
Bound To Fall- Book 2 of the Tipton Dynasty Series

****Story contains mature themes and adult content**** Book #1: Binding Agreement I could feel my breathing begin to get slightly heavier. “Mainly because I can’t let myself fall for you all over again. Not after everything that happened.” His hand caressed my cheek. “You can’t fall for someone all over again when the feelings never left in the first place Isabelle.” I turned my face away from his touch. “But they did Sterling. What I felt for you is gone.” He took my chin between his fingers and thumb and forced me to look at him again. The darkness in his eyes had been placed with desire. “Now why would you lie about something like that?” Sterling and Isabelle had a one of a kind love, however they ended up growing apart as they got older. Sterling returns back to Nashville, TN after finishing college. He is set to get the new Vice President position of Tipton Enterprises which means he'll be working under his father, Damon Tipton. Everything is on track with his career however he's unhappy as he feels stuck in his relationship with his manipulative girlfriend, Elise. What happens when he meets his new assistant who also happens to be his childhood love, Isabelle? Isabelle left Nashville years ago after feeling betrayed by Sterling. She’s only returning because this was a job offer too good to pass up, even with the little details provided. Only on her first day does she realize who her boss is. Things are about to get complicated.

LysMarie · Urban
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175 Chs

You Can Relax Now


I walked into the bar and took a seat at the counter. I wasn't here for a drink or to vent today. I came in to see how Noami was. I haven't had the chance to really talk to her the last couple days.

The bar wasn't busy yet so it didn't take long for her to notice me. A pleasant smile made its way onto her lips as she approached me. "Look what the cat dragged in. How are you doing?"

"Great." I couldn't help the smirk that was appearing. "Really great actually."

Things were in a good place right now. Sterling and I had made up and we were working on figuring out our future.

"So you fucked him then?" Noami's eyes studied me as the question left her lips.

I could feel myself instantly blush. "I mean, it just kind of happened." I didn't want Noami to get the wrong impression of me. If he had been someone I had just met and had zero history with I wouldn't have caved in that quickly.

"Good for you." She smirked for a moment and then her face got serious again. "Did he dumb that spoiled bitch?"

"Yes." I nodded. "He dumped her with a text after we did the deed, the first time. Then apparently while I was out getting lunch today she showed up at his office."

Noami leaned on the counter. "Oh, do tell me the details of that interaction."

"The details that I got are that she came in yelling at him and then proceeded to try to get him to not break up with her." I explained the details Sterling had told me when I returned to the office. "Then she started going off again and his dad had her escorted out of the building."

"That's awesome." Noami chuckled.

"Enough about me. How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good." She raised her voice and looked at the man behind the counter with her before she continued talking. "I'd be a lot better if some people knew how to be on time."

I watched as the man gave an annoyed sigh before responding to her. "I said I was sorry."

"You'll be sorry if you're late again this month without an actual reason." She warned.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." It was obvious he really didn't want to have this conversation.

She turned her attention back to me and lowered her voice. "Sorry, I had to give him shit. He literally told me he was late today because he thought his dog ate his car keys."

I couldn't contain the chuckle that escaped. "Seriously?

"Dead serious." She nodded.

"What are we talking about ladies?" A familiar voice asked as he took a seat on the stool next to me.

"None of your business Killian." I answered.

"Fine." He sighed dramatically and then turned his attention to Noami. "Can I get a beer please?"

"Of course." She nodded. "You are the paying customer after all."

It was now about six in the evening and more people were coming into the bar. Noami was now busy taking orders and making drinks. She came and talked for a second but it didn't last long as she seemed to be needed for something else. I at least had Killian here now to keep me company though.

"So I couldn't help but hear that Sterling got rid of the wicked witch." Killian then took a sip of his beer.

"Yes." I nodded. "Were you there for her office visit today?"

"Are you kidding?" He scoffed. "I wouldn't miss that for the world. It helped that she didn't close the door to his office so it was easy to hear her screaming from my desk. I even had the perfect view to watch security take to the elevator."

"Interesting." Part of me wished I hadn't missed it but part of me also knew it was probably a good thing I did. If I had been there she probably would've remembered our last conversation and realized I played some role in her getting dumped.

"Where is Sterling by the way?" Killian asked. "I'm a little surprised that you both left early and you're the only one here at the bar. I thought for sure you two would be getting it on right about now."

I gave him a warning smack to the shoulder. "What he and I do is none of your business."

"I was just joking." Killian rubs his shoulder as if I had hurt him. We both know I didn't smack him that hard. "Seriously though, where is he?"

"His dad wanted to see him one on one." I answered. "He didn't say what it was about, all that I know is it was pretty serious."

"Interesting." Killian took another swig from the beer and set it down on the counter. "I wonder what it's about. Has to do with what went on today right?"

"I don't know." I responded. "I'm not going to pry either. If he wants me to know then he'll tell me."

"Understandable." Killian nodded. "Hey you did clear up with him that I only took you home as a friend right?"

"Yes." I answered. "You can relax now."

"Good." I could hear the relief in his voice.

Killian had been nice enough to take me home from work since I started. That led to a little jealousy from Sterling. It wasn't like he hid it either. I noticed countless times how he'd stare down Killian as if he wanted to spill his blood on the office floor.

It didn't help that Killian had the reputation of getting around. Something we could only hope he'd grow out of one day. He was a good man and would be quite the catch. He just had to be willing to keep it in his pants before he could find the right girl and I had a feeling that it wouldn't be any time soon.

"Has he talked to you since we got back?" I wanted to make sure Sterling's jealousy didn't leave any negative impact on their friendship.

"Yeah. Well I guess, he didn't actually talk about it. He just kind of acts as if it didn't happen." Killian explained.

"Good." They had been close for years and practically treated each other like brothers at this point.

"You deserve an award by the way." He glanced over and noticed the puzzled expression on my face from his words. He then continued on. "I can tell he's already different, in a good way. You're bringing back the real him that I haven't seen in a long time."