
Borsalino in the Arrowverse

Janemba_The_Demon · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Fucking time travel

"So 1958 huh"

The rest of team just nods and continues discussing the plan, while I walk off towards the town to do whatever. Over the past few days, I have done nothing except drink, smoke, murder and fuck, well that last one is the result of activities 1-3 because when I'm not 10ft I'm pretty attractive and also I'm pretty good at picking up women who are easy. I mean it's the 1950's and women are pretty easy and usually good looking, so it was easy for me. I also know we won't be returning to the ship for two years so of course I'm gonna have a bit of fun before I train the fuck out of my haki for the next two years.

Anyway the week is up so I fly to the woods.

" Hello friends how was your week?

Did you kill Savage?"

" It was fine and obviously we did not."

" Oh I'm sorry your plans didn't work then, Sara."

" It wasn't like this was our last plan nor was it the first one to fail."

" You are right as usual Sara."

While we were talking we were still walking so after we ended the conversation we both turned back to see, the ship blasting off without us. The conversation afterward was between an optimistic Ray and a realistic/angry Sara. Kendra and I stayed out of it until Kendra butted in and agreed with Sara, resulting in us trecking back through the woods and finding a hotel, none of us were talking and I was devising a plan, or more accurately deciding whether or not to follow Sara to Nanda Parbat. I ultimately decided to do so because if anywhere would allow me to train and test my Haki it would be there with the League of Assassins.

A few Hours later we are all relaxing in a hotel, when Ray finally finishes his Waverider help signal and Sara decides to leave.

" Look, you two have eachother. Most people, in any time period, aren't that lucky." Sara says right as she is about to close the door, then I hop in.

" You are right Sara luckily enough for you, you won't be traveling alone because I will be joining you because I can't live with those two, your happy love is sickeningly sweet and it brings back memories...But more importantly it makes me angry so I will be going with Sara, lead the way miss, also don't try and argue, it wouldn't do you any good. Oh and I guess for politeness's sake I should say goodbye and I wish you both luck."

After saying my peace I walk past Sara and follow her out.

" So Ms.Lance, do you want me to fly you there or do you wish to go on a road trip with me?"

Sara stops walking and turns to me

" You know where I'm going, Borsalino?"

" I do, so I ask again would you like for me to fly you to Nanda Parbat or would you prefer to road trip there?" I say slowly, mostly to antagonize her

" How do you know that is where I want to go?"

" Call it a lucky guess."

She quickly figures out I'm not going to tell her so she starts to walk again and then says

" Road trip, do you know Arabic?"

" No but do remember my brain processes information at the speed of light and I have a perfect memory."

She understands and we stop at a car and she hotwires it, I hop in.

It took two months of minimal stops and lots of talking to get across the sea to Nanda Parbat, Currently she is going through training while I am relaxing, why am I relaxing well that's because Ra's realized he can't kill me and because I single handedly beat all of his assassins with my martial arts alone. 3 months ago he challenged me to a fight and I also beat him, so he leaves me alone. We both agreed not to tell anyone about it and afterwards I used my speed and brought us some good food, we ate together and chatted. During my three months here me and Ra's have gotten close, I have been training and talking to his daughter as well, I often join in the sessions she has with her father to help her adjust and help her better understand my training as well. Sara has been meditating and training constantly, I have also been using ever second of my free time to train my haki Conquerors included this time. Although my time here has also been full of sex mainly because Ra's doesn't care as I explained how important it is to get those urges out instead of repressing them because they could distract from training, missions and general focus, however I only sleep with women so he bought whores to sleep with men and ever month anyone who wants to have sex can at anytime they need but only twice a month.

1 year and 5 months from the last paragraph

My Haki is ridiculous now and Talia and Ra's have gotten significantly stronger and have gotten a grasp on the six powers, mostly Ra's because he is an adult and has trained a long time. Ra's and I have also become brothers in everything but blood and I also learned he can be funny when he wants to be, Talia has also taken to calling me Uncle Borsalino. I told him I wouldn't be here must longer and he understood that, I didn't tell him why but he accepted it and I told him because of that I would be spending more time with them then usual which is what I have been doing. My training also extended to physical training and Six powers training, not just Haki training, my body alone can knock down skyscrapers or blast a mountain into bits with a Punch or Kick. My time here has also brought many advances to the league making them stronger as a whole, I couldn't decide if it was a bad thing or not. Side note I sleep with alot more women, Sara including, several times and my way of thinking on the subject of Sex has also increased training proficiency and has made everyone more satisfied with the League, making less people think of betrayal which takes it down from like 10 to like 2 or 3.

Rip and the others have arrived and are to be executed, I have decided to watch the fight so I walk down to the room early, the assassins bow slightly to me as I walk past. I sit down on the steps surrounding the well and wait, but not for long as the crew arrives quickly and of course the first thing they do is say something to me.

" Borsalino, what are you doing here?" Kendra asks distraught and confused

" Chilling as usual, what about you?"

" We are about to be executed, help us!!" Ray whisper-shouts at me

" Firstly, don't tell me what to do

Second, I like it here I have family again and Third, I don't care." I respond while looking at my nails bored

The trial goes like it does in the show with Sara and Kendra fighting with Sara sparring Kendra's life then Chronos shows up and the team beat him.

About an hour later, after everything settles down Ra's talks to the team and Sara, letting her go from her duties and the league. I stand up from the steps and walk to my new brother and give him a sad smile.

" Well, brother, it would seem it's my time to go."

" I figured this would be when, I wish you good luck brother."

" I wish you and the league good luck as well Brother, Ra's, and I hope we meet again someday." I finish my talk with Ra's and turn towards my Niece

" Talia, train to the best of your abilities and follow mine and your dad's guidance, and make sure to keep your dad in check he can be a little crazy, I wish you the best of luck in life Talia and I hope you are a good future and remember you will always be my niece no matter what." After I say my peace Talia smiles and hugs me a hug which I return then I give a hug to Ra's and walk out with the team.