


It was early October, but the trees were already starting to change hue as the season changed to autumn, a familiar sight to Hayun, an averagely tall woman, with black hair and a set of brown eyes. She walked into an enormous building complex where she was greeted by two guards. She showed them her ID card and they let her enter the main building of the complex that had a big RE logo. RE is a government based and funded organisation that helped the government in investigations and cases of various kinds.

Hayun walked to the left wing of the main building leading her to the data department where she was the department head who held the highest power and authority.

"Miss Hayun, good morning" one of her younger colleagues greeted her "We made coffee for all of us, there is an americano on your table, since we knew you liked yourself a nicely brewed americano in the morning" he continued and smiled. Hayun smiled at her colleaguel, "Thank you Ace" she told him and glanced towards the americano, "Just in time, I needed a coffee badly" she thought to herself.

"Chugging that americano real hard Hayun huh" Hayun almost choked as her friend Jessica was peeping from behind her cubicle. "Jess c'mon I almost choked" she said in between coughs and gave Jessica a glare but she just chuckled and went back to what she was doing. Hayun sipped the last few drops of her coffee and went back to work. Her main role was working as a data analyst at RE other than being a department head. She had worked at RE for six years, and those six years were quite uneventful, but it was going to change.

After a few hours it was lunchbreak so Hayun, Jessica and their other colleagues went to the cafeteria to eat. "So when are you and your team going to Moscow Hayun?" Jessica asked when they sat down on their table. "So it's true that there is a team going to Russia? Is it on the case of those missing women?" their colleague Therese asked Hayun who was sitting across the table.

"Yes, I'm leaving in three days. I'm working as the data analyst for them since our senior, Mr. Adams retired" Hayun explained to them. Theodore Adams was their senior in their department and he retired last year because he decided he had enough money for retirement, which meant Hayun was now their senior since she was the oldest member of their department and had the most experience since the other older employees also retired and some quit.

They were going to continue their conversation until a tall, brown haired man sat down with Hayun and her department team "It's a shame Mr. Adams retired, he was the best in his department and always helped solved these cases even though he wasn't part of the investigation team" the man said as he sat down with his food tray.

Hayun rolled her eyes at the man who just sat down, "What are you doing here Joshua?" Hayun said with bitterness. "Your tone of voice Miss Kim, are you still mad at me?" Joshua said pouting, mocking Hayun.

Hayun, who was now pissed, grabbed the juice on Joshua's food tray and drank it. "Hey! Why did you drink my juice? Get me another one!" Joshua shouted, making people near their table look at them.

"You're so embarrassing Joshua keep quiet will you? You shout so loud and make yourself the center of attention, all the time" Hayun said with a tone of voice that was a warning to Joshua to shut up because she didn't like the stares from the people around their table.

"The ex-couple seem to still be bitter with each other even after six months" Jessica said teasing them. Hayun and Joshua used to date a year ago and it didn't really work out well. Hayun still believes Joshua cheated during their relationship because Joshua was already dating another woman the day after their break up.

"No I'm not" both of them said at the same time. Despite them despising each other, there was still sexual tension between the two.

"I don't have an appetite anymore, Jess, Therese, I'm gonna go ahead" Hayun said and left, ignoring their calls at her. As she walked away, Joshua's expression changed, he wouldn't admit it, but he still had feelings for her.

Walking straight through the Investigation department of RE, Hayun was greeted by her soon to be boss in their mission to Moscow. "Miss Kim" Leandro Sanders stopped in his tracks as Hayun was in front of him. "Sir Sanders, good afternoon" Hayun said and bowed her head at Leandro.

"Just call me Leandro, Hayun. I feel uncomfortable whenever people address me with Sir" Leandros stated, he hasn't gotten used to the title as department head of the Investigation department as he was only promoted a month ago. Hayun just smiled in response, even though she despised men after her experience with Joshua, Leandro was one of the men in RE who had a nice personality, most likely because he was already a faithful man and had decency around people.

"Ah, by the way, about our mission to Moscow, are you sure you would he comfortable? You'd be the only woman with us, I want to ensure everyone is comfortable under my care" he said with a soft tone, sounded like a father. Hayun just smiled "With all due respect

Si— Leandro, I can take care of myself thank you very much" she responded to Leandro matching the same tone.

Leandro gave her a smile too "Well I am glad to know that everyone will be comfortable, I was worried since this is my first time to lead a mission, and my first mission abroad. Well I'll see you on the briefing tomorrow" he said and left.


It was a cold windy morning, the cool autumn breeze, a little taste of the coldness that was yet to come when winter came. "I should've worn a thicker jacket" Hayun thought to herself as she regrets wearing a thin jacket instead of wearing a coat.

RE was near and she was slowly driving towards the entrance, but before she entered the parking area, a peculiar vehicle was parked by the park in front of the building complex. The car had tinted glass so she couldn't see if anyone was inside, but she had a weird feeling looking at the vehicle.

After thinking for a while, she shrugged the feeling off and drove in the building complex.

"Is she the woman we need to keep an eye on?" a man in a car was talking to another man who sat in front. He responded, "Yes, so keep an eye on her, she will be the key to Andrian's plan"