
Bonds of Fate

Jaune Arc, Betrayed and Killed by Indirect actions of his former friends though the rage and hatred of such actions caused reincarnation for jaune to redo his life from the start, now Named Jaune Uchiha, Twin Brother to Itachi Uchiha will complete the goal of bring peace to a broken world even if it means turning against it

Ken_Harvick · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Defection

Chapter 1: Defection

Note: so here's an interesting concept that came across me after I bought Naruto: Storm Trilogy on my Nintendo Switch a few months back and after I beat all three games in that single package got me thinking of a new story, pretty unique and pretty sure no one has done this before.

Now here's the basic of the idea, Jaune was reborn into the Naruto Universe as an Uchiha but just not any Uchiha, Jaune was the Fraternal Twin Brother to Itachi Uchiha and eldest older brother to Sasuke Uchiha.

Now you're probably wondering why I would put Jaune like that? Well frankly it ties in well with what I have planned which basically will have the base foundation of leaving one's home to build an army though in the Naruto universe such a possibility was very real but jaune being the Uchiha was VERY powerful, stronger than Itachi even however in this story, jaune looks at life with a grain of salt but his aspirations from joining beacon is still very real.

Now then this little series will be very difficult to determine a romantic interest considering there are a lot of options among girls but a lot of them are tied to a village, so if you suggest a woman from a village do include a reason why they would abandon their village. Or give me an oc. I don't care.

Now my Doods, one last thing is that I'm taking ideas on how to improve the story.

Alright Doods I'll only say this once, this story is made and grammered by Google Docs as well as being beta read by my boy ZergPsycho so I don't want any shit about that

A large explosion is seen in the distance during a battle though any passerby would've assumed it was a battle against between nations but only those close enough would know the truth.

An Orange Haired man skids heavily backwards from the sheer force but stopped after applying enough of a mysterious energy called chakra onto his feet, this caused the man's black cloak with red cloud patterns to sway heavily in the wind from.

Slowly getting up to his full height to stare forward with his unnatural eyes, the Rennigan was considered the most powerful in the Three Great Dōjutsu Eyes however even such powerful eyes which makes up most of the Mysterious Cloaked man's power base was unable to counter against the attacker.

"...why do you betray me now...Jaune?" The man asked curiously as he stared forward towards a tall blonde man with a deep and powerful voice but held a slight tremor of sadness that 'Jaune' was almost like a brother.

A man walking through the smoke cloud with the same black and red cloud cloak was swaying gently in the wind but unlike the orange male, jaune had his cloak draped over his shoulders while keeping his arms out of the sleeves.

Jaune had sleeveless combat looking white shirt with combat Shinobi pants with a Kunai case strapped to his right leg, however what was the most dangerous aspect of the man wasn't the badass look of a gang member or his arsenal but was in fact the Genetic Dōjutsu of the Uchiha Clan. The Sharingan.

Within the man's eyes was a deep red colored eye with three prominent tomoe-like tear drops, it was the Sharingan that was considered one of the most feared Kekkei Genkais of the hidden nations but also one of the most sought out by power hungry warriors.

"...you were going down a path that I am unable to follow Pain...so I'm taking several members with me and we will seek out our way of bringing peace to the world" Jaune exclaimed to the man named 'Pain' with full conviction while his Red Eyes narrowed into a deep glare however Pain was not intimidated by the Uchiha man.

"...do you believe you can achieve this?" The Orange Man exclaimed curiously as he raised his hand ready to fight more as two more figures of the same connect mind appeared, it was a man but with long orange hair also wearing the same cloak, it was pains Human Path and a larger man with a more monstrous look with the Black and Red Cloak resting around the brutes waste, the monster raised its six arms into a battle position ready to fight. This body was the Asura Path of Pain.

"Yes, with us together. We can achieve that goal without forcing the world to submit to the Ten Tails" The Blonde Man exclaimed just as he slowly crossed his arms predominantly in a stance of resistance, Pain just nodded as that was the same conviction jaune held when he was first recruited into the Criminal Organization 'Akatsuki' "very well, you may leave. You may take Sasori, Kakuzu, Kisami and Deidara with you with the condition that you don't interfere with our plan." Pain exclaimed the agreement slowly putting his arm down.

Jaune nodded being the man of his word simply left pain alone with the plan so long as he worked on his own path to peace "that's fine pain, as long as you don't mess with us..we won't mess with you" "very well, leave then and don't even try to give out our location either, we have many more" Jaune nodded at this then turned around starting to walk away as the three paths of pain got out of there combat forms.

Jaune stopped briefly for a moment as his eyes slowly faded and shifted back to a deep ocean blue "you know pain...I truly believed in the plan, but after you allowed 'Madara' into the group it's like you started changing and shifting to fit whatever Madara desired, it's like you lost sight of what was truly important." Jaune exclaimed as he kept his arms crossed close to his chest.

The wind picks up slightly that causes pains cloak to sway gently as did Jaunes however bending his legs slightly then pumped some chakra to jump causing jaune to leap at a far greater distance with the miracle of his cloak staying on his shoulder leaving pain in the middle of massive boulders thrown from Jaunes previous attack "I lost sight to my goal? Hmmm" The Orange Haired man exclaimed lightly, looking down as he pondered Jaunes words.

Pain kept thinking on Jaunes words, not even noticing a blue haired woman landing behind the orange man even wearing the same cloak he was "Nagato" she called out to Pain's true name who turned his head to look at her "Yes Konan?" "I'm back with my report, it's as you expected. The four you found leaving yesterday without orders, they are leaving the akatsuki" Konan reported after getting up to her full height "shall I hunt them down?" "No, I've spoken to jaune after our minor bout. Let them be.." Pain exclaimed looking over at her "but in the meantime, put out a word to Itachi and Hiden to start an indiscriminate mass recruitment. We need to make up our loss in recruit"

Konan nodded then disappeared in numerous sheets of paper in her version of the Shunpo technique leaving the orange haired god alone to his thoughts, Pain turned his head back towards where jaune left obviously using the Rennigans vast Ocular power to keep an eye on jaune 'Jaune Arc... just what do you seek from this world?'

-Location: 2000 Feet north of the Partial Destroyed Akatsuki Base-


'get near my sister and I'll break you!'


'I instantly knew you didn't belong here, I just never saw how deep you'll go to achieve your selfish goals. I was right to deny you courtship'

Jaune opened his eyes revealing a deep crimson color with three Tomoe drops within revealing the active Sharingan 'now of all times...why did I have to remember that day?...' jaune thinks to himself as the red colored eye shifts back into a deep powerful blue assuming that the Uchiha Reborn deactivated the DoJutsu.

Groaning a bit when the man sits up from the rock that jaune used to rest after walking for 2000 Meters which can certainly wear down some people 'Now then, we already made plans to regroup in the Land of Birds but what do we do next?' The blonde man thought as he started walking towards the east but at his pace of walk which was fast but not overly fast.

'I mean, we plan to achieve Pain's goal through different methods but even that alone does not entail what to do to take the first step...should we take over a village? Try and convert it into a major nation? A good idea but it's a lengthy one especially since I know jack shit about money management or politics. Kakuzu will certainly be delighted to manage the village's money and Kisame was a Mist Village Politician before dedicating himself to being a swordsman so he could be a good idea as a political advisor...' Jaune continued his train of thoughts when he started pumping Chakra Energy into his legs to jump high in the air, jumping from tree branch to tree branch at a much faster speed.

'The only issue left to contend with is Security, Military Strength and Land Ownership.. By Taking a village means to worry about the current residence and a riot would occur especially since we are known...'Criminals', now with making our village from scratch will also present its own set of problems some of being is land which will no doubt cause land disputes with different villages, the next issue would be money though that's a minor issue since Kakuzu is really good at managing money.

'Military Strength will also be an issue but not that much since the best warriors are ones whose abilities have yet to be fully explored, Quality over Quantity. One reason major villages are all crazy about clans is because they possess powerful Kekkei Genkais and special techniques within their clansmen. So my main goal is to acquire these powerful individuals, then people will start joining to follow the steps of these warriors.' Jaune thinks more before landing in a clearing of the forest, looking around as to take in the beauty of the trees.

The Former Arc smiled at the sight as he slowed down to a walking pace towards the center 'Eden'nosono...the last remnant of the planet untouched by man, such beauty' Jaune exclaimed in his head for a moment then stopped to look up at the bright blue sky '21 Years in this world and I've already made a fantastic mark, I wonder what Saphron would think if she saw me now?...probably tell me to go find a wife before I end up killing myself in the most idiotic way' Jaune snorted into a chuckle when his eyes go back down to the ground 'the amount of times people shouted "Leroy Jenkins" before attempting to attack me is hilarious'

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin

I must confess that I feel like a monster

I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun

I must confess that I feel like a monster

A song sounded out from underneath Jaunes cloak from the back along with some lyrics from the band skillet, very popular in the Fire Nation, this prompted the blonde man to move his arms towards his ass then pulled out what looked like to be the latest in iFruit Phone Technology, the iFruit 12x.

The caller id showed Kakuzu meaning that the Nigh Immortal Man was calling so jaune pressed the green call button to accept "hey Kaku" jaune greeted through the mobile device when the multi hearted man spoke up through the line "Jaune, I'm informing you that Sasori and Deidara had split from me and Kisame. They believe we will remain unhindered if we remain in small groups on our way to the land of birds".

Jaune nodded as he continued to walk into the forest again though thinking the two art maniacs had departed alone which was a good idea since if they were to be stopped meant that other groups can go unchallenged "good idea, best to keep things small and simple. Now here's your next set of instructions and I want you to pass this set to sasori, Kakuzu. I want to tell Sasori to go to the Hidden Sand Village and ask for Sensei Baki then tell him I sent you. Tell him that I require a specialized scroll and a modified Bingo Book" Jaune exclaimed as he started giving off orders that suggested Jaune had worked very hard all across the Elemental Nations.

"Hidden Sand? Jaune what are you planning?" Kakuzu asked in a suspicious tone but knew jaune always held the goal of World Peace as the primary motive for all of his actions "in order to achieve the near impossible, we must be strong enough to topple the world if we must. Now Deidara, I want him to go to the Hidden Stone and look for Ryuk Hakka and do the exact same thing." Jaune exclaimed as to bring peace and security was always the Fallen Uchihas primary goal no matter what world the former arc is reborn in.

"Understood so I assume you'll need Kisame to go to the Hidden Mist?" Kaku asked as he started to understand the thought flow from jaune "yeah, I want him to meet Tsuyu. And you Kakuzu will go to the Hidden Cloud, you are to meet H there ''H?" The inner monster asked with curiosity as he never heard of such a weird name "yes, she is the Youngest Sister of the Fourth Raikage but be on your guard" "Understood"


Jaune sighed as he moved the high tech phone from his ear before putting it back into his back pocket "being a leader is tough work but continuation is a key trait needed for Shinobis, now I must return to the hidden leaf to gather the special scroll and modified Bingo Book" Jaune exclaimed walking forward as his eyes hardened in determination.


Now then my Doods! Here's the very first chapter of the Naruto/Rwby Crossover! Now if you have suggestions on how to make the story more enjoyable or ideas to implement then I'm all ears.

Now I need to ask this as I'm still unsure of what to do, should jaune take over a village? Or create his own? Both have there pros and cons but it ultimately depends on you Doods