are determined after you receive your count from either killing or winning a battle. Once your type is found, the skills you use will be orientated around it.

"Ranged Skill: Serpent Shot. This skill takes the form of a snake and follows my opponent until its poison fangs hits its mark."(Sora)

"Ranged Attack huh. Maybe I'll try my hand at it also. Book of Light: Skill # 12 Light Arrow."(James)

"Damn it, he shot the snake. Also, did he say the Book of Light. Does that mean he also has one? Guess that means I shouldn't hold back then."(Sora Thinking)

"Looks like he's finally going to get serious."(Gruff)

"Hey I you James. I don't normally use this unless I have too. The reason is because the powers within it are so ugly and when I do, it's a guaranteed win. So sorry for this. Book of Mischief: Skill #1 Loki." (Sora)

"Whoa what the hell straight to #1 you're serious about this aren't you. The top 3 skills in books make people change their armor in exchange for divine armor crafted by me. Which gives them essentially a Double or Nothing power boost.

But the #1 skill change's someone into an avatar of god, giving a power boost equivalent to Double or Nothing X3. Loki, the god of mischief is one of Tsukiyomi creations which inspired me to make the book of mischief.

Now let's see your strength Y Rank Counter Yami Sora Avatar of Mischief."  (James Thinking)

"Time to Die! James Mitasakou!" (Sora)

Books huh. Seems like a sham. :)