

A cold evening in October beset Moscow, the streets were offly quiet that night, in contrast on how it usually was, hustle and bustle as teenagers and young adults were partying in clubs. Tonight, it was a silent night.

In a three storey building, there were men guarding all the entrances making it impossible for anyone to get in unnoticed. In this building was a man, who had great power, he had control of the underground without the knowledge of many including those who he had power over. Only those who worked for him and people of high status knew of his existence.

In the topmost floor, in a room he sat, tapping his fingers and his ring clinking against the hard wooden table. The sky was clear that night, the moonlight peeked through the windows and illuminated the room.

He was reading a pile of documents, files, and pictures of various people, hoping to find a lead on his hunt. "Italy, Mexico, South Africa, China, the United States, Dubai, who should I search for..." he thought to himself, questioning where he should go.

As he was examining the pile on his table, a tall muscular man, with gray eyes entered the room. "Good evening Sir, I came to bring back information I got from one of our men" the man who entered spoke.

The man sitting down, looked up at him with his cold peircing, brown eyes. To the man who was standing, it looked like a glare, even though he didn't show it, he was afraid, and the man who was sitting down could see through his facade.

"Any news of recent crime, Andrei?" he asked in his usual deep voice, to the man who was trembling in fear inside. Andrei stood firm and responded trying not to stutter "There were suspicious activity reported in Solntsevo district Sir"

The man sitting down raised an eyebrow. "Solntsevo? Are imbeciles trying to impersonate the Solntsevskaya Bratva? Pfftt", he thought to himself, amused.

Andrei who was watching him, remembered something "Ah! A recent report of missing women came up yesterday, the last sighting was in Solntsevo Sir" Andrei said.

The man looked at him, and tilted his head "That's rather unusual, it's a safe place, did you find any leads on this case?" he asked Andrei.

Andrei shook his head, making the man sigh and look back at the files on his desk, "Well then get information on those women, we might see him since he had records of human trafficking" he told Andrei who immediately went to work on it.

When Andrei left the room, the man stood up from his chair and walked towards a window, as the moonlight peirced through the glass and reflected on his eyes, glistening, as he watched the moon.

"I hope it'll be different this time around"