
Reality, Truth

Planet Earth.

The humans of this world are a young and primitive race that wallows in ignorance, believing themselves greater than they truly are.

Physically and mentally lacking, with no true weapons an individual human can wield to protect or hunt, this pitiful species required a hundred thousand years of effort and progress to just barely protect themselves from the unintelligent beasts co-inhabiting the planet alongside humanity.

A hundred thousand years to wield bronze.

A hundred thousand years to wield iron.

A hundred thousand years to wield energy beyond fire.

A hundred thousand years to expend too many resources from the strongest nations of the world to put a single man on the moon for a couple minutes.

A hundred thousand years to barely reach the first level of civilized society.

Humans arrogantly believe themselves intelligent.

Above all others on the planet.

Above all others in the universe, only lacking in time.

. . .

What a joke. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

When Ye Xing had begun utilizing [Inspired Inventor], greedily absorbing everything it had to offer, he had believed each charge was something equivalent to maybe ten years of uninterrupted study of a chosen subject.

He was wrong.

This had only become apparent after more subjects were studied, and more charges were spent in various knowledge points.

[Inspired Inventor] did not judge its knowledge levels by human standards. Instead, his superpower seemed to follow rather nebulous rules on what each level represents.

For the more supernatural subjects like faith, qi, mana, spiritual power and whatever else, Ye Xing could not outline exactly how those points were measured. However, for the currently discovered sciences of human society, the differences in each level seem to be divided into an Era or Age per charge. Physics, biology, material physics, astrology, chemistry, mathematics, and more are all pre-space-exploration age technology and information at the first level.

Subsequent charges invested into each subject increases the quality and quantity of information immensely.

When considering what each charge of [Inspired Inventor] supposedly represented, Ye Xing could only wonder if the levels for each subject also represented something more.

Like the civilization levels of the universe.

And, of course, if such a theory were correct, then that would mean that humanity had been at the very bottom of the collective civilizations in existence.

This was not a good thing.

Ye Xing was not going to tolerate any alien invasion trash-plot happening anywhere near his own person. Humanity was too pathetically weak to do anything against any space-travelling race no matter what fantasies movie directors and sci-fi authors liked to believe. So what could he do, in addition to collectively arming humanity and directing them against any threats to carefree second life?

Increase their insultingly low intelligence, of course.

In any case, if the humans of Earth were actually intelligent - and not the stupid monkeys they really were - he wouldn't feel embarrassed should he ever need to say he was human in front of other species. If that were to ever happen...ever. Not only that, but they could even start taking actual steps toward progress and development instead of the tiny little shuffling humanity metaphorically takes in research and development towards technological advancements.

So when he made Spirit World, despite the possibility of the choice eventually backfiring on himself, Ye Xing chose to include the option to specifically increase one's own intelligence to the system.

For the prosperity of his second life, he would accept no failure. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Yesterday, the "Breaking News!" that two unknown individuals with utterly overwhelming power fighting each other all over the world had spread to the ears of almost everyone who cared about keeping up with the news.

Scenes of godlike strength appeared in front of the people. Each punch, each kick, each thrust and swing of their weapons broke the air, earth, and sea. Destruction spread in the wake of the rings of each medium displaying the aftershocks of great power. Never before did the human form seem so indomitable.

Scenes of nature's wrath appeared in front of the people. Horrible storms and pillars of fire burned the sky and sea as far as the eye could see, heavenly dragons and nets of lightning speared and spread across the world, the air and wind of the sky itself twisting into great storms and blades as if colossal unseen monsters collided with each other. The land and sea themselves shook and split and fractured and rose and fell with each wave of a hand and wordless yell.

Scenes of unholy darkness appeared in front of the people. Deep and terrifying pitch black voids sucked in light, as space itself was cut open and brutally shattered. Screams of horror disappeared as they were stolen, concentrated, amplified, and wielded as weapons that disintegrated all matter nearby into dust and ashes. Shadows covered all as sky-scraping giants of unnatural make towered over all, the earth quaking with each step, the air shrieking with every colliding fist. And the world panics in the face of titans walking above them.

Scenes of unpredictable cataclysm appeared in front of the people. The spiritually comforting light of the dawning sun disappears under the blinding glare of a dozen devastating suns as the eyes of the faces illuminated by the last light vanish along with the cities they sheltered in underneath the blooming flames of that which once gave life. The elderly, the young, trampled by the crowd of decaying flesh attempting to escape the inevitability of Death itself. An entire nation drowning in the rising tides of the ocean and the falling security of the island they once walked upon. And the world begs for an end to the insanity and mayhem born from the war of the Gods.

When the battle inevitably ended with the death of one God, the people cheered for the end and the leaders schemed for a profit.

When the greatest weapons of humanity streaked across the ruined sky of Earth and detonated with a series of resounding booms of air, the people feared and the governments of the world sneered.

When the light and flames and energy swirled and dived inward, the world knew and saw the God thought vanquished by their symbol of death and destruction was never something a mortal could contend against.

When the God assaulted and demolished the bastions of mankind's greatest leaders, there was no longer any doubt.

When God plays, Man suffers.

The humans of Earth learned an important lesson this day.

The Truth of the World, of Reality itself: Only strength - Only Might Makes Right.

And humans...

. . .

They were too weak.