
Book of Arcanum

A mysterious boy ends up in a small village born with incredible talent at magic. He is taken in by the mayor of the village, but little do they know of the boys origins and those who chase him.

Dalerix · Fantasy
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5 Chs


(In the outskirts of a small forest)


A strange multicolored vortex appeared out of nowhere before quickly disappearing and in its place was a small child. This child is 4 foot 8, has lightly tanned skin with black hair which has crimson stripes at it's ends. There were four mysterious objects which surrounded the child before they quickly disappeared. The child soon awoke only to find themselves in an unfamiliar environment which causes them to wail loudly. Soon thereafter a local hunter from a nearby village finds the child due to the noise "What the heck is a kid doing all the way out here?" said the hunter confused by the sudden situation. "Well I can't exactly leave him here now can I." the hunter says after thinking about the situation. He goes to grab the kid which causes him to wail even louder "Yeesh, does this brat have an off switch. Come on kid just settle down I'll take you to a safe place, so please shut up." the hunter says rudely after doing a terrible job at calming the boy down. The hunter picks the boy up and leaves to go home while he does an increasingly terrible job at calming down the wailing boy.

(1 hour later)

The hunter arrives at the edge of a small village extremely annoyed due to his own poor parenting skills. Having reached his wits end he goes to shut up the boy only to realize that the child has quieted down while looking at the small village curiously. " Thank the gods, finally he's quiet." remarks the extremely rude hunter. They soon arrive at the largest building in the village where the mayor and his wife live. The hunter knocks on the door only for there to be no reply, so he knocks harder. Soon a string of curses sound inside the building as the increasingly rude hunter wakes the mayor from his slumber. "Who is it, do you have any idea what kind of time it is right now?!" the mayor yells loudly after opening the door. The mayor looks slightly surprised before continuing " Abram, well this is new you usually don't hunt out this late. I understand you care little about manners but could you not wake me up while I've only just got to bed. The other day was a political nightmare after that issue with the minor noble and poor Jennet." explains the mayor to the now named ill-mannered hunter.

"Sure Kenny but first I need you take care of this little brat for me." the hunter replies while holding the boy by the now illuminated black, red and gold silk he was wrapped up in. " What do think your doing, that is not how you treat a child you idiot!? Wait why do you even have a child in the first place?" the mayor yelled and then questioned after snatching the boy away from the hunter. " I found him on the outskirts of the Arian forest, wailing up a storm." replies the hunter while the well-mannered mayor soothes the teary boy rather effectively. " Well that's strange I don't believe anyone I know would do such a thing. Especially considering the clothing he's wrapped in, it seems to be high quality silk though none I've ever seen before. Maybe he's the child of a noble?" responds the mayor confused about the boys origins who stares happily at the man.

"Well I couldn't care less who that brat belongs to as long as he's not my problem. Speaking of problems you should probably keep him away from Isaiah. The old codger would probably have him burned at the stake on grounds of being a demon child due that black and crimson hair of his and the crimson eyes." replies Abram to the mayor. "That is extremely rude and you know it,besides Isaiah is a member of the church not some old codger as you would put it. Regardless I sincerely doubt he'd ever commit infanticide before the boy has even done anything wrong. I'm well aware that the church and some of its members have some rather fanatical ideas on certain things but Isaiah isn't like that." Replies the mayor annoyed at Abram's lack of tact. "Sure whatever just don't say I didn't warn you. Anyway goodnight Kenny." Responds Abram while walking away. " Goodnight Abram, also my name isn't Kenny its Kensworth get it right!" the now properly named mayor hollers at Abram who just waves while walking away.

Kensworth shakes his head while closing the door after which he goes to his living room and sits down on the couch with the boy on his lap. " Now then what to do with you eh? Hmm, I doubt anyone's looking for you since between your strange hair and eyes along with the clearly expensive silk which looks to be enchanted you're clearly from a magic noble family. Since only magic nobles from powerful and long lasting families tend to have such strange eye and hair colorings and I've never seen or heard of a color quite like yours, so..." Before Kensworth can continue thinking out loud he's interrupted by his wife coming down the stairs having been woken up by the small argument between Abram and Kensworth.

" Honey is that you? What is up with that racket, did you and Abram get in a fight again?" asks the woman. " Oh my darling Elicia , I'm so sorry that brute must have woken you up. Also what do you mean by fights there hardly fights just arguments." explains Kensworth in slight surprise while a bit annoyed at Abram for being such a nuisance. " Not fights you say how interesting, I could've sworn you and Abram were practically growling at each other like wild animals after what happened to poor Jennet. In fact I remember Miss Anne having to hold you back from tearing Abram apart. Now if that isn't a fight I don't-. OHHHHHHH a BABY how adorable where did you find him!?" Elicia explains coyly before shrieking in delight after seeing the boy on Kensworth's lap. " Oh you mean him, well Abram said he found him in the outskirts of Arian forest and dumped the responsibility onto me." responds Kensworth desperate to change the subject.

Elicia strolls on over and looks at the small boy " Oh your just the cutest little thing aren't you? Tell me what's your name little boy?" Elicia asks kindly. " Its Damien, Miss Elicia." the now named boy responds rather nervously. "Well, little Damien can you tell me where your from?" Elicia asks kindly. " I- I don't know. Why can't I remember?" Damien asks quietly while beginning to sob. " Oh you poor thing here let me help you. It seems that for some reason you have amnesia." Elicia kindly hugs Damien while explaining. " Tell me can you remember anything besides your name, anything at all?" Elicia asks calmly. Damien simply shakes his head while Elicia comforts him. "Well that is a bit of a problem. I'm honestly not sure what to do." Elicia explains a bit upset. " Please don't leave me alone, I don't want to be left all alone." Damien says sadly.

Elicia and Kensworth look surprised " Goodness child whatever would make you think we would do such a thing?" asks Elicia shocked. " I- I think my mom and dad are dead and I'm all alone. My family's gone so please don't leave me." Damien says sadly while sobbing. " Well then if that's the case why don't we become your new family. Would you want that little Damien?" asks Elicia kindly. Damien looks shocked before smiling while nodding. " Well then it's settled welcome to the Einsvaroe family Damien. I hope you will enjoy it here." says Kensworth happily while clapping his hands. " Now then I think it's time we take little Damien to bed it's quite late after all." says Elicia. Kensworth nods while Elicia leads Damien up the stairs. Soon they arrive to Elicia and Kensworth bedroom. Elicia and Kensworth help Damien into the large bed while they tuck him in between them. " Good night little Damien." says Elicia while kissing Damien's forehead. " Good night ... Mom." says Damien happily. Soon the three fall asleep in bed, however unknown to them four mysterious objects appear floating in the air around the family seeming to flicker in and out of existence.

This is my first story ever so i would like to see if anyone enjoys it or not also sorry for not updating in a absurdly long time i was dealing with a lot of stress from schools and kept getting constantly distracted by other things.

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