
Boundless :)

Origin, the creator of the Omniverse. Has been seriously betrayed by his children the Origin gods. Amaterasu, Libra, and Tsukiyomi. Three gods blinded by power and the want to control something of their own. Realizing that the power to do this lies in their father Origin they catch him off guard and “equally” distributes his power among eachother. Now as a plan for revenge Origin has been sent to the land of Omni a world which they created but had never explored. 500,000 Years Origin promised they would return. In these 500,000 Years the Origin Gods have made their presence known. Each shaping the history, laws, and culture of their land. Origin seeking revenge navigates across a world that wants nothing but the worse for him. How does one who spent their entire life being the absolute pinnacle of knowledge and power deal with being prey to the creations he never gave attention to. More importantly how does one learn to grow, care, and change. How does one know the importance of bonds. How does one know how their creations are living down here and what their power has done for their lives.

TC_Cloud · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 30 - Canvas/Paradox

Chapter 30 A


"Now let's see how Mr. Mesa Mitasakou is doin-g? Huh where did he go?"


A figure covered in a radiant white pure aura is behind Kusho crouching down to the allies who have fallen

"Gruff, Sora, Iustitia. Again you three had to make up for my own incompetence and weakness. Last time I lost when this happened. But now..."


Kusho stands staring at the figure in confusion and talks with a nervous laughter

"How did he get behind me? No, that's irrelevant right now what I really want to wonder is. Can I even wi-"


The figure appears before Kusho and then before Kusho can even react they release a strong uppercut with serious windup.

"Now….. I truly am BOUNDLESS!"


The ever-enchanting aura breaks away and reveals a fighter of unparalleled strength. The aura is crystallized around the tips of their hair, their upper body defined and well toned, but their most defining feature is the symbol on their chest reading T.C. and the look on their face is very unforgiving and enraged. This is the rebirth of Mesa Mitasakou, The Origin of Control/Divinity.

"I got hit? How? The hit was so fast and its strength seemed infinite. If I didn't catch myself I would still be hurdling at the same speed ever increasing 10 fold each time. So this is True Control, the only power ever to counter my father."

(Kusho thinking)

"What are you doing? Come back now!"


A sharp glare cleaves through space and sends shockwaves all around. The once far Kusho is now a mere 6ft away in a matter of a few seconds.

"What the hell did he just erase the space in between us with just a simple look. No he didn't do it intentionally at least. The world did…. it acted as if it was natural. This isn't even True Control; his presence alone controls things inferior. That's how he was able to hit me. The World let him…..man this is exciting. "

(Kusho thinking)

"Why are you standing there so dumbfounded? Get ready to die already. No one likes a boring hunt."


Kusho gets into a fighting stance focused with an excited look on his face.

"To that I will agree. Which is why I will give you….. no me a good time. Omen State: True Void"


"Omen? What the hell is th-."


A deep and impure darkness envelops Kusho. Cloaking him in the void.

"Behold my true form. Just like you I have to keep my true power hidden with a form or else I would just be too strong. Even now I'm still restrained due to my father's laws. So I'd say this is at max 40%. But that being said it hurts my pride knowing that you yourself are only exerting 20% of your power."


"Percentage this percentage that I don't give a fuck. Why do you need these numbers? What really matters is our proficiency in hand to hand and our powers. Don't doubt your own skills because of some stupid numbers. I made this mistake before and lost when I had a chance. Anyways stop all of your yapping and fight me you bitch."


"I was planning on it anyway! True Void Domain: Blank Canvas."


What is a blank canvas? For many it may signify potential and hope. But also it can allude to a future unchanging and bland. But in both of those examples they hold the same similarity and importance on the future.

"Huh? What's going on? Where am I? This place what is it? It feels as if I'm floating…no drifting uncontrollably unable to have any say. What was I just doing up to no-. WHAT WAS THAT! Such a violent and turbulent shift. It's not stopping."

(Mesa thinking)

"Tell me Mr. Mesa Mitasakou. What exactly is intent? Oh I suppose you're unable to talk in that state."


Mesa stands still with a blank expression as if he's lost completely in thought.

"Well I'll answer for you. Intent is simply everything. Everything without fail has an intent with the sole exception of paradoxes. Even if you don't want there to be an intent you can't because that itself is intent. So again what is the intent? Intent is life, the future, the present, and what will ultimately defeat you. This skill erases your natural law to be able to intent. As I said intent is everything so even if someone were brain dead and cannot think they still harbor intent. But as you will soon notice this skill has a flaw so I will take this time putting as much damage as I can onto you!"


Kusho unleashes a barrage of attacks at extreme speed and incredible power. Kusho launches Mesa to space as he did towards him. Chasing Mesa as he is launched away from the forces of his punches. The speed of these attacks tears space and time causing spatial disruption all around.

"The motion keeps getting more and more intense. It's becoming unbearable. But I have an odd feeling that I can simply stop it with a thought and so I will."

(Mesa thinking)

Uncontrollably and unknowingly Mesa chants

"True Control: Filled Canvas."


"Found it out huh? Damn you were a great punching bag."


The white void and black ocean erase and now the world is filled with color. Mesa regains control over his movements and quickly grasps the situation.

"You're a tricky one huh. I'll admit this isn't damage just anyone could ignore. *cough* but I'm not just anyone."


Mesa is filled with holes all over his body. 4 in his chest. 2 where his eyes and left and right side of his face should be. 5 on each leg gashing out massive chunks of them.

"Yeah you aren't just anyone. I can already guess what's going to happen next. Physical damage isn't really that big of a deal for you is it?"


"No it isn't not in the slightest."


Mesa takes a very visual and elaborated step while in flight. With that step immediately he and Kusho are back on Omni and as he turns around to face Kusho the wounds are all gone. But the most significant change is the very apparent smile on Mesa's face.

"True Control State: Omniversal Bias."


This skill enhances the magnitude in which the omniverse automatically does what Mesa wants.

"I see you're enjoying yourself."


"Yes I am. Such is the curse with overwhelming power. I hope you can keep up."


"This is merely going to be a battle of attrition nothing more nothing less. But there is one factor that can make a big difference."


"Oh yeah? And what would that be? Numbers again."


"Hahaha. Good joke but no….. I have something way more valuable that you can never just obtain in one battle. It's the accumulation of multiple battles. Experience. True Void Ultimatum: Nihility."


Nihility, nonexistence and nothingness. All that enters this area falls victim to this truth. Two forces of always existing and always nonexisting collide. There is only one thing that can come from something very familiar.

Chapter 30 B


"I see that this thing makes it so anything within it automatically is erased or in a state of not existing so my Omniversal bias has to go against it. Meaning everytime we clash it creates a paradox. But I'm sure you're aware I can control paradoxes."


"Yes I am but you can only do it to an extent. Paradoxes are an unstable anomaly in the universe. One can call it the 'decider of all things' if you keep tampering with them you'll eventually succumb to them. So again this is a battle of attrition."


"Correct but really which will kill you first me or these unstable anomalies. I say both. True Control State: Paradox Communication."


This skill allows Mesa to control the Paradoxes that will come from the clash from Mesa and Kusho irregular opposites that defy the universe. This will allow Mesa to change the trajectory in which they go towards.

"This will be a challenging fight but all I have to do is outlive the timer. I'm not here to kill anyone. I doubt I can to be honest, not because I'm too weak but rather "it" won't allow me to do so. But I will bring entertainment no matter what. Now the question is how exactly do I get close to him. I assume that even if our ranges touch even the slightest a paradox will be produced. But I don't think that if we stay in each other's range they'll just keep coming out. If a paradox collides with a paradox it only creates an even bigger paradox. Which means if I continue to stay in his space while avoiding the paradoxes I can make them bigger than he can handle."

(Kusho thinking)

"He's probably planning on exceeding my limit of control. Which is exactly what I want. I can't use this power much longer. I have to create an escape. Once a paradox reaches its limit it causes a forced reset in the area it was at thankfully nothing can survive that and it's also silent. There's a few seconds of grayness which I'll use to escape."

(Mesa thinking)

"I see we both came to the same conclusion."


"Yes It seems to be that way."


"This fight has to end right here right now!"

(Kusho and Mesa)

The two charge into each others domain shaking the universe around them making it grow more and more unstable

"True Control Skill: Infinite Mass Infusion"


"True Void Skill: Negation of Force."


"Dammit he's responding really fast in order to create more paradoxes."

(Mesa thinking)

"True Control Skill: 100% Accuracy."


"True Void Domain: Zero Room."


Paradox Capacity: 60%

"True Control Domain: Inverse Operation 10x"


"True Void Domain: Power To Zero."


Paradox Capacity: 90%

Somewhere in the area watching

"These two are really going at it huh Tengoku?"


"Yeah they really are. But maybe a bit too much. I think they're underestimating the power of a paradox break."


"Yup totally. Seems like I actually do have to do something after all."


"Just don't overdo it you idiot. You will instantly gain the attention of all three of Origin Gods. They'll all probably teleport here full strength with a sword to your throat."


"Don't worry I won't, besides we have to save that scene for the Grand Festival where we'll be reunited with Lunair. Now how do I deal with this maybe 5% hmmm no they'll still come here I guess 2 then. Ok let's get ready, it's about to break."


The scene of the grand paradox.

"One more clash and this thing is going to burst. But why the hell is it so damn huge. Since it's an invisible mass it's kinda hard to gauge its size but since we both gained distance in order to flee I can get the gist of its size."

(Mesa thinking)

"I may have caused a problem. But I naturally planned for this. That guy over there is more than capable as expected of someone who is one of the Originators like my father, Omen and Origin."

(Kusho thinking)

"Ok let's end this. I hope you can counter this attack because if you can't, this paradox will swallow you whole."


"Naturally the same goes for you. I must thank you, Mesa Mitasakou, for this wonderful entertainment. You have exceeded my expectations."





The two unleash arrow-like attacks unnamed so neither could counter attack with certainty. The arrows don't aim towards each other but rather their spaces. Then….


"What the hell?! This isn't going to plan at all. Why did it double?!?! This is horrible. I can't stop this nor can I escape it in time. My power is completely used up."

(Mesa thinking)

"Damn. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared right now. But this isn't the time. I have to use all that I have left to get out of here."

(Kusho thinking)

"You guys have really made a mess here. Don't worry, leave it up to me to clean this up. Let's go to Tengoku. We'll do this with some flair."


"Ok just remember what I said."


"Yeah yeah quit your nagging mom. 2% Originator Unification: True Heaven Origin Skill 5% Input: Singularity, True Heaven Omen Skill 5% Output: Matrix,

True Heaven Domain 10%: CONCLUSION."


A great wave of white noise plunged and filled the world for 1 second. In this 1 second everything (excluding a few people) was erased completely gone. Yet still remained at the same time for some. This wasn't just some mere attack, it was a reset button on the entirety of anything deemed a verse. Then it all came back all remaining the same except the damage caused by the paradoxes.

James escaped and found his friend at where Sol had placed them. A perfect range outside of the paradoxes destruction space completely.

Kusho returned home wherever that may be. Preparing to show the fruits of his labor to his father

"Damn it, that was a bit too flashy but I was able to salvage it. Those 3 should have sensed absolutely nothing wrong."






In a Forest located at the Kirameku Realm….

"Ugh what the hell was that? It's like someone hit me with a flashbang. They all seem to be alright."


A dark skinned man clothed in exquisite attire and priceless jewels wakes up surrounded by what seems to be 6 women all laying in the same bed as him. The bed is set up in a large tent. The man walks out of the tent rubbing his stomach and yawning.

"Beautiful day. I wonder how I'll spend it today."


Rummaging in the tent can be heard.

"I think you mean we Mori."


More rummaging.

"What Toshi meant to say is we."


Again more rummaging now twice as much.

"Both of you are wrong because Mr. Mori Toshi will be spending time with us."




"Everyone, how many times must I say this. The day is free to all of us. I will spend it with each one of you equally. I promise my dear wives."

(Mori Toshi)

The women all surround Mori Toshi and give him a hig causing him to fall.

"True Manipulation: Switch."

(Mori Toshi)



Mori Toshi swaps with one of the remaining girls in the tent. Then sleeps as if nothing happened.

Ok this chapter took wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to long to release. But I have a valid reason. You see I stated that after this volume I would dedicate to releasing on time by using a 500 word/ a day schedule. Also that I would start promoting Boundless. So I had to use as much time as I could to figure out if I am mentally prepared for all of that. And I’m glad I did, I am more sure than ever that I can do this. I really am confident in the future of this series and I will achieve my goal. So Please stay tuned for Volume 4 Mid-March. It will introduce a bold new character Mori Toshi and our group's encounters with him. Friend or Foe? Find out on Boundless Ball Z.

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