
Born in the Darkness

In a universe of magic and forgotten technology, power teeters on a knife's edge. Countless races, from spatial manipulators to demons, live by the creed: only the strong survive. Deep within a forsaken abyss, a new being forms from countless tortured souls. This dark entity, driven by vengeance, begins to awaken, unnoticed by the world above. Vast kingdoms and powerful sects, obsessed with power, clash with swords and spells, unaware of the impending doom. Subtle disturbances hint at the approaching darkness—flickering stars, glowing runes, and dismissed prophecies. As the being gathers strength, driven by collective suffering, it prepares to unleash a wave of despair that will engulf the universe. Only a few wise beings recognize the signs and secretly prepare for the catastrophic upheaval. A paradise where none will suffer again will be forged, but despair, fear, and death must be spread, Believing that only through utter destruction can true peace and harmony be forged

wh173 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Echoes of Despair

In the darkest part of Eldoria, where shadows whispered secrets and despair clung to the air like a miasma, a boy with white hair and black eyes wandered the streets. His name was Azrael, though his true age spanned countless lifetimes. He had chosen the appearance of a fifteen-year-old, a visage that belied the ancient wisdom and torment within him. His black robes, tinged with red, were torn and dirty, and his bandaged ankles bore the marks of countless beatings. The townsfolk, with their ignorance and fear, often mocked him for his black blood and bones, a constitution unlike any other.

Azrael's life was a daily struggle for survival. Each day, he stole food, and each day, he paid for it with bruises and blood. He had no family, no friends, and no one to turn to. The alleys and backstreets of Eldoria were his home, a place where the sun rarely penetrated and hope was but a distant dream.

The day began with the same gnawing hunger that had greeted him every morning since he had escaped his prison of darkness. Azrael awoke in a narrow alleyway, his body aching from the previous day's beatings. His stomach growled, a constant reminder of his hunger. He pushed himself up from the cold, damp ground, his fingers brushing against the slimy, mold-covered walls, and dusted off his tattered robes. He knew he had to find food, but the prospect of another day of stealing and suffering weighed heavily on his mind.

The marketplace was already bustling with activity. Vendors shouted to advertise their goods, children laughed and played, and the smell of fresh bread wafted through the air, making Azrael's stomach churn with hunger. He kept to the shadows, his black eyes scanning for an opportunity.

The marketplace was a cacophony of sounds and scents, a stark contrast to the desolate alleys Azrael called home. Merchants barked out the prices of their wares, from ripe fruits to glittering trinkets. The air was thick with the aroma of freshly baked bread mingling with the pungent smell of livestock. Children darted between stalls, their laughter a sharp reminder of the innocence Azrael had long since lost. Rats scurried between his feet, gnawing on discarded scraps, their beady eyes glinting with a hunger that mirrored his own.

Spotting a distracted vendor, Azrael made his move. He darted forward, snatched a loaf of bread, and ran. The vendor's shout echoed through the market, and within moments, Azrael was pursued by a group of angry men. His heart pounded as he zigzagged through the narrow streets, trying to lose his pursuers. But his small size and malnourished body could only carry him so far.

They caught him in a dead-end alley, cornering him like a trapped animal. The first blow landed on his back, sending him sprawling to the ground. Kicks and punches rained down on him, and the bread he had stolen was torn from his grasp. The men shouted insults, calling him a thief, a demon, and worse. One of them grabbed his hair and slammed his head into the cobblestones, laughing as Azrael's blood mingled with the filth of the alley. Eventually, they left him there, bruised and bleeding, with nothing to show for his efforts.

Azrael lay on the ground, pain coursing through his body. He stared up at the sky, wondering if his existence would ever be more than this constant cycle of suffering. As he lay there, the memories of countless souls began to stir within him, triggered by his pain and despair.

These were not just any memories; they were the final moments of those who had perished in similar circumstances—starvation, infections, and the cruelty of others. Azrael saw through their eyes, felt their pain, and experienced their deaths. Each memory was a vivid, agonizing reminder of the harshness of life.

He saw a mother clutching her child as they succumbed to hunger, their bodies weak and frail. He felt the fever and chills of a young man dying of an infection, his cries for help unanswered. He experienced the terror of a girl, beaten and left to die in the streets, her life snuffed out by cruelty. Their final gasps, the desperate clutching at life, echoed in his mind, a symphony of despair that threatened to overwhelm him.

These memories overwhelmed Azrael, but they also ignited a fire within him. As he lay there, his mind was filled with the collective suffering of countless souls, and he felt a rage unlike any he had ever known. This was not just his suffering; it was the suffering of many, and it demanded retribution.

Azrael's thoughts turned to the world around him, a world where suffering was commonplace and cruelty went unchecked. He realized that his pain was but a small part of a much larger tapestry of misery. He could see the faces of those who had died, their eyes pleading for justice, for a savior.

It was in that moment, as he lay on the cold ground, that Azrael made a vow. He would not let their suffering be in vain. He would rise above his circumstances, grow stronger, and bring an end to the cycle of pain and despair. He would create a paradise, a world where no one would have to endure the torment that he and the countless souls within him had faced.

With renewed determination, Azrael pushed himself up from the ground. The pain in his body was nothing compared to the fire in his heart. He knew that he needed to grow stronger, and to do that, he needed to become a cultivator. He had seen glimpses of power in the memories of the souls within him—techniques and abilities that could transform him from a weak, starving boy into a force to be reckoned with.

But cultivation required resources, and resources were scarce in the darkest parts of Eldoria. He needed to find a place where he could train and gather the materials he needed to advance. He remembered hearing stories of the mountains on the outskirts of the kingdom, a place filled with dangerous beasts and rare herbs.

It was said that only the bravest and strongest dared to venture into those mountains, for they were a place of great peril and great reward. Azrael knew that if he was to fulfill his vow, he needed to take that risk. He needed to face the dangers of the mountains and come out stronger on the other side.

As the sun set on Eldoria, Azrael made his way out of the city. His body still ached, and his stomach still growled, but his resolve was unshakable. He walked through the darkening streets, his eyes fixed on the distant silhouette of the mountains. He knew that his journey would be long and arduous, but he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

With each step, Azrael felt the weight of the souls within him, their memories and pain driving him forward. He was no longer just a boy struggling to survive; he was a vessel of countless lives, a force of determination and will. And he would not stop until he had created the paradise he envisioned—a world free from suffering, built on the strength and sacrifice of those who had come before him.

As the first stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Azrael reached the edge of the city. He looked back one last time, taking in the sight of the place that had been his prison for so long. The flickering lights of the marketplace seemed to mock him, the echoes of laughter and commerce a cruel reminder of the life he was leaving behind. Then, with a deep breath, he turned towards the mountains and began his journey into the unknown, ready to face whatever lay ahead and determined to forge a new destiny for himself and for the countless souls within him.