
Born in the Darkness

In a universe of magic and forgotten technology, power teeters on a knife's edge. Countless races, from spatial manipulators to demons, live by the creed: only the strong survive. Deep within a forsaken abyss, a new being forms from countless tortured souls. This dark entity, driven by vengeance, begins to awaken, unnoticed by the world above. Vast kingdoms and powerful sects, obsessed with power, clash with swords and spells, unaware of the impending doom. Subtle disturbances hint at the approaching darkness—flickering stars, glowing runes, and dismissed prophecies. As the being gathers strength, driven by collective suffering, it prepares to unleash a wave of despair that will engulf the universe. Only a few wise beings recognize the signs and secretly prepare for the catastrophic upheaval. A paradise where none will suffer again will be forged, but despair, fear, and death must be spread, Believing that only through utter destruction can true peace and harmony be forged

wh173 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The gathering storm

The sun rose over the sprawling kingdom of Eldoria, casting a golden light over the majestic castle perched high on the mountainside. From the castle, King Zephyr Kaiser looked out over his kingdom with a mix of pride and worry. Whispers of strange premonitions had reached his ears, and although his advisors dismissed them as mere superstitions, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease.

In the crowded marketplace, merchants sold their goods, and children played in the streets, unaware of the growing darkness. A hooded figure moved through the crowd, unnoticed by the townsfolk. This stranger, a cultivator from a distant sub-space, was seeking answers. The ancient prophecies he had studied spoke of a great darkness rising, and his visions had shown him that Eldoria was at the center of it.

Beyond the castle walls and prosperous markets lay the less fortunate quarters. Here, grand architecture gave way to narrow alleyways and dilapidated buildings. The homes, built of withered wood and crumbling stone, sagged under the weight of despair. Beggars huddled in doorways, their faces gaunt and eyes hollow from starvation. Disease and starvation were rampant, and the strong preyed on the weak.

In these darkest parts of Eldoria, the dark entity emerged unnoticed. It moved silently through the filth and misery, regaining its strength. The shockwave that accompanied its escape shattered the kingdom's tranquility, sending a wave of fear through everyone. Stars flickered ominously, and ancient runes carved into the castle walls glowed as never before.

King Zephyr and his advisors acted quickly, forging secret alliances with the powerful sects and powerhouses in Eldoria. Messages were sent to neighboring kingdoms, including the rival kingdom of Ferindel, whose ruler, King Aric Thorne, held deep grudges against Eldoria due to past conflicts over supremacy and resources.

The grand hall of Eldoria's castle was filled with tension as King Zephyr convened a meeting of his most trusted advisors and the leaders of various sects. King Aric arrived with his entourage, including the formidable Elder Taryn and his cunning advisor, Lady Selene. Their presence was a stark reminder of the deep-seated animosity between the two kingdoms.

"We face a threat unlike any other," King Zephyr began, his voice echoing through the vast chamber. "Our only hope is to unite and prepare."

Master Lian, leader of the Azure Dragon Sect, nodded solemnly. "The ranking system among cultivators is clear to all. Our disciples must know their place and strive to ascend. Only the strongest will be able to stand against the darkness. Our ranks are divided into Human, Earth, and Divine, each with their own sub-realms and levels."

Elder Ma from the Crimson Tiger Clan interjected, "Indeed. The Human rank has nine levels per sub-realm, Earth has five levels per sub-realm, and Divine has four levels: Low, Middle, High, and Top. Our disciples need to understand this hierarchy as they prepare."

King Aric, with a disdainful look, spoke up. "While I acknowledge the ranking system, Ferindel has always relied on our strength and unique methods. We must focus on uniting our forces rather than debating systems."

Lady Selene added, "We must not overestimate the threat. Superstitions and prophecies are often exaggerated. Our resources would be better spent preparing our defenses individually."

The room buzzed with tension as the leaders debated. Master Lian, advocating for unity, spoke passionately about the need for cooperation. "We cannot afford to be divided in the face of such darkness."

Despite the mistrust and animosity, a treaty of peace and unity was reluctantly agreed upon. A fragile alliance was formed, built on the little trust that had been established.

After the meeting, King Zephyr and Elder Ma retreated to a private chamber to discuss the upcoming future. The air was heavy with the weight of their concerns. "The hierarchy of our cultivation must be maintained," Zephyr said, "but we need to ensure that our disciples understand the true nature of the threat."

Elder Ma nodded thoughtfully. "The signs are all around us, Zephyr. The stars flickering, the runes glowing... the dark storm is coming. We must be vigilant and prepared."

As they spoke, a shadow moved outside the chamber. The hooded man, Draven, approached and requested an urgent audience with the king. Following protocol, Draven bowed deeply in respect, understanding the importance of his request.

Due to his high-level cultivation, Draven was granted his request. King Zephyr and Elder Ma regarded Draven with suspicion. "Who are you, and what brings you to Eldoria?" Zephyr demanded.

Draven pulled back his hood, revealing a face marked by countless battles. "I am Draven, a cultivator from the Void Realm. My race can foresee the future and make predictions when certain conditions are met. My cultivation is in the Divine rank, Ethereal Middle. I have seen the darkness that approaches, and I am here to offer my aid."

King Zephyr and Elder Ma exchanged glances, their suspicion mingling with curiosity. "What proof do you have of this darkness?" Elder Ma asked.

Draven's eyes, filled with a deep, unsettling knowledge, met theirs. "I have faced it before. The Void Realm has fallen to its power. My visions have led me here, to Eldoria. We must form a temporary alliance, for only together can we hope to survive."

Despite their initial wariness, Zephyr and Elder Ma recognized the gravity of Draven's words. "Your knowledge and skills are most welcome, Draven," Zephyr said. "Together, we shall prepare for the storm."

As Draven departed, the air grew colder, and a distant rumble echoed through the castle. The storm was indeed gathering, and soon, Eldoria would face its greatest challenge.

Meanwhile, life in the kingdom continued. Common folk went about their daily lives, children played, lovers walked hand in hand, and merchants sold their goods, all ignorant of the growing darkness. Yet, in the heart of Eldoria, preparations were underway, and the fragile alliance forged in the grand hall would soon be tested.