
Book of Arcanum

A mysterious boy ends up in a small village born with incredible talent at magic. He is taken in by the mayor of the village, but little do they know of the boys origins and those who chase him.

Dalerix · Fantasy
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Humans: The weakest yet most populous among all the races, famous for their extreme adaptability and being targeted the most by other races.

Dwarves: Among all races the dwarves are well known for having the most advanced technology, however their also known for being extremely greedy and stubborn which makes it hard for any potential trade partners.

Orcs: Of all races orcs are considered to be one of the most physically capable however due to keeping to old traditions and some very big anger management issues they have never properly developed any true civilization.

Elves: A powerful and old race with very strong connections to magic, they are well known for two key features that being their incredible beauty and their extremely long lifespans. The elves are known to be very close to both the fairies and the dryads.

Fairies: Although weakest among all races physically the fairies are one of the strongest when it comes to magic. They are well known for both their vibrant wings, extreme lifespans, and their love for pranks and tricks.

Feywild: One of the most mysterious among the races, not a lot is known about the feywild only that they have distant connections to the elves and have an extremely powerful connection to the more dangerous parts of nature. They live in almost complete isolation from all other races and due to the sacrifice of multiple different scholars it was found out that the feywild take on different characteristics from all kinds of animals.

Wyverns: A race which has immense enmity with dragons, well known for both their beautiful serpentine appearance and extremely powerful magical embodiment. The wyverns as a whole live either on floating islands or large mountains rarely ever leaving them.

Nagas: A race made up of beings with serpentine lower body's and humanoid upper bodies, they live almost entirely in the desert regions rarely ever leaving them. They are famous for both their powerful poison and strong affinity towards all forms of mental magic. They are one of the top predators towards humanity.

Merfolk: A aquatic race which lives in underwater cities they have connections towards both the nagas and humanity. They are largely identified by their humanoid upper bodies and aquatic lower bodies. They are famous for both their incredible water magic and their extreme sensitivity towards all forms of energy and emotion.

Kitsunes: A race of tricksters and manipulators, it is always said to never trust a kitsune. Famous for both their combination of humanoid and vulpine traits alongside an unparalleled skill at illusion magic they alongside the orcs and nagas are one of the top predators towards humanity.

Demons: One of the older races which were created by the devils as beings of darkness and sin, they are universally hated by nearly every race due to both their extreme acts of cruelty and hedonism. They are largely identified by both their horns and tails with some having other distinguishing features. Demons are most famous for both their skill at darkness magic and ability to corrupt other races.

Angels: One of the older races which were created by the gods as beings of light and virtue, they are almost universally loved by nearly every race due to having saved and helped many beings from all kinds of dangerous situations. They are well known for both their beautiful wings and halos, alongside their incredible skill at light magic and their ability to purify other races.

Dragons: One of the strongest races of them all and also among all races there are none more capable when it comes to magic. However due to their arrogant and prideful personalities they rarely ever use their magic to its greatest extent. Dragons are highly territorial by nature and are extremely possessive of what is theirs which has resulted in many a foolish adventurer being ripped apart by a dragon.

Devils: One of the oldest and strongest of all races, as beings of pure destruction they are hated by nearly every single being or race in the world. There destructive might knows nearly no equal as does there cruelty towards all forms of life. Ever since the ancient war thousands of years ago however the devils retreated towards their own dimension leaving the mortal plane completely alone, as such they are viewed as mythical beings that never truly existed.

Gods: One of the oldest and strongest of all races, as beings of pure creation and as the creators of nearly every race alongside the world itself they are worshipped by almost every race. Their power to create is unequalled, as is the vastness in their treatment of their creations. They are the archrivals of the devils and fought both them and the dragons in the ancient war millennia ago which left them similarly crippled. Since then they have laid dormant in their divine halls and domains while the mortal world begins to question the existence of their divine figures.

Seraphs: The most mysterious of all races whose existence isn't truly known by almost every being, largely considered abominations that should have never have existed; they are beings of pure balance having been the result of a devil and a god having a child. Their skill at all things be they magic, creation, destruction or even influence across reality as a whole is utterly unequaled. Tis a shame that as long as the devils and gods exist such a being will never be permitted to exist.

Dryads: Sentient elemental spirits of nature, well known for beings caretakers of forests and wildlife they have a very rocky history with both humans and the dwarves. They can innately sense the lifeforce of the world around them and their presence alone can increase the rate at which plants and trees grow. Famous for both their beautiful appearance and incredible skill at nature magic they are equally loved and hated by humanity. There have been countless rumours of male dryads and the even greater powers they possess but such things remain as baseless rumours with nothing to actually prove them.

Nymphs: Sentient elemental spirits of water, who are known for being shy rarely approaching most other races. They are famous for their ability to purify dirty water and their effortless skill at water magic. They have very close connections to both the dryads and the merfolk. Similarly as the dryads baseless rumours about male nymphs have been heard many a time alongside there supposed greater abilities.